Channel: Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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Hvað er satt og hvað er ósatt. Læknar og sérfræðingar forsetans vilja nota þetta þetta lyf sem hefur verið notað í 80 ár, með góðum árangri. Háttsettir gamlir embættismenn skipaðir af kerfinu, Djúpríkinu í gegn um árin, berjast á móti lyfinu.


FDA sued by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons for irrational - interference - regarding access to life-saving to hydroxychloroquine - lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.

18.6.2020 | 07:41

Never in history have we seen such a determined effort by the scientific community and pharmaceutical industry to downplay and lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.


Hvað er satt og hvað er ósatt, það er spurning. Læknar og sérfræðingar forsetans vilja nota þetta þetta lyf sem hefur verið notað í 80 ár, með góðum árangri.

Háttsettir gamlir embættismenn skipaðir af kerfinu, Djúpríkinu í gegn um árin, berjast á móti lyfinu.


Allir ráðgjafarnir, lobbyistarnir frá Big big tala þeir stanslaust um hreinsiefnið, og svo einhverjir óhlutdrægir tala um þetta þrautreynda lyf,  hydroxychloroquine? Auðvitað þarf að ganga úr skugga um að aðilar hafi ekki ofnæmi fyrir lyfinu. 

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 28. apríl 2020


Það er til í dag í lyfjaversluninni. Það er samþykkt af FDA frá 1945. Reyndar ekki fyrir covid-19. Vandamálið, Big Pharma græðir ekki á því, taflan kostar 7 krónur. Þeir vilja búa til bóluefni og fá einkaleifi og margfalda verðið.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 18. mars 2020

Leitum í ljósið og litina.


Allt sem þeir kunna er að ræna rík iskassann allan daginn. Leikfléttunni er lokið. Nýja Lýðveldið, sameiginleg lög,  frí orku tækni. Við lifum spennandi og dásamlega tíma. Lifum lífinu með ást og umhyggju, eins og til var ætlast.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 11. febrúar 2019

Endursögn Íslenska Allt sem þeir gera er að ræna ríkissjóð, stanslaust alltaf. (cha-ching 24-7). Það gengur ekki lengur. Aldrei aftur. Því gamla er lokið. Nýja lýðveldið, sameiginleg lög, frjáls orkutækni. Það er Blessun að lifa þessa stund. Við tökum


HCQgate: FDA sued by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons for ‘irrational interference’ regarding access to life-saving to hydroxychloroquine



Posted on June 16, 2020 by State of the Nation



Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Sues FDA for “Irrational” Interference of Access to Life-Saving Hydroxychloroquine

By Jim Hoft
Gateway Pundit

Hvað er satt og hvað er ósatt, það er spurning, en einhver virðist segja ósatt.jg

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (https://aapsonline.org) filed a lawsuit against Department of Health and Human Services and the FDA for “irrational interference” by the FDA with timely access to hydroxychloroquine.

Never in history have we seen such a determined effort by the scientific community and pharmaceutical industry to downplay and lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.

Hydroxychloroquine is the first choice in a study of 6,000 doctors treating the coronavirus.  In the field and in independent testing hydroxychloroquine displayed amazing results in treating the COVID-19 virus.

But there was great pushback against hydroxychloroquine for two reasons. The first reason was because it was safe and very inexpensive. The second reason is because Donald Trump promoted its use.

It is not a stretch to say the Democrat establishment would rather see people die than see President Trump be proven right.


So the so-called experts went to great lengths to lie and smear the use of this drug as we have discussed previously.


EXCLUSIVE: The Lancet Study on Hydroxychloroquine Was a COMPLETE FRAUD – The Authors are Linked to the Pharmaceutical Industry and People Died Because of Their Lies!

The Lancet Medical Journal apologized this week and pulled the controversial hydroxychloroquine study. The study released by Lancet titled — “Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis” —  was retracted after it was found to be a complete fraud. Reuters reported: An influential study that found … Continue readingEXCLUSIVE: The Lancet Study on Hydroxychloroquine Was a COMPLETE FRAUD – The Authors are Linked to the Pharmaceutical Industry and People Died Because of Their Lies!

The Gateway Pundit


Now the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons sued the FDA for its irrational interference to access of the life-saving drug.

Via Ned Nokolov


Á bak við helgrímuna - Biðjum Guð að hjálpa okkur öllum - DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxy chloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; - Nobody Needed to Die - July 26, 2020 by Edward Morgan


ER Editor: 


or the banning of it


the medical establishment,

is really key to

the whole plandemic.


