Channel: Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hydroxychloroquine, drepur vírusinn, ef það er gefið strax, en ef vírusinn fær í friði að skaða líffæri, þá virkar þetta frábæra lyf síður. Bakteríudrepandi lyf virka þá hugsanlega betur. Bakteríulyf í dýrafóðri, gera virkni þeirra minni í mannfólkinu.


„Skilaboð mín til vísindamannanna eru:„ Ég skil að það er mikill þrýstingur þarna úti, kannski frá stórum lyfjafyrirtækjum eða tímaritum um að komast að ákveðinni niðurstöðu. Ég bið vísindamenn að standa með sannleikanum. Ef bandarískir vísindamenn standast ekki í lappirnar og segja ekki satt undanbragða laust, þá gerir það enginn - vissulega ekki fjölmiðlar, örugglega ekki stjórnmálamenn. ***

“My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians. ***

Þessvegna eru skilaboðin mín til vísindamanna og ritstjóra, vinsamlega hlustaðu ekki á fjölmiðla og hlustaðu ekki á stjórnmálamenn, en einbeittu þér að vísindunum.

Mannkynið á allt undir því, að þú verjir vísindin.*

(Öll mennskan, er í þínum höndum, stattu stöðugur í sannleikanum, vísindunum. jg) 

 “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

Smá endursagt af leikmanni.

Dr. Gold segir:

"Ég ákvað að tala út vegna þessa tilviks. 

Ég fékk sjúkling, sem var með smit af covid og ég ávísað hydroxychloroquine og sink, sem ég hafði lesið um. 

Ég fékk kvassa áminning fyrir það.  

Ég hafði líka fengið bréf frá ríkissaksóknara, sem hótaði læknunum – ég var bara einn í hópnum, hugsanlegri rannsókn fyrir ófaglega hegðun ef ég væri að ávísa hydroxychloroquine.

"Þetta var svo átakanlegt fyrir mig," segir Dr. Gold, sem er einnig lögfræðingur. "Það hafði aldrei gerst, að ríkisstjórnin segði lækni hvort þeir hefðu rétt eða ekki rétt til að ávísa FDA- samþykktri lyfja meðferð. Ég meina, það var bara (rugl) og einstæður atburður fyrir mig. (Sui kerfi [Unique]). 

Og ég hugsaði með mér: "Ef læknar láta þetta yfir sig ganga, þá töpum við allir." **


Aðeins settur litur á valda texte. jg



Posted on June 20, 2020 by State of the Nation




Emergency Physician, Dr. Simone Gold and Cardiologist, Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter are two brave doctors who join Austen Fletcher of the Fleccas Talks YouTube channel with very important information, countering the breathtaking skullduggery coordinated worldwide across governments and health agencies against the drug, hydroxychloroquine. Furthermore, they say the lockdowns were and are completely unnecessary.

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “I’ve decided to speak out, because I think that we’re dealing with a tragic situation, where the scientific process has been violated. Studies have been published that had not been adequately vetted and should not have been published and those studies were used to terminate further evaluations of hydroxychloroquine.”

He says, “I have decided to speak out because the political interference in the physician decision-making process is objectionable and should not be allowed to continue. There are lessons to be learned from this pandemic on many levels. We’ve spoken about the dangers and the irrationality of the lockdown process. We’ve spoken about the violation of the scientific purity of investigation. We’ve spoken about media presentations and misrepresentations of data. This is injurious to the health of our population now and I don’t want to see this replicated in the future.

“I think as physicians, we have a moral responsibility to protect our patients, to protect the science behind our medical decisions and to prevent intrusions into the purity of the scientific process by outside forces that may have bad intent and it’s important to speak out. It’s a moral imperative for us to speak out and to protect our patients and protect our profession.”


Dr. Gold says, “I decided to speak out for one very specific reason. I was actually presented with a definite COVID-positive patient and I prescribed hydroxychloroquine and zinc, because I was very up on the literature on this – and I got severely reprimanded for it. I also had received a letter from the State Board, threatening all doctors – I was just one – with potential investigation into me for unprofessional conduct if I was to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

“This was so shocking to me,” says Gold, who is also an attorney. “It had never happened, where the government told a physician if they had a right or not a right to prescribe an FDA-approved medication. I mean, that was just a sui generis [unique] event, that took me by surprise. And I thought to myself, ‘If doctors don’t speak up we’ve really all lost.”

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “The cost of the shutdown, in terms of the physical, emotional and psychological health of people is enormous. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg; of people who have been shut-in, who’ve lost their businesses, who are facing depression, who are facing issues of mental health because of the consequences.

“This should never happen again. If we ever face this kind of situation again, we need to learn the lessons from the mistakes in policy that were implemented…

“I think that the focus should have been on protecting the high-risk population. And we knew from the data that had come out from China and from Italy and from France, that the people at risk were the elderly and frail; people who are immunocompromised.

“As Dr. Gold said, young people had very little risk from this infection; they rarely got ill from it. So, it was not a good decision to shut down schools, to shut down all businesses and it certainly was not a good decision to send actively-infected coronavirus patients to nursing homes.

“The strategy was inverted. We should have protected the people in the nursing homes and given those homes more resources to protect the people at risk…”

Thousands of infected patients were sent to nursing homes, leading to massive death when there were plenty of new beds set up at great expense, between the Javits Center and the USNS Comfort. This was unconscionably negligent.

Dr. Gold says, “The question of why Governor Cuomo did this is very unpleasant to speculate but one thing that…was absolutely known when he made the decision to let the patients go back to the nursing homes – it was 100% known…that it was risky to send the nursing home patients back…

“The Health Commissioner of Pennsylvania really had an egregious situation, where she took her own mother out of an assisted living facility – but she told the rest of the state that it was perfectly safe to leave your grandparent in an assisted living facility. That’s just egregious. There’s no question that [the danger] was known, at the time…

Dr. Wohlgelernter  says, “It’s estimated that as many as 40%, even 50% of the deaths in New York were nursing home patients. This was preventable.”

Austen asks  Dr. Wohlgelernter about reports that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous. He replies, “I’ve prescribed it. I’ve also recommended it to people and I’ve had conversations with physicians literally around the globe; in Israel and Italy and England and the East Coast of the United States and and I’ve read the literature extensively.

“Hydroxychloroquine definitely has a role. That role is specific. It’s an antiviral agent that is effective in early stages of infection. When used in that context, it is effective and it is safe.

Unfortunately, there have been studies that have looked at hydroxychloroquine but have looked at it in the wrong context; looked at it and severely critically ill people in the hospital setting. At that point, the antiviral isn’t effective, because you’ve gone beyond viral infection to an immune-mediated widespread inflammatory reaction, so that was the wrong population to look at hydroxychloroquine in.

“And that kind of study sabotages the whole story about hydroxychloroquine…I’m not quite certain why they were designed that way, but it was obvious that hydroxychloroquine would fail in that context.

“Hydroxychloroquine has been reported to have heart toxicity – and as a cardiologist, I’m intimately aware of this literature and I’m familiar with hydroxychloroquine and the study that was most specific in looking at the cardiac issues; specifically, with rhythm abnormalities.

“There  was a study done in the East Coast, in the New York area, where they looked at 200 patients and carefully monitored their EKGs and looked for arrhythmias and they found no serious arrhythmias in any of those patients.

“Some of the reports about danger to the heart and dangerous effects of hydroxychloroquine are based on misinterpretation of data or on faulty data.”

Austen asks, “We did see the World Health Organization ordered countries to stop using hydroxychloroquine recently and they’ve also stopped trial testing on it, as well. Was this decision based on those studies from Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA?”

Dr. Gold responds, “The World Health Organization stopped the hydroxychloroquine trials based specifically on the faulty studies that were printed in The Lancet and printed in the New England Journal of Medicine. Also, the European Union stopped it and it was headlines all across the world that we should stop using it.

“I do want to clarify for the audience that they did restart the trials once The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine retracted those faulty studies. However, it’s not so easy to…restart a trial. You have all these patients, they were in the trial that had to stop and start and gather new patients and the damage has certainly been done.

“And in addition to those studies, there’s been so much negative press about hydroxychloroquine, that it’s actually difficult to even enroll patients in hydroxychloroquine studies. That’s been well-documented. There’s a professor at Columbia who said it’s hard for me to even get patients in this study, because they hear about hydroxychloroquine, they think it’s so negative.

“I always want to remind people, this is an FDA-approved drug for 65 years. It’s generic. It’s cheap. It’s widely available. We give it to pregnant women. We give it to breastfeeding women. We give it to elderly patients. We give it to patients who are immune-compromised.

“Most of those patients are on it for decades! There was never controversy about hydroxychloroquine, right up until March 20th, 2020. So, I would look at the studies before then. The early studies, before Trump said he kind of liked the drug were uncontroversial, from China and from France. It looked promising.

“I don’t know what the final data will show, however, I do find that the data after Trump thought it was possibly helpful is suspect…

“To be published in The Lancet and to be published in the New England Journal Medicine is no easy feat…to have them do a retraction was a major story, which is why you heard about it in the headlines. The reason their study was retracted is the data that went into those studies could not be independently verified…

“We asked the company that provided the data, a company called Surgisphere, which has been quite secretive to reveal their data and they have absolutely refused. Because they refused to reveal their data, those studies HAD to be retracted by the journals…

“In addition, a story that hasn’t been discussed really in the media is a third world premier class Medical Journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association, known as JAMA…

“The first major flaw in the JAMA study is what I would call “pseudo randomization”. To do an effective medical study, you have to randomize the patients into different groups; groups that have this character and that character – and the point being that the group should be generally similar, so that you know if the drug actually made the difference…

“When you look at the study itself, as it’s printed right now in JAMA, your listeners – I encourage you and viewers to go and look this up, yourself – on Page 7 of the study. You can look and see that the groups are not equal. The higher-dose group is seven years older, they have almost 80% heart disease. Those are just two of the differences. The other group is seven years younger and has 0% heart disease and there’s a number of these flaws that are different in the two groups.

“By itself, that’s cherry-picking of patients that would make any data that comes from such a study suspect. So I want to be clear that the JAMA study used not exactly hydroxychloroquine, they used a drug called chloroquine which is really a precursor to hydroxychloroquine. Sometimes, we use those drugs, those names interchangeably but in America, we only use hydroxychloroquine.

“The JAMA study was in Brazil. They used chloroquine. The lethal dose of chloroquine has been well-established for more than 30 years in 1988 a New England Journal Medicine. Again, one of the world premier journals established and everyone accepts that the lethal dose of chloroquine is 5 grams. Well, the Jama study had two groups. In the high-dose chloroquine group, they gave them 1.2 grams a day which means by the fourth day, they had almost 5 grams…

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine sit in your body for very long time, at least a month, perhaps 2 months; somewhere between 30 and 60 days is its half-life. So, to give someone 4.8 grams in four days is a very large dose; people would often possibly call that a lethal dose.

“The study went on for 10 days, which meant that the people in that group got 12 grams. Again, New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 established 5 grams as a lethal dose…Mind you, these are elderly, critically-ill patients that are intubated or in severe respiratory distress…

“It’s not just my speculation or the science data that says it’s a very high, toxic dose. So many patients died in the high-dose group that they halted that study early. They quit the high dose group because so many patients died. That’s extremely dramatic for a scientific study.

“It’s very unusual for a study to have given such a large dose of a medication, because all the scientific studies that involve human subjects have to be overseen by an ethics board. The scientists that did this study and presented the paper to JAMA are saying that they went through an ethics board – however, that’s in doubt.

“The Brazilian Ministry of Justice is actually investigating. There’s no proof that there actually was an ethics board…

“They normally have a certain committee number that’s stamped on the paperwork and they don’t have that. We have written to them and tried to get it and there has been no response on that. So, the Ministry of Justice is actually investigating the deaths of all those patients who died in the high-dose chloroquine group.”

Austen asks Dr. Wohlgelernter why hydroxychloroquine has become so politicized and he responds, “I think one of the serious casualties of the COVID pandemic has been scientific truth. We rely on the scientific process to be pure and untainted by political influence.

“The fact that, as Dr. Gould said two of the world’s most prestigious journals, Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine published studies hastily, without adequate peer review and studies that were based on data where there was no transparency, that creates widespread skepticism about the reliability of medical journals to give information that can be trusted and we’re going to need to look into that whole process and to and to reform the process of publication so that we never see that kind of violation of scientific truth.

“Now, why did this become politicized? The fact is that President Trump first mentioned hydroxychloroquine and advocated for its use, as a non-physician in mid-March but we had data from China and from France well before that in February, showing a significant beneficial impact of hydroxychloroquine.

“Yet you saw physicians, politicians, journalists saying that hydroxychloroquine is ‘all hype’, it’s ‘all due to the president pushing it’ – and that’s revisionist history.

“The fact is there was a great deal of excitement in the medical community internationally, a month before President Trump ever mentioned it, because of the data reported from China and from Dr. Raoult in France and it’s sad that people used whatever political animosity they had towards the President to attack the medication that, in fact had helped many people with coronavirus and could have helped many more, had its reputation not been so sullied by political accusations and by poorly-designed studies and by medical journals allowing publications that were negative, as far as their conclusions – publications that never should have reached print, because they hadn’t been adequately vetted.”

“I got asked a lot of questions about the VA study of hydroxychloroquine and my immediate instinct is to wonder why hydroxychloroquine keeps getting studied at the later stages of the disease.

“I can’t emphasize enough that the mechanism of action of a drug and the pathophysiology of a disease is the number one factor when you’re structuring a scientific study. The disease early in the course is all about viral replication; how much virus can be produced and how quickly. That’s the problem in the early setting. In the late setting, the problem is your body’s over-response to trying to cure itself and that’s called a ‘cytokine storm’ and in that setting, that affects all of your organs, including your lungs failing.

“In the first group, which is the early group, you would like a drug that is very good at preventing the viral replication. That’s what hydroxychloroquine with zinc is very, very good at. So, I was always a bit confused why we kept doing study after study after study but hydroxychloroquine – we studied it in the late-stage disease population. And kind of like it doesn’t snow in August, it wasn’t working very well.

“So, to me, the VA study, The Lancet study, JAMA – all of those studies – I’m not that surprised, because I already know it doesn’t snow in August. I’m waiting to see the data but hydroxychloroquine and zinc, how well it works early on. Mechanism of action, when indicated would work well and before hydroxychloroquine got politicized, the preliminary data that we have from China and from France, it was very promising.”

“As Dr. Gold mentioned, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine had been around since the 1950s. Azithromycin, which is an adjuvant agent used with hydroxychloroquine has been around for 30 years. These agents have been shown to be safe and to be effective. And again, you needed to understand which context it worked in. It wasn’t going to work in the critically-ill, hospitalized patients on ventilators with multi-organ system failure. That was not what it should have been used for. It works in early-stage, where the antiviral effect can terminate the infection and prevent people from getting critically ill.

“And it’s sad that many people to this day have been deprived of the potentially beneficial use of an agent that in fact is safe and that is inexpensive and that’s widely available.”

Dr. Gold says, “My message to the media is, ‘I understand that you have a point of view and God bless you and you can say it. Free speech is very important. But don’t have an opinion on the science of a medication. Think of your own family and your own loved ones and relegate to the scientists the purity of the scientific result, because one day, you could suffer the harm of having polluted that process.’

*** “My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians.

“I’m very distressed on two levels about the JAMA study. The first level is that the scientists who read that actual study it, doesn’t seem as though it was done in the correct scientific manner. The other part I’m upset about is the journal, itself, which I don’t think vetted it in the manner that a world-class medical journal supposed to vet it.

* “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

___ https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/doctors-break-down-covid-response-and-the-demonization-of-hcq/

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Hydroxychloroquine, drepur vírusinn, ef það er gefið strax, en ef vírusinn fær í friði að skaða líffæri, þá virkar þetta frábæra lyf síður. Bakteríudrepandi lyf virka þá hugsanlega betur. Bakteríulyf í dýrafóðri, gera virkni þeirra minni í mannfólkinu.


„Skilaboð mín til vísindamannanna eru:„ Ég skil að það er mikill þrýstingur þarna úti, kannski frá stórum lyfjafyrirtækjum eða tímaritum um að komast að ákveðinni niðurstöðu. Ég bið vísindamenn að standa með sannleikanum. Ef bandarískir vísindamenn standast ekki í lappirnar og segja ekki satt undanbragða laust, þá gerir það enginn - vissulega ekki fjölmiðlar, örugglega ekki stjórnmálamenn. ***

“My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians. ***

Þessvegna eru skilaboðin mín til vísindamanna og ritstjóra, vinsamlega hlustaðu ekki á fjölmiðla og hlustaðu ekki á stjórnmálamenn, en einbeittu þér að vísindunum.

Mannkynið á allt undir því, að þú verjir vísindin.*

(Öll mennskan, er í þínum höndum, stattu stöðugur í sannleikanum, vísindunum. jg) 

 “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

Smá endursagt af leikmanni.

Dr. Gold segir:

"Ég ákvað að tala út vegna þessa tilviks. 

Ég fékk sjúkling, sem var með smit af covid og ég ávísað hydroxychloroquine og sink, sem ég hafði lesið um. 

Ég fékk kvassa áminning fyrir það.  

Ég hafði líka fengið bréf frá ríkissaksóknara, sem hótaði læknunum – ég var bara einn í hópnum, hugsanlegri rannsókn fyrir ófaglega hegðun ef ég væri að ávísa hydroxychloroquine.

"Þetta var svo átakanlegt fyrir mig," segir Dr. Gold, sem er einnig lögfræðingur. "Það hafði aldrei gerst, að ríkisstjórnin segði lækni hvort þeir hefðu rétt eða ekki rétt til að ávísa FDA- samþykktri lyfja meðferð. Ég meina, það var bara (rugl) og einstæður atburður fyrir mig. (Sui kerfi [Unique]). 

Og ég hugsaði með mér: "Ef læknar láta þetta yfir sig ganga, þá töpum við allir." **


Aðeins settur litur á valda texte. jg



Posted on June 20, 2020 by State of the Nation




Emergency Physician, Dr. Simone Gold and Cardiologist, Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter are two brave doctors who join Austen Fletcher of the Fleccas Talks YouTube channel with very important information, countering the breathtaking skullduggery coordinated worldwide across governments and health agencies against the drug, hydroxychloroquine. Furthermore, they say the lockdowns were and are completely unnecessary.

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “I’ve decided to speak out, because I think that we’re dealing with a tragic situation, where the scientific process has been violated. Studies have been published that had not been adequately vetted and should not have been published and those studies were used to terminate further evaluations of hydroxychloroquine.”

He says, “I have decided to speak out because the political interference in the physician decision-making process is objectionable and should not be allowed to continue. There are lessons to be learned from this pandemic on many levels. We’ve spoken about the dangers and the irrationality of the lockdown process. We’ve spoken about the violation of the scientific purity of investigation. We’ve spoken about media presentations and misrepresentations of data. This is injurious to the health of our population now and I don’t want to see this replicated in the future.

“I think as physicians, we have a moral responsibility to protect our patients, to protect the science behind our medical decisions and to prevent intrusions into the purity of the scientific process by outside forces that may have bad intent and it’s important to speak out. It’s a moral imperative for us to speak out and to protect our patients and protect our profession.”


Dr. Gold says, “I decided to speak out for one very specific reason. I was actually presented with a definite COVID-positive patient and I prescribed hydroxychloroquine and zinc, because I was very up on the literature on this – and I got severely reprimanded for it. I also had received a letter from the State Board, threatening all doctors – I was just one – with potential investigation into me for unprofessional conduct if I was to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

“This was so shocking to me,” says Gold, who is also an attorney. “It had never happened, where the government told a physician if they had a right or not a right to prescribe an FDA-approved medication. I mean, that was just a sui generis [unique] event, that took me by surprise. And I thought to myself, ‘If doctors don’t speak up we’ve really all lost.”

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “The cost of the shutdown, in terms of the physical, emotional and psychological health of people is enormous. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg; of people who have been shut-in, who’ve lost their businesses, who are facing depression, who are facing issues of mental health because of the consequences.

“This should never happen again. If we ever face this kind of situation again, we need to learn the lessons from the mistakes in policy that were implemented…

“I think that the focus should have been on protecting the high-risk population. And we knew from the data that had come out from China and from Italy and from France, that the people at risk were the elderly and frail; people who are immunocompromised.

“As Dr. Gold said, young people had very little risk from this infection; they rarely got ill from it. So, it was not a good decision to shut down schools, to shut down all businesses and it certainly was not a good decision to send actively-infected coronavirus patients to nursing homes.

“The strategy was inverted. We should have protected the people in the nursing homes and given those homes more resources to protect the people at risk…”

Thousands of infected patients were sent to nursing homes, leading to massive death when there were plenty of new beds set up at great expense, between the Javits Center and the USNS Comfort. This was unconscionably negligent.

Dr. Gold says, “The question of why Governor Cuomo did this is very unpleasant to speculate but one thing that…was absolutely known when he made the decision to let the patients go back to the nursing homes – it was 100% known…that it was risky to send the nursing home patients back…

“The Health Commissioner of Pennsylvania really had an egregious situation, where she took her own mother out of an assisted living facility – but she told the rest of the state that it was perfectly safe to leave your grandparent in an assisted living facility. That’s just egregious. There’s no question that [the danger] was known, at the time…

Dr. Wohlgelernter  says, “It’s estimated that as many as 40%, even 50% of the deaths in New York were nursing home patients. This was preventable.”

Austen asks  Dr. Wohlgelernter about reports that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous. He replies, “I’ve prescribed it. I’ve also recommended it to people and I’ve had conversations with physicians literally around the globe; in Israel and Italy and England and the East Coast of the United States and and I’ve read the literature extensively.

“Hydroxychloroquine definitely has a role. That role is specific. It’s an antiviral agent that is effective in early stages of infection. When used in that context, it is effective and it is safe.

Unfortunately, there have been studies that have looked at hydroxychloroquine but have looked at it in the wrong context; looked at it and severely critically ill people in the hospital setting. At that point, the antiviral isn’t effective, because you’ve gone beyond viral infection to an immune-mediated widespread inflammatory reaction, so that was the wrong population to look at hydroxychloroquine in.

“And that kind of study sabotages the whole story about hydroxychloroquine…I’m not quite certain why they were designed that way, but it was obvious that hydroxychloroquine would fail in that context.

“Hydroxychloroquine has been reported to have heart toxicity – and as a cardiologist, I’m intimately aware of this literature and I’m familiar with hydroxychloroquine and the study that was most specific in looking at the cardiac issues; specifically, with rhythm abnormalities.

“There  was a study done in the East Coast, in the New York area, where they looked at 200 patients and carefully monitored their EKGs and looked for arrhythmias and they found no serious arrhythmias in any of those patients.

“Some of the reports about danger to the heart and dangerous effects of hydroxychloroquine are based on misinterpretation of data or on faulty data.”

Austen asks, “We did see the World Health Organization ordered countries to stop using hydroxychloroquine recently and they’ve also stopped trial testing on it, as well. Was this decision based on those studies from Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA?”

Dr. Gold responds, “The World Health Organization stopped the hydroxychloroquine trials based specifically on the faulty studies that were printed in The Lancet and printed in the New England Journal of Medicine. Also, the European Union stopped it and it was headlines all across the world that we should stop using it.

“I do want to clarify for the audience that they did restart the trials once The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine retracted those faulty studies. However, it’s not so easy to…restart a trial. You have all these patients, they were in the trial that had to stop and start and gather new patients and the damage has certainly been done.

“And in addition to those studies, there’s been so much negative press about hydroxychloroquine, that it’s actually difficult to even enroll patients in hydroxychloroquine studies. That’s been well-documented. There’s a professor at Columbia who said it’s hard for me to even get patients in this study, because they hear about hydroxychloroquine, they think it’s so negative.

“I always want to remind people, this is an FDA-approved drug for 65 years. It’s generic. It’s cheap. It’s widely available. We give it to pregnant women. We give it to breastfeeding women. We give it to elderly patients. We give it to patients who are immune-compromised.

“Most of those patients are on it for decades! There was never controversy about hydroxychloroquine, right up until March 20th, 2020. So, I would look at the studies before then. The early studies, before Trump said he kind of liked the drug were uncontroversial, from China and from France. It looked promising.

“I don’t know what the final data will show, however, I do find that the data after Trump thought it was possibly helpful is suspect…

“To be published in The Lancet and to be published in the New England Journal Medicine is no easy feat…to have them do a retraction was a major story, which is why you heard about it in the headlines. The reason their study was retracted is the data that went into those studies could not be independently verified…

“We asked the company that provided the data, a company called Surgisphere, which has been quite secretive to reveal their data and they have absolutely refused. Because they refused to reveal their data, those studies HAD to be retracted by the journals…

“In addition, a story that hasn’t been discussed really in the media is a third world premier class Medical Journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association, known as JAMA…

“The first major flaw in the JAMA study is what I would call “pseudo randomization”. To do an effective medical study, you have to randomize the patients into different groups; groups that have this character and that character – and the point being that the group should be generally similar, so that you know if the drug actually made the difference…

“When you look at the study itself, as it’s printed right now in JAMA, your listeners – I encourage you and viewers to go and look this up, yourself – on Page 7 of the study. You can look and see that the groups are not equal. The higher-dose group is seven years older, they have almost 80% heart disease. Those are just two of the differences. The other group is seven years younger and has 0% heart disease and there’s a number of these flaws that are different in the two groups.

“By itself, that’s cherry-picking of patients that would make any data that comes from such a study suspect. So I want to be clear that the JAMA study used not exactly hydroxychloroquine, they used a drug called chloroquine which is really a precursor to hydroxychloroquine. Sometimes, we use those drugs, those names interchangeably but in America, we only use hydroxychloroquine.

“The JAMA study was in Brazil. They used chloroquine. The lethal dose of chloroquine has been well-established for more than 30 years in 1988 a New England Journal Medicine.

Again, one of the world premier journals established and everyone accepts that the lethal dose of chloroquine is 5 grams.