(Bann meðalagengisins á Hydroxy, er lykillinn aðplágunni.

endursagt af leikmanni jg)


Hverjir eru boðberar dauðans?

Sérð þú þá ekki?

Ertu blindur?

Biddu Guð að opna augun þín. 

Hvað þurfa margir að deyja svo að þú opnir augum?


Sjáum við  þá ekki? 

Erum við blindir? 

Biðjum Guð að opna augun okkar. 

Hvað þurfa margir að deyja svo að við opnum augun?

Biðjum Guð að hjálpa okkur öllum

ER Editor:  Hydroxy, or the banning of it by the medical establishment, is really key to the whole plandemic.



DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”

ER Editor:  Hydroxy, or the banning of it by the medical establishment, is really key to the whole plandemic.

This piece, complete with podcast, was issued by True Pundit on July 2, 2020, which was a reissue of a piece by Bryan Fischer for OneNewsNow on April 27, 2020 with additional links.

Here is the ‘blockbuster’ article that Fauci’s team published on August 22, 2005: Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.

We also recommend this piece from yesterday by Zerohedge as a reminder of hydroxychloroquine’s immense usefulness, titled Yale Epidemiologist: Hydroxychloroquine Could Save 100,000 Lives If Widely Deployed. And this quotation from a recent piece by Thierry Meyssan titled The slow disintegration of the Republic in France:
According to him (ER: Marseille Professor Didier Raoult), Neil Ferguson is an impostor; the Scientific Council – from which he (Raoult) resigned – is manipulated by conflicts of interest with Gilead Science (Donald Rumsfeld’s former firm); in an emergency situation, the role of doctors is to treat, not to experiment; the results of doctors depend on their conception of their profession, which is why patients entrusted to hospitals in Paris were three times more likely to die than those entrusted to hospitals in Marseille.
See also this article titled Hydroxychloroquine – What Practicing Doctors Are Saying, as well as How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created. “Dangerous” When Used for Covid-19.

DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”


Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.

How did he know this?

Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak – caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS-CoV – the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks. The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.

The Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading – get ready for this – “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, “We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”

Dr. Didier Raoult, the Anthony Fauci of France, had such spectacular success using HCQ to treat victims of SARS-CoV-2 that he said way back on February 25 that “it’s game over” for coronavirus.

He and a team of researchers reported that the use of HCQ administered with both azithromycin and zinc cured 79 of 80 patients with only “rare and minor” adverse events. “In conclusion,” these researchers write, “we confirm the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin in the treatment of COVID-19 and its potential effectiveness in the early impairment of contagiousness.”

The highly-publicized VA study that purported to show HCQ was ineffective showed nothing of the sort. HCQ wasn’t administered until the patients were virtually on their deathbeds when research indicates it should be prescribed as soon as symptoms are apparent. Plus, HCQ was administered without azithromycin and zinc, which form the cocktail that makes it supremely effective. At-risk individuals need to receive the HCQ cocktail at the first sign of symptoms.

But Governor Andrew Cuomo banned the use of HCQ in the entire state of New York on March 6, the Democrat governors of Nevada and Michigan soon followed suit, and by March 28 the whole country was under incarceration-in-place fatwas.

Nothing happened with regard to the use of HCQ in the U.S. until March 20, when President Trump put his foot down and insisted that the FDA consider authorizing HCQ for off-label use to treat SARS-CoV-2.

On March 23, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported that he had treated around 500 coronavirus patients with HCQ and had seen an astonishing 100% success rate. That’s not the “anecdotal” evidence Dr. Fauci sneers at, but actual results with real patients in clinical settings.

“Since last Thursday, my team has treated approximately 350 patients in Kiryas Joel and another 150 patients in other areas of New York with the above regimen. Of this group and the information provided to me by affiliated medical teams, we have had ZERO deaths, ZERO hospitalizations, and ZERO intubations. In addition, I have not heard of any negative side effects other than approximately 10% of patients with temporary nausea and diarrhea.”

Said Dr. Zelenko:

“If you scale this nationally, the economy will rebound much quicker. The country will open again. And let me tell you a very important point. This treatment costs about $20. That’s very important because you can scale that nationally. If every treatment costs $20,000, that’s not so good.