Well, the Jama study had two groups. In the high-dose chloroquine group, they gave them 1.2 grams a day which means by the fourth day, they had almost 5 grams…

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine sit in your body for very long time, at least a month, perhaps 2 months; somewhere between 30 and 60 days is its half-life.

So, to give someone 4.8 grams in four days is a very large dose; people would often possibly call that a lethal dose.

“The study went on for 10 days, which meant that the people in that group got 12 grams. Again, New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 established 5 grams as a lethal dose…Mind you, these are elderly, critically-ill patients that are intubated or in severe respiratory distress…

“It’s not just my speculation or the science data that says it’s a very high, toxic dose.

So many patients died in the high-dose group that they halted that study early. They quit the high dose group because so many patients died. That’s extremely dramatic for a scientific study.

“It’s very unusual for a study to have given such a large dose of a medication, because all the scientific studies that involve human subjects have to be overseen by an ethics board. The scientists that did this study and presented the paper to JAMA are saying that they went through an ethics board – however, that’s in doubt.

“The Brazilian Ministry of Justice is actually investigating. There’s no proof that there actually was an ethics board…

“They normally have a certain committee number that’s stamped on the paperwork and they don’t have that. We have written to them and tried to get it and there has been no response on that. So, the Ministry of Justice is actually investigating the deaths of all those patients who died in the high-dose chloroquine group.”

Austen asks Dr. Wohlgelernter why hydroxychloroquine has become so politicized and he responds, “I think one of the serious casualties of the COVID pandemic has been scientific truth. We rely on the scientific process to be pure and untainted by political influence.

“The fact that, as Dr. Gould said two of the world’s most prestigious journals, Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine published studies hastily, without adequate peer review and studies that were based on data where there was no transparency, that creates widespread skepticism about the reliability of medical journals to give information that can be trusted and we’re going to need to look into that whole process and to and to reform the process of publication so that we never see that kind of violation of scientific truth.

“Now, why did this become politicized? The fact is that President Trump first mentioned hydroxychloroquine and advocated for its use, as a non-physician in mid-March but we had data from China and from France well before that in February, showing a significant beneficial impact of hydroxychloroquine.

“Yet you saw physicians, politicians, journalists saying that hydroxychloroquine is ‘all hype’, it’s ‘all due to the president pushing it’ – and that’s revisionist history.

“The fact is there was a great deal of excitement in the medical community internationally, a month before President Trump ever mentioned it, because of the data reported from China and from Dr. Raoult in France and it’s sad that people used whatever political animosity they had towards the President to attack the medication that, in fact had helped many people with coronavirus and could have helped many more, had its reputation not been so sullied by political accusations and by poorly-designed studies and by medical journals allowing publications that were negative, as far as their conclusions – publications that never should have reached print, because they hadn’t been adequately vetted.”

“I got asked a lot of questions about the VA study of hydroxychloroquine and my immediate instinct is to wonder why hydroxychloroquine keeps getting studied at the later stages of the disease.

“I can’t emphasize enough that the mechanism of action of a drug and the pathophysiology of a disease is the number one factor when you’re structuring a scientific study. The disease early in the course is all about viral replication; how much virus can be produced and how quickly. That’s the problem in the early setting. In the late setting, the problem is your body’s over-response to trying to cure itself and that’s called a ‘cytokine storm’ and in that setting, that affects all of your organs, including your lungs failing.

“In the first group, which is the early group, you would like a drug that is very good at preventing the viral replication. That’s what hydroxychloroquine with zinc is very, very good at. So, I was always a bit confused why we kept doing study after study after study but hydroxychloroquine – we studied it in the late-stage disease population. And kind of like it doesn’t snow in August, it wasn’t working very well.

“So, to me, the VA study, The Lancet study, JAMA – all of those studies – I’m not that surprised, because I already know it doesn’t snow in August. I’m waiting to see the data but hydroxychloroquine and zinc, how well it works early on. Mechanism of action, when indicated would work well and before hydroxychloroquine got politicized, the preliminary data that we have from China and from France, it was very promising.”

“As Dr. Gold mentioned, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine had been around since the 1950s. Azithromycin, which is an adjuvant agent used with hydroxychloroquine has been around for 30 years. These agents have been shown to be safe and to be effective. And again, you needed to understand which context it worked in. It wasn’t going to work in the critically-ill, hospitalized patients on ventilators with multi-organ system failure. That was not what it should have been used for. It works in early-stage, where the antiviral effect can terminate the infection and prevent people from getting critically ill.

“And it’s sad that many people to this day have been deprived of the potentially beneficial use of an agent that in fact is safe and that is inexpensive and that’s widely available.”

Dr. Gold says, “My message to the media is, ‘I understand that you have a point of view and God bless you and you can say it. Free speech is very important. But don’t have an opinion on the science of a medication. Think of your own family and your own loved ones and relegate to the scientists the purity of the scientific result, because one day, you could suffer the harm of having polluted that process.’

*** “My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians.

“I’m very distressed on two levels about the JAMA study. The first level is that the scientists who read that actual study it, doesn’t seem as though it was done in the correct scientific manner. The other part I’m upset about is the journal, itself, which I don’t think vetted it in the manner that a world-class medical journal supposed to vet it.

* “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

___ https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/doctors-break-down-covid-response-and-the-demonization-of-hcq/

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← Is The ‘Second Wave’ Another Coronavirus Hoax?

$100 Trillion Stolen from Main Street by Wall Street (Video) →  


Hydroxychloroquine, drepur vírusinn, ef það er gefið strax, en ef vírusinn fær í friði að skaða líffæri, þá virkar þetta frábæra lyf síður. Bakteríudrepandi lyf virka þá hugsanlega betur. Bakteríulyf í dýrafóðri, gera virkni þeirra minni í mannfólkinu.





„Skilaboð mín til vísindamannanna eru:„ Ég skil að það er mikill þrýstingur þarna úti, kannski frá stórum lyfjafyrirtækjum eða tímaritum um að komast að ákveðinni niðurstöðu. Ég bið vísindamenn að standa með sannleikanum. Ef bandarískir vísindamenn standa ekki í lappirnar og segja ekki satt undanbragða laust, þá gerir það enginn - vissulega ekki fjölmiðlar, örugglega ekki stjórnmálamenn. ***

“My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians. ***

Þessvegna eru skilaboðin mín til vísindamanna og ritstjóra, vinsamlega hlustaðu ekki á fjölmiðla og hlustaðu ekki á stjórnmálamenn, en einbeittu þér að vísindunum.

Mannkynið á allt undir því, að þú verjir vísindin.*

(Öll mennskan, er í þínum höndum, stattu stöðugur í sannleikanum, vísindunum. jg) 

 “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

Smá endursagt af leikmanni.

Dr. Gold segir:

"Ég ákvað að tala út vegna þessa tilviks. 

Ég fékk sjúkling, sem var með smit af covid og ég ávísað hydroxychloroquine og sink, sem ég hafði lesið um. 

Ég fékk kvassa áminning fyrir það.  

Ég hafði líka fengið bréf frá ríkissaksóknara, sem hótaði læknunum – ég var bara einn í hópnum, hugsanlegri rannsókn fyrir ófaglega hegðun ef ég væri að ávísa hydroxychloroquine.

"Þetta var svo átakanlegt fyrir mig," segir Dr. Gold, sem er einnig lögfræðingur. "Það hafði aldrei gerst, að ríkisstjórnin segði lækni hvort þeir hefðu rétt eða ekki rétt til að ávísa FDA- samþykktri lyfja meðferð. Ég meina, það var bara (rugl) og einstæður atburður fyrir mig. (Sui kerfi [Unique]). 

Og ég hugsaði með mér: "Ef læknar láta þetta yfir sig ganga, þá töpum við allir." **


Aðeins settur litur á valda texte. jg



Posted on June 20, 2020 by State of the Nation




Emergency Physician, Dr. Simone Gold and Cardiologist, Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter are two brave doctors who join Austen Fletcher of the Fleccas Talks YouTube channel with very important information, countering the breathtaking skullduggery coordinated worldwide across governments and health agencies against the drug, hydroxychloroquine. Furthermore, they say the lockdowns were and are completely unnecessary.

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “I’ve decided to speak out, because I think that we’re dealing with a tragic situation, where the scientific process has been violated. Studies have been published that had not been adequately vetted and should not have been published and those studies were used to terminate further evaluations of hydroxychloroquine.”

He says, “I have decided to speak out because the political interference in the physician decision-making process is objectionable and should not be allowed to continue. There are lessons to be learned from this pandemic on many levels. We’ve spoken about the dangers and the irrationality of the lockdown process. We’ve spoken about the violation of the scientific purity of investigation. We’ve spoken about media presentations and misrepresentations of data. This is injurious to the health of our population now and I don’t want to see this replicated in the future.

“I think as physicians, we have a moral responsibility to protect our patients, to protect the science behind our medical decisions and to prevent intrusions into the purity of the scientific process by outside forces that may have bad intent and it’s important to speak out. It’s a moral imperative for us to speak out and to protect our patients and protect our profession.”


Dr. Gold says, “I decided to speak out for one very specific reason. I was actually presented with a definite COVID-positive patient and I prescribed hydroxychloroquine and zinc, because I was very up on the literature on this – and I got severely reprimanded for it. I also had received a letter from the State Board, threatening all doctors – I was just one – with potential investigation into me for unprofessional conduct if I was to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

“This was so shocking to me,” says Gold, who is also an attorney. “It had never happened, where the government told a physician if they had a right or not a right to prescribe an FDA-approved medication. I mean, that was just a sui generis [unique] event, that took me by surprise. And I thought to myself, ‘If doctors don’t speak up we’ve really all lost.”

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “The cost of the shutdown, in terms of the physical, emotional and psychological health of people is enormous. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg; of people who have been shut-in, who’ve lost their businesses, who are facing depression, who are facing issues of mental health because of the consequences.

“This should never happen again. If we ever face this kind of situation again, we need to learn the lessons from the mistakes in policy that were implemented…

“I think that the focus should have been on protecting the high-risk population. And we knew from the data that had come out from China and from Italy and from France, that the people at risk were the elderly and frail; people who are immunocompromised.

“As Dr. Gold said, young people had very little risk from this infection; they rarely got ill from it. So, it was not a good decision to shut down schools, to shut down all businesses and it certainly was not a good decision to send actively-infected coronavirus patients to nursing homes.

“The strategy was inverted. We should have protected the people in the nursing homes and given those homes more resources to protect the people at risk…”

Thousands of infected patients were sent to nursing homes, leading to massive death when there were plenty of new beds set up at great expense, between the Javits Center and the USNS Comfort. This was unconscionably negligent.

Dr. Gold says, “The question of why Governor Cuomo did this is very unpleasant to speculate but one thing that…was absolutely known when he made the decision to let the patients go back to the nursing homes – it was 100% known…that it was risky to send the nursing home patients back…

“The Health Commissioner of Pennsylvania really had an egregious situation, where she took her own mother out of an assisted living facility – but she told the rest of the state that it was perfectly safe to leave your grandparent in an assisted living facility. That’s just egregious. There’s no question that [the danger] was known, at the time…

Dr. Wohlgelernter  says, “It’s estimated that as many as 40%, even 50% of the deaths in New York were nursing home patients. This was preventable.”

Austen asks  Dr. Wohlgelernter about reports that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous. He replies, “I’ve prescribed it. I’ve also recommended it to people and I’ve had conversations with physicians literally around the globe; in Israel and Italy and England and the East Coast of the United States and and I’ve read the literature extensively.

“Hydroxychloroquine definitely has a role. That role is specific. It’s an antiviral agent that is effective in early stages of infection. When used in that context, it is effective and it is safe.

Unfortunately, there have been studies that have looked at hydroxychloroquine but have looked at it in the wrong context; looked at it and severely critically ill people in the hospital setting. At that point, the antiviral isn’t effective, because you’ve gone beyond viral infection to an immune-mediated widespread inflammatory reaction, so that was the wrong population to look at hydroxychloroquine in.

“And that kind of study sabotages the whole story about hydroxychloroquine…I’m not quite certain why they were designed that way, but it was obvious that hydroxychloroquine would fail in that context.

“Hydroxychloroquine has been reported to have heart toxicity – and as a cardiologist, I’m intimately aware of this literature and I’m familiar with hydroxychloroquine and the study that was most specific in looking at the cardiac issues; specifically, with rhythm abnormalities.

“There  was a study done in the East Coast, in the New York area, where they looked at 200 patients and carefully monitored their EKGs and looked for arrhythmias and they found no serious arrhythmias in any of those patients.

“Some of the reports about danger to the heart and dangerous effects of hydroxychloroquine are based on misinterpretation of data or on faulty data.”

Austen asks, “We did see the World Health Organization ordered countries to stop using hydroxychloroquine recently and they’ve also stopped trial testing on it, as well. Was this decision based on those studies from Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA?”

Dr. Gold responds, “The World Health Organization stopped the hydroxychloroquine trials based specifically on the faulty studies that were printed in The Lancet and printed in the New England Journal of Medicine. Also, the European Union stopped it and it was headlines all across the world that we should stop using it.

“I do want to clarify for the audience that they did restart the trials once The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine retracted those faulty studies. However, it’s not so easy to…restart a trial. You have all these patients, they were in the trial that had to stop and start and gather new patients and the damage has certainly been done.

“And in addition to those studies, there’s been so much negative press about hydroxychloroquine, that it’s actually difficult to even enroll patients in hydroxychloroquine studies. That’s been well-documented. There’s a professor at Columbia who said it’s hard for me to even get patients in this study, because they hear about hydroxychloroquine, they think it’s so negative.

“I always want to remind people, this is an FDA-approved drug for 65 years. It’s generic. It’s cheap. It’s widely available. We give it to pregnant women. We give it to breastfeeding women. We give it to elderly patients. We give it to patients who are immune-compromised.

“Most of those patients are on it for decades! There was never controversy about hydroxychloroquine, right up until March 20th, 2020. So, I would look at the studies before then. The early studies, before Trump said he kind of liked the drug were uncontroversial, from China and from France. It looked promising.

“I don’t know what the final data will show, however, I do find that the data after Trump thought it was possibly helpful is suspect…

“To be published in The Lancet and to be published in the New England Journal Medicine is no easy feat…to have them do a retraction was a major story, which is why you heard about it in the headlines. The reason their study was retracted is the data that went into those studies could not be independently verified…

“We asked the company that provided the data, a company called Surgisphere, which has been quite secretive to reveal their data and they have absolutely refused. Because they refused to reveal their data, those studies HAD to be retracted by the journals…

“In addition, a story that hasn’t been discussed really in the media is a third world premier class Medical Journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association, known as JAMA…

“The first major flaw in the JAMA study is what I would call “pseudo randomization”. To do an effective medical study, you have to randomize the patients into different groups; groups that have this character and that character – and the point being that the group should be generally similar, so that you know if the drug actually made the difference…

“When you look at the study itself, as it’s printed right now in JAMA, your listeners – I encourage you and viewers to go and look this up, yourself – on Page 7 of the study. You can look and see that the groups are not equal. The higher-dose group is seven years older, they have almost 80% heart disease. Those are just two of the differences. The other group is seven years younger and has 0% heart disease and there’s a number of these flaws that are different in the two groups.

“By itself, that’s cherry-picking of patients that would make any data that comes from such a study suspect. So I want to be clear that the JAMA study used not exactly hydroxychloroquine, they used a drug called chloroquine which is really a precursor to hydroxychloroquine. Sometimes, we use those drugs, those names interchangeably but in America, we only use hydroxychloroquine.

“The JAMA study was in Brazil. They used chloroquine.

The lethal dose of chloroquine has been well-established for more than 30 years in 1988 a New England Journal Medicine.

Again, one of the world premier journals established and everyone accepts that the lethal dose of chloroquine is 5 grams.

Well, the Jama study had two groups.

In the high-dose chloroquine group, they gave them 1.2 grams a day which means by the fourth day, they had almost 5 grams…

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine sit in your body for very long time, at least a month, perhaps 2 months; somewhere between 30 and 60 days is its half-life.

So, to give someone 4.8 grams in four days is a very large dose; people would often possibly call that a lethal dose.

“The study went on for 10 days, which meant that the people in that group got 12 grams. Again, New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 established 5 grams as a lethal dose…Mind you, these are elderly, critically-ill patients that are intubated or in severe respiratory distress…

“It’s not just my speculation or the science data that says it’s a very high, toxic dose. So many patients died in the high-dose group that they halted that study early. They quit the high dose group because so many patients died. That’s extremely dramatic for a scientific study.

“It’s very unusual for a study to have given such a large dose of a medication, because all the scientific studies that involve human subjects have to be overseen by an ethics board. The scientists that did this study and presented the paper to JAMA are saying that they went through an ethics board – however, that’s in doubt.

“The Brazilian Ministry of Justice is actually investigating. There’s no proof that there actually was an ethics board…

“They normally have a certain committee number that’s stamped on the paperwork and they don’t have that. We have written to them and tried to get it and there has been no response on that. So, the Ministry of Justice is actually investigating the deaths of all those patients who died in the high-dose chloroquine group.”

Austen asks Dr. Wohlgelernter why hydroxychloroquine has become so politicized and he responds, “I think one of the serious casualties of the COVID pandemic has been scientific truth. We rely on the scientific process to be pure and untainted by political influence.

“The fact that, as Dr. Gould said two of the world’s most prestigious journals, Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine published studies hastily, without adequate peer review and studies that were based on data where there was no transparency, that creates widespread skepticism about the reliability of medical journals to give information that can be trusted and we’re going to need to look into that whole process and to and to reform the process of publication so that we never see that kind of violation of scientific truth.

“Now, why did this become politicized? The fact is that President Trump first mentioned hydroxychloroquine and advocated for its use, as a non-physician in mid-March but we had data from China and from France well before that in February, showing a significant beneficial impact of hydroxychloroquine.

“Yet you saw physicians, politicians, journalists saying that hydroxychloroquine is ‘all hype’, it’s ‘all due to the president pushing it’ – and that’s revisionist history.

“The fact is there was a great deal of excitement in the medical community internationally, a month before President Trump ever mentioned it, because of the data reported from China and from Dr. Raoult in France and it’s sad that people used whatever political animosity they had towards the President to attack the medication that, in fact had helped many people with coronavirus and could have helped many more, had its reputation not been so sullied by political accusations and by poorly-designed studies and by medical journals allowing publications that were negative, as far as their conclusions – publications that never should have reached print, because they hadn’t been adequately vetted.”

“I got asked a lot of questions about the VA study of hydroxychloroquine and my immediate instinct is to wonder why hydroxychloroquine keeps getting studied at the later stages of the disease.

“I can’t emphasize enough that the mechanism of action of a drug and the pathophysiology of a disease is the number one factor when you’re structuring a scientific study. The disease early in the course is all about viral replication; how much virus can be produced and how quickly. That’s the problem in the early setting. In the late setting, the problem is your body’s over-response to trying to cure itself and that’s called a ‘cytokine storm’ and in that setting, that affects all of your organs, including your lungs failing.

“In the first group, which is the early group, you would like a drug that is very good at preventing the viral replication. That’s what hydroxychloroquine with zinc is very, very good at. So, I was always a bit confused why we kept doing study after study after study but hydroxychloroquine – we studied it in the late-stage disease population. And kind of like it doesn’t snow in August, it wasn’t working very well.

“So, to me, the VA study, The Lancet study, JAMA – all of those studies – I’m not that surprised, because I already know it doesn’t snow in August. I’m waiting to see the data but hydroxychloroquine and zinc, how well it works early on. Mechanism of action, when indicated would work well and before hydroxychloroquine got politicized, the preliminary data that we have from China and from France, it was very promising.”

“As Dr. Gold mentioned, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine had been around since the 1950s. Azithromycin, which is an adjuvant agent used with hydroxychloroquine has been around for 30 years. These agents have been shown to be safe and to be effective. And again, you needed to understand which context it worked in. It wasn’t going to work in the critically-ill, hospitalized patients on ventilators with multi-organ system failure. That was not what it should have been used for. It works in early-stage, where the antiviral effect can terminate the infection and prevent people from getting critically ill.

“And it’s sad that many people to this day have been deprived of the potentially beneficial use of an agent that in fact is safe and that is inexpensive and that’s widely available.”

Dr. Gold says, “My message to the media is, ‘I understand that you have a point of view and God bless you and you can say it. Free speech is very important. But don’t have an opinion on the science of a medication. Think of your own family and your own loved ones and relegate to the scientists the purity of the scientific result, because one day, you could suffer the harm of having polluted that process.’

*** “My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians.

“I’m very distressed on two levels about the JAMA study. The first level is that the scientists who read that actual study it, doesn’t seem as though it was done in the correct scientific manner. The other part I’m upset about is the journal, itself, which I don’t think vetted it in the manner that a world-class medical journal supposed to vet it.

* “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

___ https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/doctors-break-down-covid-response-and-the-demonization-of-hcq/

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← Is The ‘Second Wave’ Another Coronavirus Hoax?

$100 Trillion Stolen from Main Street by Wall Street (Video) →  

Egilsstaðir, 04.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hydroxychloroquine, drepur vírusinn, ef það er gefið strax, en ef vírusinn fær í friði að skaða líffæri, þá virkar þetta frábæra lyf síður. Bakteríudrepandi lyf virka þá hugsanlega betur. Bakteríulyf í dýrafóðri, gera virkni þeirra minni í mannfólkinu.


„Skilaboð mín til vísindamannanna eru:„ Ég skil að það er mikill þrýstingur þarna úti, kannski frá stórum lyfjafyrirtækjum eða tímaritum um að komast að ákveðinni niðurstöðu. Ég bið vísindamenn að standa með sannleikanum. Ef bandarískir vísindamenn standa ekki í lappirnar og segja ekki satt undanbragða laust, þá gerir það enginn - vissulega ekki fjölmiðlar, örugglega ekki stjórnmálamenn. ***

“My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians. ***

Þessvegna eru skilaboðin mín til vísindamanna og ritstjóra, vinsamlega hlustaðu ekki á fjölmiðla og hlustaðu ekki á stjórnmálamenn, en einbeittu þér að vísindunum.

Mannkynið á allt undir því, að þú verjir vísindin.*

(Öll mennskan, er í þínum höndum, stattu stöðugur í sannleikanum, vísindunum. jg) 

 “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

Smá endursagt af leikmanni.

Dr. Gold segir:

"Ég ákvað að tala út vegna þessa tilviks. 

Ég fékk sjúkling, sem var með smit af covid og ég ávísað hydroxychloroquine og sink, sem ég hafði lesið um. 

Ég fékk kvassa áminning fyrir það.  

Ég hafði líka fengið bréf frá ríkissaksóknara, sem hótaði læknunum – ég var bara einn í hópnum, hugsanlegri rannsókn fyrir ófaglega hegðun ef ég væri að ávísa hydroxychloroquine.

"Þetta var svo átakanlegt fyrir mig," segir Dr. Gold, sem er einnig lögfræðingur. "Það hafði aldrei gerst, að ríkisstjórnin segði lækni hvort þeir hefðu rétt eða ekki rétt til að ávísa FDA- samþykktri lyfja meðferð. Ég meina, það var bara (rugl) og einstæður atburður fyrir mig. (Sui kerfi [Unique]). 

Og ég hugsaði með mér: "Ef læknar láta þetta yfir sig ganga, þá töpum við allir." **


Aðeins settur litur á valda texte. jg



Posted on June 20, 2020 by State of the Nation




Emergency Physician, Dr. Simone Gold and Cardiologist, Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter are two brave doctors who join Austen Fletcher of the Fleccas Talks YouTube channel with very important information, countering the breathtaking skullduggery coordinated worldwide across governments and health agencies against the drug, hydroxychloroquine. Furthermore, they say the lockdowns were and are completely unnecessary.

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “I’ve decided to speak out, because I think that we’re dealing with a tragic situation, where the scientific process has been violated. Studies have been published that had not been adequately vetted and should not have been published and those studies were used to terminate further evaluations of hydroxychloroquine.”

He says, “I have decided to speak out because the political interference in the physician decision-making process is objectionable and should not be allowed to continue. There are lessons to be learned from this pandemic on many levels. We’ve spoken about the dangers and the irrationality of the lockdown process. We’ve spoken about the violation of the scientific purity of investigation. We’ve spoken about media presentations and misrepresentations of data. This is injurious to the health of our population now and I don’t want to see this replicated in the future.

“I think as physicians, we have a moral responsibility to protect our patients, to protect the science behind our medical decisions and to prevent intrusions into the purity of the scientific process by outside forces that may have bad intent and it’s important to speak out. It’s a moral imperative for us to speak out and to protect our patients and protect our profession.”


Dr. Gold says, “I decided to speak out for one very specific reason. I was actually presented with a definite COVID-positive patient and I prescribed hydroxychloroquine and zinc, because I was very up on the literature on this – and I got severely reprimanded for it. I also had received a letter from the State Board, threatening all doctors – I was just one – with potential investigation into me for unprofessional conduct if I was to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

“This was so shocking to me,” says Gold, who is also an attorney. “It had never happened, where the government told a physician if they had a right or not a right to prescribe an FDA-approved medication. I mean, that was just a sui generis [unique] event, that took me by surprise. And I thought to myself, ‘If doctors don’t speak up we’ve really all lost.”

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “The cost of the shutdown, in terms of the physical, emotional and psychological health of people is enormous. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg; of people who have been shut-in, who’ve lost their businesses, who are facing depression, who are facing issues of mental health because of the consequences.

“This should never happen again. If we ever face this kind of situation again, we need to learn the lessons from the mistakes in policy that were implemented…

“I think that the focus should have been on protecting the high-risk population. And we knew from the data that had come out from China and from Italy and from France, that the people at risk were the elderly and frail; people who are immunocompromised.

“As Dr. Gold said, young people had very little risk from this infection; they rarely got ill from it. So, it was not a good decision to shut down schools, to shut down all businesses and it certainly was not a good decision to send actively-infected coronavirus patients to nursing homes.

“The strategy was inverted. We should have protected the people in the nursing homes and given those homes more resources to protect the people at risk…”

Thousands of infected patients were sent to nursing homes, leading to massive death when there were plenty of new beds set up at great expense, between the Javits Center and the USNS Comfort. This was unconscionably negligent.