All I’m doing is repurposing old, available drugs which we know their safety profiles, and using them in a unique combination in an outpatient setting.”

The questions are disturbing to a spectacular degree.

If Dr. Fauci has known since 2005 of the effectiveness of HCQ, why hasn’t it been administered immediately after people show symptoms, as Dr. Zelenko has done? Maybe then nobody would have died and nobody would have been incarcerated in place except the sick, which is who a quarantine is for in the first place. To paraphrase Jesus, it’s not the symptom-free who need HCQ but the sick. And they need it at the first sign of symptoms.

While the regressive health care establishment wants the HCQ cocktail to only be administered late in the course of the infection, from a medical standpoint, this is stupid. Said one doctor, “As a physician, this baffles me. I can’t think of a single infectious condition — bacterial, fungal, or viral — where the best medical treatment is to delay the use of an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-viral until the infection is far advanced.”

So why has Dr. Fauci minimized and dismissed HCQ at every turn instead of pushing this thing from jump street? He didn’t even launch clinical trials of HCQ until April 9, by which time 33,000 people had died. READ MORE:

Listen to the insightful Thomas Paine Podcast Below —

Egilsstaðir, 31.07.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Á bak við helgrímuna - Biðjum Guð að hjálpa okkur öllum - DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxy chloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; - Nobody Needed to Die - July 26, 2020 by Edward Morgan


ER Editor: 


or the banning of it


the medical establishment,

is really key to

the whole plandemic.


(Bann meðalagengisins á Hydroxy, er lykillinn aðplágunni.

endursagt af leikmanni jg)


Hverjir eru boðberar dauðans?

Sérð þú þá ekki?

Ertu blindur?

Biddu Guð að opna augun þín. 

Hvað þurfa margir að deyja svo að þú opnir augum?


Sjáum við  þá ekki? 

Erum við blindir? 

Biðjum Guð að opna augun okkar. 

Hvað þurfa margir að deyja svo að við opnum augun?

Biðjum Guð að hjálpa okkur öllum

ER Editor:  Hydroxy, or the banning of it by the medical establishment, is really key to the whole plandemic.



DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”

ER Editor:  Hydroxy, or the banning of it by the medical establishment, is really key to the whole plandemic.

This piece, complete with podcast, was issued by True Pundit on July 2, 2020, which was a reissue of a piece by Bryan Fischer for OneNewsNow on April 27, 2020 with additional links.

Here is the ‘blockbuster’ article that Fauci’s team published on August 22, 2005: Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.

We also recommend this piece from yesterday by Zerohedge as a reminder of hydroxychloroquine’s immense usefulness, titled Yale Epidemiologist: Hydroxychloroquine Could Save 100,000 Lives If Widely Deployed. And this quotation from a recent piece by Thierry Meyssan titled The slow disintegration of the Republic in France:
According to him (ER: Marseille Professor Didier Raoult), Neil Ferguson is an impostor; the Scientific Council – from which he (Raoult) resigned – is manipulated by conflicts of interest with Gilead Science (Donald Rumsfeld’s former firm); in an emergency situation, the role of doctors is to treat, not to experiment; the results of doctors depend on their conception of their profession, which is why patients entrusted to hospitals in Paris were three times more likely to die than those entrusted to hospitals in Marseille.
See also this article titled Hydroxychloroquine – What Practicing Doctors Are Saying, as well as How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created. “Dangerous” When Used for Covid-19.

DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”


Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.

How did he know this?

Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. In connection with the SARS outbreak – caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS-CoV – the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks. The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.

The Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading – get ready for this – “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, “We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”

Dr. Didier Raoult, the Anthony Fauci of France, had such spectacular success using HCQ to treat victims of SARS-CoV-2 that he said way back on February 25 that “it’s game over” for coronavirus.

He and a team of researchers reported that the use of HCQ administered with both azithromycin and zinc cured 79 of 80 patients with only “rare and minor” adverse events. “In conclusion,” these researchers write, “we confirm the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin in the treatment of COVID-19 and its potential effectiveness in the early impairment of contagiousness.”

The highly-publicized VA study that purported to show HCQ was ineffective showed nothing of the sort. HCQ wasn’t administered until the patients were virtually on their deathbeds when research indicates it should be prescribed as soon as symptoms are apparent. Plus, HCQ was administered without azithromycin and zinc, which form the cocktail that makes it supremely effective. At-risk individuals need to receive the HCQ cocktail at the first sign of symptoms.