Dr. Gold says, “The question of why Governor Cuomo did this is very unpleasant to speculate but one thing that…was absolutely known when he made the decision to let the patients go back to the nursing homes – it was 100% known…that it was risky to send the nursing home patients back…

“The Health Commissioner of Pennsylvania really had an egregious situation, where she took her own mother out of an assisted living facility – but she told the rest of the state that it was perfectly safe to leave your grandparent in an assisted living facility. That’s just egregious. There’s no question that [the danger] was known, at the time…

Dr. Wohlgelernter  says, “It’s estimated that as many as 40%, even 50% of the deaths in New York were nursing home patients. This was preventable.”

Austen asks  Dr. Wohlgelernter about reports that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous. He replies, “I’ve prescribed it. I’ve also recommended it to people and I’ve had conversations with physicians literally around the globe; in Israel and Italy and England and the East Coast of the United States and and I’ve read the literature extensively.

“Hydroxychloroquine definitely has a role. That role is specific. It’s an antiviral agent that is effective in early stages of infection. When used in that context, it is effective and it is safe.

Unfortunately, there have been studies that have looked at hydroxychloroquine but have looked at it in the wrong context; looked at it and severely critically ill people in the hospital setting. At that point, the antiviral isn’t effective, because you’ve gone beyond viral infection to an immune-mediated widespread inflammatory reaction, so that was the wrong population to look at hydroxychloroquine in.

“And that kind of study sabotages the whole story about hydroxychloroquine…I’m not quite certain why they were designed that way, but it was obvious that hydroxychloroquine would fail in that context.

“Hydroxychloroquine has been reported to have heart toxicity – and as a cardiologist, I’m intimately aware of this literature and I’m familiar with hydroxychloroquine and the study that was most specific in looking at the cardiac issues; specifically, with rhythm abnormalities.

“There  was a study done in the East Coast, in the New York area, where they looked at 200 patients and carefully monitored their EKGs and looked for arrhythmias and they found no serious arrhythmias in any of those patients.

“Some of the reports about danger to the heart and dangerous effects of hydroxychloroquine are based on misinterpretation of data or on faulty data.”

Austen asks, “We did see the World Health Organization ordered countries to stop using hydroxychloroquine recently and they’ve also stopped trial testing on it, as well. Was this decision based on those studies from Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA?”

Dr. Gold responds, “The World Health Organization stopped the hydroxychloroquine trials based specifically on the faulty studies that were printed in The Lancet and printed in the New England Journal of Medicine. Also, the European Union stopped it and it was headlines all across the world that we should stop using it.

“I do want to clarify for the audience that they did restart the trials once The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine retracted those faulty studies. However, it’s not so easy to…restart a trial. You have all these patients, they were in the trial that had to stop and start and gather new patients and the damage has certainly been done.

“And in addition to those studies, there’s been so much negative press about hydroxychloroquine, that it’s actually difficult to even enroll patients in hydroxychloroquine studies. That’s been well-documented. There’s a professor at Columbia who said it’s hard for me to even get patients in this study, because they hear about hydroxychloroquine, they think it’s so negative.

“I always want to remind people, this is an FDA-approved drug for 65 years. It’s generic. It’s cheap. It’s widely available. We give it to pregnant women. We give it to breastfeeding women. We give it to elderly patients. We give it to patients who are immune-compromised.

“Most of those patients are on it for decades! There was never controversy about hydroxychloroquine, right up until March 20th, 2020. So, I would look at the studies before then. The early studies, before Trump said he kind of liked the drug were uncontroversial, from China and from France. It looked promising.

“I don’t know what the final data will show, however, I do find that the data after Trump thought it was possibly helpful is suspect…

“To be published in The Lancet and to be published in the New England Journal Medicine is no easy feat…to have them do a retraction was a major story, which is why you heard about it in the headlines. The reason their study was retracted is the data that went into those studies could not be independently verified…

“We asked the company that provided the data, a company called Surgisphere, which has been quite secretive to reveal their data and they have absolutely refused. Because they refused to reveal their data, those studies HAD to be retracted by the journals…

“In addition, a story that hasn’t been discussed really in the media is a third world premier class Medical Journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association, known as JAMA…

“The first major flaw in the JAMA study is what I would call “pseudo randomization”. To do an effective medical study, you have to randomize the patients into different groups; groups that have this character and that character – and the point being that the group should be generally similar, so that you know if the drug actually made the difference…

“When you look at the study itself, as it’s printed right now in JAMA, your listeners – I encourage you and viewers to go and look this up, yourself – on Page 7 of the study. You can look and see that the groups are not equal. The higher-dose group is seven years older, they have almost 80% heart disease. Those are just two of the differences. The other group is seven years younger and has 0% heart disease and there’s a number of these flaws that are different in the two groups.

“By itself, that’s cherry-picking of patients that would make any data that comes from such a study suspect. So I want to be clear that the JAMA study used not exactly hydroxychloroquine, they used a drug called chloroquine which is really a precursor to hydroxychloroquine. Sometimes, we use those drugs, those names interchangeably but in America, we only use hydroxychloroquine.

“The JAMA study was in Brazil. They used chloroquine.

The lethal dose of chloroquine has been well-established for more than 30 years in 1988 a New England Journal Medicine.

Again, one of the world premier journals established and everyone accepts that the lethal dose of chloroquine is 5 grams.

Well, the Jama study had two groups.

In the high-dose chloroquine group, they gave them 1.2 grams a day which means by the fourth day, they had almost 5 grams…

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine sit in your body for very long time, at least a month, perhaps 2 months; somewhere between 30 and 60 days is its half-life.

So, to give someone 4.8 grams in four days is a very large dose; people would often possibly call that a lethal dose.

“The study went on for 10 days, which meant that the people in that group got 12 grams. Again, New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 established 5 grams as a lethal dose…Mind you, these are elderly, critically-ill patients that are intubated or in severe respiratory distress…

“It’s not just my speculation or the science data that says it’s a very high, toxic dose. So many patients died in the high-dose group that they halted that study early. They quit the high dose group because so many patients died. That’s extremely dramatic for a scientific study.

“It’s very unusual for a study to have given such a large dose of a medication, because all the scientific studies that involve human subjects have to be overseen by an ethics board. The scientists that did this study and presented the paper to JAMA are saying that they went through an ethics board – however, that’s in doubt.

“The Brazilian Ministry of Justice is actually investigating. There’s no proof that there actually was an ethics board…

“They normally have a certain committee number that’s stamped on the paperwork and they don’t have that. We have written to them and tried to get it and there has been no response on that. So, the Ministry of Justice is actually investigating the deaths of all those patients who died in the high-dose chloroquine group.”

Austen asks Dr. Wohlgelernter why hydroxychloroquine has become so politicized and he responds, “I think one of the serious casualties of the COVID pandemic has been scientific truth. We rely on the scientific process to be pure and untainted by political influence.

“The fact that, as Dr. Gould said two of the world’s most prestigious journals, Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine published studies hastily, without adequate peer review and studies that were based on data where there was no transparency, that creates widespread skepticism about the reliability of medical journals to give information that can be trusted and we’re going to need to look into that whole process and to and to reform the process of publication so that we never see that kind of violation of scientific truth.

“Now, why did this become politicized? The fact is that President Trump first mentioned hydroxychloroquine and advocated for its use, as a non-physician in mid-March but we had data from China and from France well before that in February, showing a significant beneficial impact of hydroxychloroquine.

“Yet you saw physicians, politicians, journalists saying that hydroxychloroquine is ‘all hype’, it’s ‘all due to the president pushing it’ – and that’s revisionist history.

“The fact is there was a great deal of excitement in the medical community internationally, a month before President Trump ever mentioned it, because of the data reported from China and from Dr. Raoult in France and it’s sad that people used whatever political animosity they had towards the President to attack the medication that, in fact had helped many people with coronavirus and could have helped many more, had its reputation not been so sullied by political accusations and by poorly-designed studies and by medical journals allowing publications that were negative, as far as their conclusions – publications that never should have reached print, because they hadn’t been adequately vetted.”

“I got asked a lot of questions about the VA study of hydroxychloroquine and my immediate instinct is to wonder why hydroxychloroquine keeps getting studied at the later stages of the disease.

“I can’t emphasize enough that the mechanism of action of a drug and the pathophysiology of a disease is the number one factor when you’re structuring a scientific study. The disease early in the course is all about viral replication; how much virus can be produced and how quickly. That’s the problem in the early setting. In the late setting, the problem is your body’s over-response to trying to cure itself and that’s called a ‘cytokine storm’ and in that setting, that affects all of your organs, including your lungs failing.

“In the first group, which is the early group, you would like a drug that is very good at preventing the viral replication. That’s what hydroxychloroquine with zinc is very, very good at. So, I was always a bit confused why we kept doing study after study after study but hydroxychloroquine – we studied it in the late-stage disease population. And kind of like it doesn’t snow in August, it wasn’t working very well.

“So, to me, the VA study, The Lancet study, JAMA – all of those studies – I’m not that surprised, because I already know it doesn’t snow in August. I’m waiting to see the data but hydroxychloroquine and zinc, how well it works early on. Mechanism of action, when indicated would work well and before hydroxychloroquine got politicized, the preliminary data that we have from China and from France, it was very promising.”

“As Dr. Gold mentioned, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine had been around since the 1950s. Azithromycin, which is an adjuvant agent used with hydroxychloroquine has been around for 30 years. These agents have been shown to be safe and to be effective. And again, you needed to understand which context it worked in. It wasn’t going to work in the critically-ill, hospitalized patients on ventilators with multi-organ system failure. That was not what it should have been used for. It works in early-stage, where the antiviral effect can terminate the infection and prevent people from getting critically ill.

“And it’s sad that many people to this day have been deprived of the potentially beneficial use of an agent that in fact is safe and that is inexpensive and that’s widely available.”

Dr. Gold says, “My message to the media is, ‘I understand that you have a point of view and God bless you and you can say it. Free speech is very important. But don’t have an opinion on the science of a medication. Think of your own family and your own loved ones and relegate to the scientists the purity of the scientific result, because one day, you could suffer the harm of having polluted that process.’

*** “My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians.

“I’m very distressed on two levels about the JAMA study. The first level is that the scientists who read that actual study it, doesn’t seem as though it was done in the correct scientific manner. The other part I’m upset about is the journal, itself, which I don’t think vetted it in the manner that a world-class medical journal supposed to vet it.

* “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

___ https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/doctors-break-down-covid-response-and-the-demonization-of-hcq/

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← Is The ‘Second Wave’ Another Coronavirus Hoax?

$100 Trillion Stolen from Main Street by Wall Street (Video) →  

Egilsstaðir, 04.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Lönd sem notuðu hýdroxýklórókín við meðhöndlun covid-19 sáu 73% lægri dánartíðni, sem þýðir að Fauci, CDC og FDA hafa lagt á ráðin um að DREPA tugi þúsunda Bandaríkjamanna til að vernda ábatasaman bóluefnaiðnað


Ekki getur þetta verið rétt? Þetta er varúðar setning.

← AMERICAN CIVIL WAR II: Brought to you by the power elite

Dr. Anthony Fauci: His Disastrous Track Record Tells the Real Story →

Hard Scientific Data Confirms HCQ Dramatically Lowers Fatality

Vísindaleg gögn staðfesta að HCQ fækkar dauðsföllum. Þessi setning endursögð jg.


Posted on September 3, 2020 by State of the Nation


Hér er þýðing í Google, ég breyti engu.

Lönd sem notuðu hýdroxýklórókín við meðhöndlun covid-19 sáu 73% lægri dánartíðni, sem þýðir að Fauci, CDC og FDA hafa lagt á ráðin um að DREPA tugi þúsunda Bandaríkjamanna til að vernda ábatasaman bóluefnaiðnað

Hér er þýðing í Word, ég breyti engu.

Lönd sem notuðu hydroxychloroquine til að meðhöndla covid-19 sáust 73% lægra banamengi, sem þýðir að fauci, CDC og FDA hafa að að drepa tugi þúsunda Bandaríkjamanna í því skyni að vernda ábatasamur bóluefni iðnaður

Countries that used hydroxychloroquine to treat covid-19 saw a 73% lower fatality rate, meaning Fauci, the CDC and the FDA have conspired to KILL tens of thousands of Americans in order to protect the lucrative vaccine industry




000Egilsstaðir, 06.09.2020   Jónas gunnlaugsson

Hæstiréttur Þýskalands úrskurðaði í desember 2016 að tilvist vírusa sé ekki sönnuð. Einu sönnunargögnin fyrir tilvist Covid-19 eru tölvulíkön byggð á ágiskunum um hvernig slíkur vírus gæti litið út. Veiran sjálf hefur aldrei fundist eða verið greind


“Show Us The Bodies!”


Habeas Corpus – “Show Us The Bodies…”

Are We At the End of Covid-19, the End of Vaccines, the End of Dictatorship and the End of the Pharmaceutical Industry?

It sure looks like it…

From Europe By Karma Singh

Habeus Corpus – Most lawyers will know of this most important legal principle but I wonder how many outside of that profession have heard of it.

I only know about it because I had to study law as part of my degree in international trade way back in the early 1970’s.

Uh-oh, i’m losing my audience…

We had the great good fortune to have a mad Welshman as our law lecturer who loved nothing more than relating anecdotes from judicial history. His enthusiasm almost led to my changing faculty to study law; then he retired and his replacement was such a grey character that he repelled me totally.

Habeas Corpus or, as our Welshman explained it, “show us the body” stems from 12th century England and was created to prevent wild accusations with no factual basis. So, for example, if someone was accused of murder, he/she could apply for Habeas Corpus, i.e. first prove that a murder has taken place before you can try me for it.

Moving across now to my own profession…


…health care and healing – I wonder how many of my colleagues have heard of Habeas Corpus and have realised how relevant it is to our present situation?

We are all being “punished” for potentially harbouring a deadly virus. Further, we are being punished without trial or even a concrete accusation of wrong doing.  Surely Habeas Corpus applies here?

A writ of Habeas Corpus would surely succeed because the burden of proof lies with the accuser, not with the punished. To evade a Habeas Corpus ruling that the punishment is not lawful and is immediately to cease, the accuser must, in this case, prove the following absolutely:-

1) That viruses exist.
2) That viruses cause disease.
3) That a virus named Covid-19 exists.
4) That Covid-19 causes severe illness and death.
5) That this disease is highly infectious.
6) That face masks and “social distancing” prevent infection.
7) That sufficiently large numbers of people have become seriously ill and/or succumbed to it to warrant extreme measures to control it.

They will, inevitably, fail in this as none of the above can be proven to the required standard (or, in most points, at all).

So, tell me once again – why aren’t my children in school?

To 1: Germany’s highest court has already ruled in December 2016 that the existence of viruses is not proven.

To 2: The preponderance of the evidence shows that the protein particles labelled “virus” are much more likely to be exosomes which communicate solutions to sickness and other problems.

To 3: The only evidence for the existence of Covid-19 is a computer model based upon guesswork as to what such a virus might look like. The virus itself has never been found or isolated.

To 4: a) Where a purported cause cannot be found, any claims as to its’ effects are completely spurious.  b) All of the purported deaths are “with” and not “of” Covid-19, i.e. it did not cause the disease/death.

To 5: There is no reliable evidence of transmission from one human to another. To the contrary, studies which have been carried out show that this does NOT take place!

To 6: a) The necessary porosity of the masks to allow breathing enables the “virus” particles to pass through unhindered.  b) Because these particles are so small, they are essentially weightless and random air currents will carry them for kilometres. Such particles regularly cross the Pacific in 3 days and the Atlantic in a little more than one day. A distance of 1.5 metres is, therefore, seen to be meaningless.

To 7: All serious illness and deaths claimed are in people who were already seriously ill and, basically, in the process of dying. In some countries, there was an upswing in deaths caused by the lockdowns denying people essential treatments. Following their deaths which began two weeks after lockdown started, death figures have returned to normal.

I, therefore, apply for this writ of Habeas Corpus and an order of immediate cessation of all punishments imposed by the respondent.

Blessed be
Karma Singh

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Komufarþegi ef veikur, bati hefst eftir 3 klst. Bólusetning, lækning.Tafla, 7 krónur sinnum 7 dagar = 49 krónur. 10 sinnum dýrara, þá 490 krónur. Er þetta eitthvert vandamál, ef svo er viltu þá skýra það fyrir okkur? Hvert er vandamálið?


Sett á blog: Bjarni Jónsson

Of kröftugt meðal fyrir sjúklinginn

Það er fullt af greinum á bloginu mínu. https://jonasg-egi.blog.is

Ekki gleyma Forseta Bandaríkjanna, með bestu fáanlega sérfræðinga, reynir að koma lyfjum til fólksins, sem oft virka 100%, og oft þarf ekki að fara á sjúkrahús.

Mér er orða vant, ég er hugsi. Hér bollaleggið þið um COVID-19, en þið nefnið ekki að til eru lyf sem virðast minnka dánartíðni um 73 % í heilu löndunum.


Lönd sem notuðu hýdroxýklórókín við meðhöndlun covid-19 sáu 73% lægri dánartíðni, sem þýðir að Fauci, CDC og FDA hafa lagt á ráðin um að DREPA tugi þúsunda Bandaríkjamanna til að vernda ábatasaman bóluefnaiðnað

6.9.2020 | 10:25

Ekki getur þetta verið rétt? Þetta er varúðar setning.


HCQ Hydroxychloroquine pillan, kemur í veg fyrir að þú veikist. HCQ Hydroxychloroquine pillan, læknar veikina. Komufarþegar fá viku skammt af lyfinu, Það er bólusetning eða lækning, eða þá skimun og allt sem því tilheyrir.


Lyfið verður að gefa strax og vart verður við veikina. Lyfið eyðir vírusnum og þá komast hinir sýklarnnir ekki í líffærin. Best er að gefa lyfið áður en fólk veikist. Þá virkar lyfið sem bólusetning. Tekst okkur að skilja þetta mikla vandamál?

3.9.2020 | 11:04

Getur það verið að það sé bannað að leysa vandamálið?


Hydroxychloroquine, drepur vírusinn, ef það er gefið strax, en ef vírusinn fær í friði að skaða líffæri, þá virkar þetta frábæra lyf síður. Bakteríudrepandi lyf virka þá hugsanlega betur. Bakteríulyf í dýrafóðri, gera virkni þeirra minni í mannfólkinu.

5.9.2020 | 22:38

„Skilaboð mín til vísindamannanna eru:„ Ég skil að það er mikill þrýstingur þarna úti, kannski frá stórum lyfjafyrirtækjum eða tímaritum um að komast að ákveðinni niðurstöðu. Ég bið vísindamenn að standa með sannleikanum. Ef bandarískir vísindamenn standa ekki í lappirnar og segja ekki satt undanbragða laust, þá gerir það enginn - vissulega ekki fjölmiðlar, örugglega ekki stjórnmálamenn. ***

"Þetta var svo átakanlegt fyrir mig," segir Dr. Gold, sem er einnig lögfræðingur. "Það hafði aldrei gerst, að ríkisstjórnin segði lækni hvort þeir hefðu rétt eða ekki rétt til að ávísa FDA- samþykktri lyfja meðferð. 

Og ég hugsaði með mér: "Ef læknar láta þetta yfir sig ganga, þá töpum við allir." **


“The JAMA study was in Brazil. They used chloroquine.

The lethal dose of chloroquine has been well-established for more than 30 years in 1988 a New England Journal Medicine.

Again, one of the world premier journals established and everyone accepts that the lethal dose of chloroquine is 5 grams.

Well, the Jama study had two groups.

In the high-dose chloroquine group, they gave them 1.2 grams a day which means by the fourth day, they had almost 5 grams…

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine sit in your body for very long time, at least a month, perhaps 2 months; somewhere between 30 and 60 days is its half-life.

So, to give someone 4.8 grams in four days is a very large dose; people would often possibly call that a lethal dose.

“The study went on for 10 days, which meant that the people in that group got 12 grams. Again, New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 established 5 grams as a lethal dose…Mind you, these are elderly, critically-ill patients that are intubated or in severe respiratory distress…

“It’s not just my speculation or the science data that says it’s a very high, toxic dose. So many patients died in the high-dose group that they halted that study early. They quit the high dose group because so many patients died. That’s extremely dramatic for a scientific study.

“It’s very unusual for a study to have given such a large dose of a medication, because all the scientific studies that involve human subjects have to be overseen by an ethics board. The scientists that did this study and presented the paper to JAMA are saying that they went through an ethics board – however, that’s in doubt.

“The Brazilian Ministry of Justice is actually investigating. There’s no proof that there actually was an ethics board…


Kallar RUV og bakstjórnin lyfið hreinsiefnið? Stjórnvöld landa og Sameinuðuþjóðanna, sögð taka lyfið. Elítan virðist óhrædd um að smitast. Er það satt að hún taki meðalið, 7 krónu pilluna? Er þetta besta viðskifta tækifærið hjá LYFJAIÐNAÐINUM??

1.9.2020 | 11:06


Hver ræður stjórnvaldinu. Lyfjaiðnaðurinn eyddi 2019, 295 millj. dollara, kr. í eftirlit með stjórnvöldum og lagasetningu. Tvöfalt meira en aðrir. Alls ekki má nota trausta allmenna þekkingu, eða þraut reynd lyf sem kosta lítið, og virka.

21.8.2020 | 13:09


Er það Heilsustofnun Bandaríkjanna, NIH, sem leiðbeinir læknum að nota ekki HCQ, Hydroxychloroquine, og ef notað, sé það á spítalanum, þegar sjúklingurinn er settur á sjúkrahús? Þá er vírusinn búin að skemma varnir líkamans og sýklar herja á líffæri.


Egilsstaðir, 12.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Sannleikurinn er sá, að framleiðslufyrirtæki þjóðanna geta ekki verið að hanga með vandamála pakka, sem aðeins baka vandræði. Það sem er úrelt, það verður að víkja, en við finnum nýjar lausnir til að nýta eignirnar.


Svona á hugsunin að vera, þegar við leysum vandamál Jóns og Gunnu.

Heimska okkar, hefur verið og er mikil.


Blog:  Bjarni Jónsson

Olíuvinnsla á hverfanda hveli

Nú sjást merki þess, að olíurisar á borð við BP og Shell hafi áttað sig á vatnaskilunum og séu að selja óhagstæðari olíulindir sínar og lækka verðmæti óunnins olíuforða síns í bókhaldi. 


Þetta er umhugsunarverð setning.

Er hægt að selja tapið?

Já, ég myndi halda það.

Selja einhverjum sem vantar tap.

Ég sel auðvitað sjálfum mér tapið.

Þá leið þarf að skoða betur, til dæmis til að lækka skatta tilsvarandi, auðvitað engin vandi.

Önnur leið?

Stórfyrirtækin  eiga auðvitað marga banka.

Ég er auðvitað fyrir löng búinn að stofna mörg fyrirtæki, til að grípa til þegar svona stendur á.

Ég kaupi fyrirtækin tímanlega yfir í annað fyrirtæki sem ég á, á matinu frá í gær, tek lán í  hinum ýmsu bönkum, fyrir öllum kaupunum.

Auðvelt væri að láta hækka matið um 20 %, ef aðeins má lána 80% af matsverði.

Sannleikurinn er sá, að framleiðslufyrirtæki þjóðanna geta ekki verið að hanga með vandamála pakka, sem aðeins baka vandræði.

Það sem er úrelt, það verður að víkja, en við finnum nýjar lausnir til að nýta eignirnar.

 Bankinn lætur lánið fyrir kaupunum á úreltu eignunum, koma við á reikningi í bankanum, og má þá skrifa 10 sinnum þá upphæð, verður 10 sinnum ríkari, við að lána fyrir kaupunum á gömlu úreltu, órekstrarhæfu eignunum.

Svona losnum við okkur við vandamálin.

Vandamálin eiga ekki að vera haft á starfsgetu þjóðarinnar.

Svona á hugsunin að vera, þegar við leysum vandamál Jóns og Gunnu.

Heimska okkar, hefur verið og er mikil.

Egilsstaðir, 12.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Ef þú lest á milli línana, þá virðast bæði NOAA og NASA sammála um að við séum að fara inn í algert lágmark á sólgeislun. NASA metur væntanlegt sólartímabil það veikasta á síðustu 200 árum.





Hér eru breytingar yfir næstu GSM og pólskipti. 

klikka, mynd stærri 




The COLD TIMES are returning, the mid-latitudes are REFREEZING,

in line with historically low solar activitycloud-nucleating Cosmic Rays,

and a meridional jet stream flow.

Both NOAA and NASA appear to agree, if you read between the lines, with NOAA saying

we’re entering a ‘full-blown’ Grand Solar Minimum in the late-2020s,

and NASA seeing this upcoming solar cycle (25) as “the weakest of the past 200 years”,

with the agency correlating previous solar shutdowns to prolonged periods of global cooling Slóð here.

Egilsstaðir, 15.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Mér heyrist þið farnir að sjá samhengið. Ef herir landana taka völdin hvaða afl verður látið hreinsa til á Ísland? Venjulegir dómstólar virka ekki. Sagt er að herinn í Bandaríkjunum setji brotlega, svo sem þá sem drápu Kennedy fyrir herdómstóla.


Sett á blog:   Magnús Sigurðsson

Kári í fári


Mér heyrist þið vera farnir að sjá samhengið. 


Komufarþegi ef veikur, bati hefst eftir 3 klst. Bólusetning, lækning.Tafla, 7 krónur sinnum 7 dagar = 49 krónur. 10 sinnum dýrara, þá 490 krónur. Er þetta eitthvert vandamál, ef svo er viltu þá skýra það fyrir okkur? Hvert er vandamálið?

12.9.2020 | 22:02

Það er búið að gera hershöfðingja að heilbrigðisráðherra í Brasilíu, og þá eru 11 ráðherrar herforingjar en 23 eru ráðherrar í ríkisstjórninni. 