But Governor Andrew Cuomo banned the use of HCQ in the entire state of New York on March 6, the Democrat governors of Nevada and Michigan soon followed suit, and by March 28 the whole country was under incarceration-in-place fatwas.

Nothing happened with regard to the use of HCQ in the U.S. until March 20, when President Trump put his foot down and insisted that the FDA consider authorizing HCQ for off-label use to treat SARS-CoV-2.

On March 23, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko reported that he had treated around 500 coronavirus patients with HCQ and had seen an astonishing 100% success rate. That’s not the “anecdotal” evidence Dr. Fauci sneers at, but actual results with real patients in clinical settings.

“Since last Thursday, my team has treated approximately 350 patients in Kiryas Joel and another 150 patients in other areas of New York with the above regimen. Of this group and the information provided to me by affiliated medical teams, we have had ZERO deaths, ZERO hospitalizations, and ZERO intubations. In addition, I have not heard of any negative side effects other than approximately 10% of patients with temporary nausea and diarrhea.”

Said Dr. Zelenko:

“If you scale this nationally, the economy will rebound much quicker. The country will open again. And let me tell you a very important point. This treatment costs about $20. That’s very important because you can scale that nationally. If every treatment costs $20,000, that’s not so good.

All I’m doing is repurposing old, available drugs which we know their safety profiles, and using them in a unique combination in an outpatient setting.”

The questions are disturbing to a spectacular degree.

If Dr. Fauci has known since 2005 of the effectiveness of HCQ, why hasn’t it been administered immediately after people show symptoms, as Dr. Zelenko has done? Maybe then nobody would have died and nobody would have been incarcerated in place except the sick, which is who a quarantine is for in the first place. To paraphrase Jesus, it’s not the symptom-free who need HCQ but the sick. And they need it at the first sign of symptoms.

While the regressive health care establishment wants the HCQ cocktail to only be administered late in the course of the infection, from a medical standpoint, this is stupid. Said one doctor, “As a physician, this baffles me. I can’t think of a single infectious condition — bacterial, fungal, or viral — where the best medical treatment is to delay the use of an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-viral until the infection is far advanced.”

So why has Dr. Fauci minimized and dismissed HCQ at every turn instead of pushing this thing from jump street? He didn’t even launch clinical trials of HCQ until April 9, by which time 33,000 people had died. READ MORE:

Listen to the insightful Thomas Paine Podcast Below —

Egilsstaðir, 31.07.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Af hverju erum við að elta kosningavél Demókrata í Bandaríkjunum, sem reynir að eyðileggja efnahaginn þar, til að geta kennt Trump um? Notum strax góðu lyfin, sem loka á veikina eða eyða vírusnum ef það er gefið strax við smitun?


Muna að helmingunar tíminn á meðalimu í manninum er 30 til 60 dagar, Dauða skammtur, er 5 gröm, á meðal manninn.

Smá íslenska neðst. DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”


Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump

has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, 

has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.

How did he know this?

Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. 

In connection with the SARS outbreak – caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS-CoV – the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks.

The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. 

While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. 

They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.


(Hér er ég leikmaður, að reyna að nota Þýðingavélar af netinu,) 

Hulin dauða dómur.: Fauci samþykkti Hydroxychloroquine fyrir 15 árum til að lækna coronavirusa; "Það þurfti enginn að deyja"


Sérfræði ráðgjöf Dr. Anthony Fauci, til Trump Forseta,  hefur stöðvað mestu efnahagsvél í heimssögunni,

og hefur vitað frá 2005 að klórókín er áhrifarík hemill á coronavirusa.


Hvernig vissi hann þetta?

Vegna rannsókna sem gerðar eru af National Institutes of Health, þar sem hann er forstjóri. (Hætti hér) 


Ég er hér að tala um Hydroxychloroquine,  

Ekki má gleyma Budesonide er andað að sér.



Til að nefna einhver lyf, Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide er andað að sér. Að hugsa sér, jafnvel forseti Bandaríkjanna, getur ekki komið lyfjunum til fólksins, þótt hann hafi bestu fáanlegu ráðgjafa í vinnu kjá sér. Forsetinn ræður ekki fjölmiðlunum.

Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide eru til í Lyfju Egilsstöðum. Hér lýsir læknirinn, fengu áminningu fyrir að nota lyfin sem virkuðu. Er ekki hægt að borga þessum ???, veiku í bakstjórninni, og við fáum að nota lyfin sem stöðva veiruna strax?

FDA sued by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons for irrational - interference - regarding access to life-saving to hydroxychloroquine - lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.

Egilsstaðir, 01.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Guð skapaði manninn í sinni mynd, og nú skapar maðurinn Róbott í sinni mynd. Á næstu 50 árum, verður maðurinn uppfærður, svipað og Adam og Eva. Ekki gleyma að nú er ekkert mál að uppfæra dýrin, þá borði öll jarðargróðurinn eins og sagt er í Biblíunni.


Sett á blog:    Halldór Jónsson

Er náttúran að tala?

Einhversstaðar sá ég að sálirnar væru 60 milljarðar, ef til vill í einhverri sjáanda bók.

Auðvitað eru ýmsar tölur nefndar.

Þá er mun meira gaman að koma til jarðarinnar sem maður en sem eitthvert annað dýr.

Ef við borðum grænfóðrið, og höfum hugsanlega gerla sem húsdýr, þá verðum við náttúru vænni.

Gerlarnir breyta fóðrinu í gerlasúpu og tvöfalda þyngd sína á tveim tímum.

Þú leggur 50 gröm í gerlasúpu í hádeginu og eftir 5 tíma hefur þú  800 gröm í kvöldmatinn.

Guð skapaði manninn í sinni mynd, og nú skapar maðurinn Róbott í sinni mynd. 

Þá er kominn samsvarandi hringrás.

Á næstu 50 árum, verður maðurinn uppfærður, svipað og, spurning, Adam og Eva.

Þá deyr sá gamli kallaður maður út.

Nú ekki má gleyma því að nú er ekkert mál að uppfæra dýrin, þannig að þau borði öll jarðargróðurinn eins og sagt er í Biblíunni.

Hlustum á baklandið, Guð, Heilagan Anda, Jesú  og Kjarnan, Guðlega veru, Nikola Tesla og Það kemur upp í hugan, við hlustum, við getum kallað það innsæi eða eitthvað annað, Einstein.

Ég hef sagt þetta áður.

Egilsstaðir, 04.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Hvað ætla heilbrigðisyfirvöld að segja þegar almenningur kemst að hinu sanna? Er reynt að halda læknum í klemmu, þeir verði ásakaðir um kukl, þeir hafi notað ósamþykkt lyf og eða ósamþykktar lækninga meðferðir?


Sett á blog:  Tómas Ibsen Halldórsson

Þessi læknir hafði starfað á gjörgæslu í 20 ár . . .


Þetta er gott hjá þér Tómas Ibsen Halldórsson. 

Allir verða að hjálpa okkur út úr ruglinu. 


Hópar af læknum eru að segja að við eigum að nota þrautreyndu lyfin sem eru til í dag.

Lyfin virka mjög vel, og læknar Bandaríkjaforseta létu hann taka lyfin.

Hann var látin taka hydroxychloroquine til að fyrirbyggja að hann fengi sjúkdóminn.

Það virkar eins og bólusetning, til einhvers ákveðins tíma, helmingseyðing í líkamanum er 30 til 60 dagar.

Aldrei mega vera í líkamanum nema, spurning, 1 gram eða minna, 5 gröm eru sögð vera lífshættuleg,

Auðvitað þurfa læknarnir okkar að hafa nákvæma yfirsýn, svo að við notum lyfið hydroxychloroquine  rétt.

Hvað ætla heilbrigðisyfirvöld að segja þegar almenningur kemst að hinu sanna?

Er reynt að halda læknum í klemmu, þeir verði ásakaðir um kukl, þeir hafi notað ósamþykkt lyf og eða ósamþykktar lækninga meðferðir?

Auðvitað koma læknarnir okkar, og leiða okkur í allan sannleikann.

Læknarnir hafa líknað fólkinu, við hiinar ólíklegustu aðstæður í gegn um tíðina, og við styðjum þá  eins og við getum.



FDA sued by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons for irrational - interference - regarding access to life-saving to hydroxychloroquine - lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.

18.6.2020 | 07:41

Google þýðing ég vil ekki þýða það sjálfur, nota enskuna.

FDA er einhverskonar einnka, meðferðar leyfisstofnun.

FDA lögsótt af Félagi bandarískra lækna og skurðlækna vegna óræðra - truflana - varðandi aðgang að björgunarstörfum að hýdroxýklórókíni - lýgur að því að nota árangursríkt lyf til að meðhöndla banvænan sjúkdóm.

18.6.2020 | 07:41


ER Editor: 

Hydroxy, or the banning of it by

the medical establishment,  (Google og Bing  þýða  það læknastofnun)

is really key to the whole plandemic.

 (Bann (meðalagengisins) læknastofnunar á Hydroxy, er lykillinn að plágunni.

Endursagt af leikmanni jg)


Á bak við helgrímuna - Biðjum Guð að hjálpa okkur öllum - DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxy chloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; - Nobody Needed to Die - July 26, 2020 by Edward Morgan

31.7.2020 | 10:40

Egilsstaðir, 05.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hneyksli að stjórnmálamenn, embættismenn ríkisins, forstjórar fyrirtækja CEOs og stjórnendur Sameinuðu þjóðana, allir vita um virkni HCQ, en þeir halda því leyndu fyrir Bandaríkjamönnum. (Íslendingum?) Sjálfir taka þeir HCQ til að veikjast ekki.


Nú nota mörg ríki í heiminum Hydroxychloroquine, með miklum árangri. Hvers vegna fá Bandaríkjamenn, (Íslendingar) ekki að nota Hydroxychloroquine  HCQ.

Einhver er inni í Word og breytti orðinu ekki í eke, ég sá það í fjölbreytinum, orðinu ekki var breytt allstaðar í eke, ég breyti því aftur. Muna, ekki þarf nema smá breytingar í greinum, bloggum, til að allt misskiljist.

Ég sá myndir af kirkju í Rússlandi. og var í Word, var að bæta blogggreinina, þá kom inn í Wordið glæsileg kona og sagðist hafa ganan af ferðalögum. Ég sagði að ég væri 85 ára, og ég sagði að hún væri fær að komast inn í Wordið hjá mér. Hún kom ekki aftur, 85 árin dugðu. 

Ég skrifaði blog um þetta, sýndi ekki mynd eða nafn, svo að það yrði henni ekki til vandræða. Þetta er úr minninu, hægt að fletta upp blogginu.

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour of Moscow


Anonymous D.C. Insider Exposes Ultra-Secret Covid Conspiracy Inside the Beltway
Submitted by an Anonymous D.C. Insider

Smá endursögn, ekki þýðing, rauð.

Allir innan kerfisins nota HCQ, hydroxychloroquine.

Anonymous D.C. Insider Exposes Ultra-Secret Covid Conspiracy Inside the Beltway

Allir innan elítunnar nota HCQ til að verjast COVID-19

Submitted by an Anonymous D.C. Insider



Big Pharma and the WHO have known all along about the HCQ cure for COVID-19.

Meðalafyrirtækin og WHO hafa alltaf vitað að HCQ, hydroxychloroquine læknar, (og kemur í veg fyrir) COVID-19.

Everyone at the CDC, NIH and FDA knows that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is the silver bullet for the coronavirus.

They also know that, when combined with azithromycin and zinc, the 3-in-1 protocol provides the magic formula for almost anyone with coronavirus disease.

Þeir vita að þegar HCQ er notað með azithromycin og zinc, 3 í 1 blöndunni,  sem læknar Coronavirus pestina.

However, what Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and Robert Redfield are not telling anyone is that practically every VIP in Washington, D.C. is using HCQ prophylactically.

Allir, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx og Robert Redfield segja engum að öll elítan í Washington DC noti HCQ til að forðast veikina.

Everyone knows that Trump has been using it as a preventative as he publicly stated so on multiple occasions.  But no one has revealed that virtually everyone inside the Beltway is also using it.  That’s why they were all shown so often in groups with no masks and not adhering to the recommended social distancing guidelines during the regular coronavirus briefings.  And, they did many of those dog and pony shows right in the middle of the Covid spikes during the first wave.

Allir vita að Trump hefur  notað hydroxychloroquine,  HCQ  til að koma í veg fyrir að smitast, og hefur oft sagt frá því. Allir nota það. Elítan var alltaf grímulaus og stóð þétt saman í ýmsum uppákomum, mannamótum. Þeir þurftu ekki að sýna neina varúð vegan smithættu.



White House press briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic in which no one wore a mask and social distancing was not observed contrary to the official guidelines published by the White House Coronavirus Task Force

Hér þarf engin að nota grímu eða tveggja metra fjarlægð, því að allir taka