Ríkistjórnirnar reyna að koma lyfunum sem virka til fólksins, en lyfjaiðnaðurinn vill nota tækifærið til að fella Trump með því að koma öllu í ólag. 

Hluti hersins vill taka völdin af Djúpríkinu og fékk Trump í lið með sér. 

Það virðist sem Brasilía sé á sömu leið.

Það var í Brasilíu, sem svikarannsóknin á chloroquine var gerð og var fólkinu gefin allt að tvöfalldur dauðaskammtur og það fór að deyja.

Sagt er að herinn í Bandaríkjunum setji brotlega, svo sem þá sem drápu Kennedy fyrir herdómstóla.

Venjulegir dómstólar virka ekki.

Ef herir landana taka völdin hvaða afl verður látið hreinsa til á Ísland?

Þetta sést betur í slóðinni hér fyrir ofan.

Egilsstaðir, 17.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Þarna sýnist sem stjórnkerfið vilji ekki leyfa fólkinu að nota HCQ, hydroxychloroquine, og þá eru hershöfðingjar settir til að koma lyfinu til fólksins. Þúsundir lækna nota lyfið í óþökk stjórnsýslunar, og þá stóru lyfjarisanna.



Hver ætlar að bjarga Íslandi, atvinnuvegunum og fólkinu?

Ein pilla við komuna til Íslands, ef veikur þá finnst bati eftir þrjár klukkustundir. 

Ef ekki veikur þá virkar pillan sem bólusetning.

Þarna virðist sem herinn í löndunum, sé að berjast við stjórnkerfið, og vilji að fólkið fái að nota, HCQ, Hydroxychloroquine,


Komufarþegi ef veikur, bati hefst eftir 3 klst. Bólusetning, lækning.Tafla, 7 krónur sinnum 7 dagar = 49 krónur. 10 sinnum dýrara, þá 490 krónur. Er þetta eitthvert vandamál, ef svo er viltu þá skýra það fyrir okkur? Hvert er vandamálið?

12.9.2020 | 22:02


Hver ræður stjórnvaldinu. Lyfjaiðnaðurinn eyddi 2019, 295 millj. dollara, kr. í eftirlit með stjórnvöldum og lagasetningu. Tvöfalt meira en aðrir. Alls ekki má nota trausta allmenna þekkingu, eða þraut reynd lyf sem kosta lítið, og virka.

21.8.2020 | 13:09

Endursagt frá RÚV. –Hershöfðingi sem hefur enga reynslu af heilbrigðismálum var skipaður heilbrigðisráðherra Brasilíu í gær.- ellefti herforinginn í tuttugu og þriggja manna ríkistjórn Brasilíu.

Hann og þá herinn, hugsum við, vill að fólkið fái að nota HCQ, hydroxychloroquine, sem þúsundir lækna nota í óþökk stjórnsýslunar, og þá stóru lyfjarisanna.

Endursagt, frá RÚV. - Þar á meðal má nefna að þeir hvetja báðir lækna til að ávísa gigtarlyfinu hydroxychloroquine án þess að fyrir liggi óyggjandi sönnun á virkni þess gegn Covid-19.

Ég er með nokkur blog, þar sem læknar útskýra hvað lyfið virki vel á vírusinn.


Komufarþegi ef veikur, bati hefst eftir 3 klst. Bólusetning, lækning.Tafla, 7 krónur sinnum 7 dagar = 49 krónur. 10 sinnum dýrara, þá 490 krónur. Er þetta eitthvert vandamál, ef svo er viltu þá skýra það fyrir okkur? Hvert er vandamálið?

12.9.2020 | 22:02



RÚV færslan.

Hershöfðingi heilbrigðisráðherra Brasilíu

 17.09.2020 - 02:28

Erlent ·  Hydroxychloroquine · Brasilía · COVID-19 · heilbrigðismál · Jair Bolsonaro · Kórónuveiran · Kórónuveirufaraldurinn · Stjórnmál · Suður-Ameríka · útgöngubann

 Mynd: EPA-EFE - EFE

Hershöfðingi sem hefur enga reynslu af heilbrigðismálum var skipaður heilbrigðisráðherra Brasilíu í gær. Hann er þriðji ráðherra heilbrigðismála í landinu frá því kórónuveirufaraldurinn skall á.

Jair Bolsonaro forseti tilnefndi hershöfðingjann Eduardo Pazuello tímabundið í maí síðastliðnum. Hann er ellefti hermaðurinn í 23 manna ráðuneyti Bolsonaros.

Hann, ólíkt forverum sínum, er sammála forsetanum um hvernig bregðast eigi við útbreiðslu faraldursins. Þar á meðal má nefna að þeir hvetja báðir lækna til að ávísa gigtarlyfinu hydroxychloroquine án þess að fyrir liggi óyggjandi sönnun á virkni þess gegn Covid-19.

Við innsetningarathöfnina sagði forsetinn rannsóknir sýna að koma hefði mátt í veg fyrir 30% dauðsfalla af völdum Covid-19 hefði lyfið verið gefið í tíma. Hann tiltók þó ekki hvaða rannsóknir hann ætti við. 

Þeir eru sömuleiðis mjög gagnrýnir á landstjóra þeirra sambandsríkja Brasilíu sem beitt hafa útgöngubanni til að hafa hemil á útbreiðslu veirunnar. Opinberar tölur sýna að nú hafa 134 þúsund látist af völdum Covid-19 í Brasilíu sem telur 212 milljónir íbúa.


Hver ber ábyrgð á, spurning, þúsund milljarða tapi fólks og fyrirtækja? Hver bannar læknunum að nota lyfið Hýdroxýklórókín, Ríkisstjórnin? Það voru aldrei deilur um hýdroxýklórókín, alveg fram til 20. mars 2020.


Hver ber ábyrgð á, spurning, þúsunda milljarða tapi fólks og fyrirtækja?

Hver ber ábyrgð á dauða, fjölda manna?

Hefnnndin, (erum við sjálf með stýflaða hugun, innsæi) (bera út börnnnin), nefnnndin, dillar sér.

Fólkið klappar fyrir hefnnndinni, nefnnndinni, heimskunni.

Heimskan heldur að hún geti falið drápin á milljón manns.

Sagt er að 73 % færri dauðsföll séu í löndunum sem nota HCQ.


Lönd sem notuðu hýdroxýklórókín við meðhöndlun covid-19 sáu 73% lægri dánartíðni, sem þýðir að Fauci, CDC og FDA hafa lagt á ráðin um að DREPA tugi þúsunda Bandaríkjamanna til að vernda ábatasaman bóluefnaiðnað

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 6. september 2020


Hver bannar læknunum að nota lyfið Hýdroxýklórókín


Það voru aldrei deilur um hýdroxýklórókín, alveg fram til 20. mars 2020.

Trump hældi lyfinu, eftir að hann heyrði frá rannsóknum í Kína og Frakklandi.

Þá sáu efnistrúarmenn að pestin myndi ekki nægja til að fella Trump, og hófu ófræingar herferð gegn lyfinu HCQ.

Þessir efnistrúarmenn þurfa að lesa sér til í efna og eðlisfræði.

Látum skólana kenna nýjustu vísindi strax í dag.

Reyndu að skilja hvernig Guð bjó manninn til og hliðstæðuna, hvernig maðurinn bjó róbott til.  

Þarna er sköpunarandinn, að verki.

Fylla kirkjurnar og taka þátt í bænunum og opna fyrir innsæið, hugunina, þá opnast fyrir leiðbeininguna frá miðjunni, kjarnanum, Guðlegu ástúðinni, Heilögum anda og Guði.


Það þurfti að setja herforingja sem heilbrigðis ráðherra í Brasilíu til að heilbrigðisráðuneytið hvetti lækna til að nota HCQ , hydroxychloroquine.




„Ég vil alltaf minna fólk á, þetta er FDA-samþykkt lyf í 65 ár.

Það er ekki verndað með einkaleyfi.

Það er ódýrt.

Það er víða fáanlegt.  (fæst í Lyfju, (og  einnig lyfið Budesonide sem er andað að sér.))

Við gefum þunguðum konum það. (HCQ)

Við gefum konum sem hafa barn á brjósti það.(HCQ)

Við gefum öldruðum sjúklingum það.(HCQ)

Við gefum sjúklingum sem eru í ónæmiskerfi.  (skert?)(HCQ)

„Flestir þessara sjúklinga eru á því í áratugi! (HCQ)

Það voru aldrei deilur um hýdroxýklórókín, alveg fram til 20. mars 2020.

Svo ég myndi skoða rannsóknirnar fyrir þann tíma.

Fyrstu rannsóknirnar, frá Kína og frá Frakklandi, áður en Trump sagði að hann væri hrifinn af lyfinu, voru óumdeildar, hældu lyfinu.

Það virtist lofa góðu.

„Ég veit ekki hvað endanleg gögn munu sýna, ég finn hins vegar að gögnin eftir að Trump hélt að þau væru mögulega gagnleg eru grunsamleg ... 


„JAMA rannsóknin var í Brasilíu. Þeir notuðu klórókín.

Banvænn skammtur af klórókíni hefur verið vel staðfestur í meira en 30 ár, árið 1988, New England Journal Medicine.

Aftur, eitt af helstu fræðiritunum og allir sætta sig við að banvænn skammtur af klórókíni er 5 grömm.

Jæja, Jama rannsóknin var með tvo hópa.

Í háskammta klórókín hópnum gáfu þeir þeim 1,2 grömm á dag sem þýðir að á fjórða degi voru þeir með næstum 5 grömm ...

„Hýdroxýklórókín og klórókín sitja mjög lengi í líkama þínum, að minnsta kosti mánuð, kannski 2 mánuði; einhvers staðar á milli 30 og 60 daga er helmingunartími þess.

Svo að gefa einhverjum 4,8 grömm á fjórum dögum er mjög stór skammtur; fólk kallaði það hugsanlega banvænan skammt.

„Rannsóknin stóð yfir í 10 daga, sem þýddi að fólkið í þeim hópi fékk 12 grömm. Aftur, New England Journal of Medicine árið 1988 stofnaði 5 grömm sem banvænan skammt ... Hafðu í huga, þetta eru aldraðir, alvarlega veikir sjúklingar sem eru intubated eða eru í miklum öndunarerfiðleikum ...

„Það eru ekki bara vangaveltur mínar eða vísindagögnin sem segja að það sé mjög hár, eiturskammtur. Svo margir sjúklingar létust í háskammta hópnum að þeir stöðvuðu rannsóknina snemma. Þeir hættu í stóra skammtahópnum vegna þess að svo margir sjúklingar dóu. Það er ákaflega dramatískt fyrir vísindalega rannsókn.


“I always want to remind people, this is an FDA-approved drug for 65 years. It’s generic. It’s cheap. It’s widely available. We give it to pregnant women. We give it to breastfeeding women. We give it to elderly patients. We give it to patients who are immune-compromised.

“Most of those patients are on it for decades! There was never controversy about hydroxychloroquine, right up until March 20th, 2020. So, I would look at the studies before then. The early studies, before Trump said he kind of liked the drug were uncontroversial, from China and from France. It looked promising.

“I don’t know what the final data will show, however, I do find that the data after Trump thought it was possibly helpful is suspect…


“The JAMA study was in Brazil. They used chloroquine.

The lethal dose of chloroquine has been well-established for more than 30 years in 1988 a New England Journal Medicine.

Again, one of the world premier journals established and everyone accepts that the lethal dose of chloroquine is 5 grams.

Well, the Jama study had two groups.

In the high-dose chloroquine group, they gave them 1.2 grams a day which means by the fourth day, they had almost 5 grams…

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine sit in your body for very long time, at least a month, perhaps 2 months; somewhere between 30 and 60 days is its half-life.

So, to give someone 4.8 grams in four days is a very large dose; people would often possibly call that a lethal dose.

“The study went on for 10 days, which meant that the people in that group got 12 grams. Again, New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 established 5 grams as a lethal dose…Mind you, these are elderly, critically-ill patients that are intubated or in severe respiratory distress…

“It’s not just my speculation or the science data that says it’s a very high, toxic dose. So many patients died in the high-dose group that they halted that study early. They quit the high dose group because so many patients died. That’s extremely dramatic for a scientific study.


Egilsstaðir, 22.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hydroxychloroquine was banned for Covid patients by the World Health Organization on the basis of these failed late stage trials. Local doctors and clinics are being prevented from prescribing a drug that worked before, but is banned now.





Smá tölvuþýðing og endursögn.

Covid ráðgáta Ísraels
HCQ var bannað fyrir Covid sjúklinga af WHO á grundvelli rannsókna á seina stigi. En læknar halda því fram að það hafi virkað á byrjunarstigi.


Þögn um stærstu ráðgátuna. 

Af hverju verða fleiri alvarlega veikir og deyja en áður?

Hvers vegna eru nú yfir 1.300 dauðsföll þegar hápunktur fyrstu ferilsins var dánartíðni okkar rúmlega 300?

Af hverju er yfir 400% munurinn?

Embættismenn og sérfræðingar tala endalaust um próf, félagslega fjarlægð, lokun, en lítið annað. Þeir hafa áhyggjur af því að sjúkrahús og rannsóknarstofur verði ofhlaðnar af alvarlega veikum sjúklingum. En enginn er að tala um hvernig eigi að koma í veg fyrir að þjást á byrjunarstigi frá því að versna sem kallar á sjúkrahúsvist og það sem verra er (dauða?).

Er staðbundnum læknum (héraðslæknum) og heilsugæslustöðvum heimilt að gera allt sem unnt er til að koma í veg fyrir að sjúklingar á byrjunarstigi leggist á sjúkrahús og deyi?

Svarið er nei.

Reyndar er komið í veg fyrir að þessir fyrstu læknar, sem hafa náið faglegt samband við sjúklinga sína, geti hafið meðferð fyrir þá.

Voru ísraelskir læknar að ávísa einhverju í fyrstu bylgjunni sem kom í veg fyrir stórfelldar dánartölur sem þeir eru ekki að ávísa núna?

Svarið er já.

Það er verið að koma í veg fyrir að læknar og heilsugæslustöðvar á staðnum ávísi lyfi sem virkaði áður, en er bannað núna.

Sumir hafa verið reknir frá fagaðila sínum fyrir að þora að gefa í skyn að þetta lyf, ásamt öðrum, hafi bjargað óteljandi mannslífum.

Nú hefur það bann verið sett á ísraelska lækna á staðnum og fleiri deyja.

HCQ er lyf sem fékk alþjóðlegtsamþykki og notast fyrir fjölda sjúkdóma. Lyfið hefur reynst vel í 60 ár.

En á einni nóttu varð það djöfulsins drykkur.

Mörg hundruð læknr og þúsundir sjúklinga sverja að lyfið virki vel ef það er notað  strax og maðurinn veikist, í réttum skammti og í samsettri meðferð með öðrum lyfjum eins og sinki og azitrómýsíni.  

Þá hafa þeir verið settir í straff og bannað að sýna gögn sín og deila reynslu sinni.

Faglæknar, í nánu sambandi við einkasjúklinga sína, eru meðhöndlaðir eins og sakamenn, (villutrúarmenn).

Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 25.9.2020 kl. 23:15


Made sense, until it was discovered that the vast d zones, fully 80%, were either Arab or Orthodox towns, 

þá spyrum við, er baráttan á milli Efnistrúarinnar og Sköpunar trúarinnar?

Hér athugist, maðurinn skapaði robot, Guð skapaði manninn.

Ath. string theory , multi verse  jg


Íslensk þýðing á morgun.

Israel’s Covid mystery

HCQ was banned for Covid patients by the WHO on the basis of late stage trials. But doctors claim it worked in early stage usage. Opinion.


 Tags: hydroxychloroquine Coronavirus Barry Shaw lockdown

Barry Shaw , 23/09/20 10:27


By the end of June, with only 300 plus deaths, we were king of the world. We were allowed to go about our normal daily lives.
And then we were hit again. Big time. The death rate rocketed to over 1200.

Why? What did we do differently?

They said we were partying, getting married, gathering to pray, going to the beach. But we were doing all that before. So why the difference?

We were never given the answer. Instead, they decided to appoint a health czar, called him the Projector, gave him the keys to the castle, including budget, ministries, laboratories, hospitals, the health clinics, even the army, to flatten the second curve. The politicians promised to stay in the background.

First, The Projector turned the country into traffic light zones. Those with the highest infection rate were zoned red and required to be quarantined.

Made sense, until it was discovered that the vast majority of the red zones, fully 80%, were either Arab or Orthodox towns, and that caused resistance - never mind the high morbidity in those sectors.

These places, The Projector said, must be placed in immediate lockdown.

Then all hell let loose. Politics reared its inevitable head. Knesset meetings became riots. Factions which the Prime Minister depended for his support, and those that opposed him, began banging on his door. He could not win so he did what any politician would do. He threw The Projector’s plan out the window and decreed a national lockdown of three weeks coinciding with the Jewish High Holidays encompassing Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot.

It began on the Friday afternoon before the traditional New Year’s eve to prevent mass family gatherings. But innovative defiant Israelis moved Rosh Hashanah festivities a day earlier and held their family gatherings on Thursday night instead of Friday. Brilliant.

Thousands of Jews rushed to test centers before heading to Ben Gurion Airport and flying from red Israel to green pastures rather than remain in lockdown for weeks. Some booked indefinite one way tickets.

Lots of TV chatter. Lots of ink splashed in pages of news media.

Silence about the biggest mystery of all.

Why are more people becoming seriously ill and dying than before?

Why do we now have over 1,300 deaths when, in the peak of the first curve, our mortality rate was just over 300?

Why the over 400% difference?

It isn’t due to greater testing because people got sick, even without testing, in the first wave.

Officials and pundits talk endlessly about testing, social distancing, lockdown, but little else. They are worried about hospitals and laboratories becoming overloaded with seriously infected patients.

But no one is talking about how to stop early stage sufferers from deteriorating into hospitalization and worse.

Are our local doctors and clinics being allowed to do everything possible to stop early stage patients from becoming hospitalized and dying?

The answer is no.

They are not.

In fact, these first-line physicians, who have intimate professional contact with their patients, are being prevented from what might lead to treating them successfully.

Were Israeli doctors prescribing something in the first wave that prevented massive mortality figures they are not prescribing now?

The answer is yes.

Local doctors and clinics are being prevented from prescribing a drug that worked before, but is banned now.

The drug that dare not speak its name is hydroxychloroquine. Medical experts are forbidden on social media to mention its name.

Some have been fired from their professional for daring to suggest that this drug, in combination with others, has saved countless lives.

Now that ban has been placed on Israeli local physicians, and more people are dying.

HCQ is a drug that received global official status use for a number of illnesses and diseases.

It has a remarkable sixty-year safety record.

But overnight, it became the devil’s potion.

Many hundreds of doctors and thousands of patients who swear to its efficacy when used on early stage sufferers in the right dose and in combination with other medications such as zinc and azithromycin, have been pilloried and banned from expressing their data and from sharing their experiences.

Professional physicians, in intimate contact with their private patients, are treated like heretics.

The authorities say HCQ failed late stage clinical trials.

They claim it left a few patients with heart irregularities, a claim refuted by many experts, including Dr. Harvey Risch, Professor of Epidemiology at the Yale School of Medicine, who is highly critical about how badly the clinical trials were conducted.

After studying the clinical trials, he concluded, among the things, that they applied the drug incorrectly, even in dangerously high dosages, often not in combination with other drugs, to patients who had little chance of surviving with any drug.

Professor Risch is an ardent advocate for the application of HCQ in combination with other medications to early stage patients, as is Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, an Orthodox American physician, who came up with the Zelenko Protocol which details, for local doctors and clinics dealing with early stage Covid patients, how to prescribe and monitor patients starting in the first five days of contracting the coronavirus.

Professor Risch records and analyses the successes and failures of treating early stage Covid patients and is convinced in his judgment that HCQ, in combination with other drugs, is a safe and efficient method of preventing the debilitating effect of the coronavirus.

This early stage treatment was pioneered successfully in France by virologist Didier Raoult, who successfully treated hundreds of Covid patients, before he was pilloried as being a quack by Big Pharma.

Hydroxychloroquine was banned for Covid patients by the World Health Organization on the basis of these failed late stage trials.

But the WHO recommends paracetamol, a drug that has not undergone clinical trials for Covid patients, and is known to have serious side effects. This is not only hypocritical, but highly suspect.

And the WHO itself is suspect - as Donald Trump said in his UN speech.

Which begs the question. Why the difference?

This troubling discrepancy was brought home to me when I interviewed Dr. Rob Elens, a local physician with a busy clinic in the south of Holland.

Dr. Elens had an initial twenty-five patients who came down with Covid. They were prescribed with the Dutch health authorities recommendation, namely paracetamol and isolation.

The condition of all twenty-five worsened. All were hospitalized. Twelve of his patients died.

Dr. Elens, a compassionate doctor, was gravely concerned that something better could have saved his patients’ lives. So he did what any self-respecting doctor would do.

He went in search of the science and came across the Zelenko Protocol, a tried and tested derivative of several doctors’ experiences in helping their early stage patients get over Covid.

So, when his next infected patient came along he offered him the choice of the official track or the drug combination of zinc, HCQ and azithromycin.

Dr. Elens monitored the patient hourly and was pleased to discover that his patient responded well to the treatment and recovered completely within three days.

The doctor repeated the same medication in the required doses with his next nine early stage patients. All recovered quickly. But when he reported his successful cases to the Dutch medical authorities he received a warning to desist.

In my video “Covid, and the drug that dare not speak its name,” the now defiant Dr. Elens responded by saying of his patients, 

“Better illegally alive, than legally dead.”

A June comparative study, carried out into Covid-19 patients by the Saudi national fever clinics, concluded that early intervention of a HCQ-based therapy in mild to moderate COVID-19 patients was associated with lower odds of hospitalization, ICU admission and/or death.

And why, if it is so important to prevent our hospital system from being overwhelmed, are we not having a public conversation on the prevention of the use of a drug that dare not speak its name, but about which so many physicians and renowned specialists swear to its efficacy?

This is a legitimate questions that demands answers at such a critical time.

Barry Shaw, Senior Associate, Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.

Nevada er sjöunda ríkið í Bandaríkjunum, sem dregur til baka svo að lítið beri á, bannið við að ávísa lyfinu HCQ, hydroxychloroquine vegna Covid-19. Læknar í Nevada geta nú aftur ávísað HCQ eins og þeir telja nauðsynlegt.


Lærum við af Ríkistjórunum, Governorunum og læðum lausninni til fólksins. 

Kannt þú betra ráð?


Nevada er sjöunda ríkið í Bandaríkjunum, sem dregur til baka svo að lítið beri á, bannið við að ávísa lyfinu HCQ,  hydroxychloroquine vegna Covid-19.

Læknar  í Nevada geta nú aftur ávísað HCQ eins og þeir telja nauðsynlegt.

US - Ríkisstjórar sögðu ósatt, og takmörkuðu aðgang að lyfi sem gæti hafa bjargað mannslífum.

Þeir ættu að vera gerðir ábyrgir fyrir gerðina. 


Nevada is now the 7th state to quietly reverse their decision to block HCQ prescriptions for COVID-19. Physicians in Nevada can now once again prescribe HCQ as they deem necessary. Governors lied & restricted medicine that could have saved lives. They should be held accountable.


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Larry Elder


When can


expect an apology? #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #HydroxyChloroquine

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Dr. Simone Gold


  • Sep 16

Nevada is now the 7th state to quietly reverse their decision to block HCQ prescriptions for COVID-19. Physicians in Nevada can now once again prescribe HCQ as they deem necessary. Governors lied & restricted medicine that could have saved lives. They should be held accountable.

Egilsstaðir, 24.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Vandamálin eiga ekki að vera haft á starfsgetu þjóðarinnar. Svona á hugsunin að vera, þegar við leysum vandamál Jóns og Gunnu. Heimska okkar, hefur verið og er mikil. Úrelt, það verður að víkja, en við finnum nýjar nýtingar lausnir fyrir eignir.


Sannleikurinn er sá, að framleiðslufyrirtæki þjóðanna geta ekki verið að hanga með vandamála pakka, sem aðeins baka vandræði.


Blog: Bjarni Jónsson

Olíuvinnsla á hverfanda hveli

Nú sjást merki þess, að olíurisar á borð við BP og Shell hafi áttað sig á vatnaskilunum og séu að selja óhagstæðari olíulindir sínar og lækka verðmæti óunnins olíuforða síns í bókhaldi. 


Þetta er umhugsunarverð setning.

Er hægt að selja tapið?

Já, ég myndi halda það.

Selja einhverjum sem vantar tap.

Ég sel auðvitað sjálfum mér tapið.

Þá leið þarf að skoða betur, til dæmis til að lækka skatta tilsvarandi, auðvitað engin vandi.

Önnur leið?

Stórfyrirtækin eiga auðvitað marga banka.

Ég er auðvitað fyrir löng búinn að stofna mörg fyrirtæki, til að grípa til þegar svona stendur á.

Ég kaupi fyrirtækin tímanlega yfir í annað fyrirtæki sem ég á, á matinu frá í gær, tek lán í hinum ýmsu bönkum, fyrir öllum kaupunum.

Auðvelt væri að láta hækka matið um 20 %, ef aðeins má lána 80% af matsverði.

Sannleikurinn er sá, að framleiðslufyrirtæki þjóðanna geta ekki verið að hanga með vandamála pakka, sem aðeins baka vandræði.

Það sem er úrelt, það verður að víkja, en við finnum nýjar lausnir til að nýta eignirnar.

Bankinn lætur lánið fyrir kaupunum á úreltu eignunum, koma við á reikningi í bankanum, og má þá skrifa 10 sinnum þá upphæð, verður 10 sinnum ríkari, við að lána fyrir kaupunum á gömlu úreltu, órekstrarhæfu eignunum.

Svona losnum við okkur við vandamálin.

Vandamálin eiga ekki að vera haft á starfsgetu þjóðarinnar.

Svona á hugsunin að vera, þegar við leysum vandamál Jóns og Gunnu.

Heimska okkar, hefur verið og er mikil.

Egilsstaðir, 12.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson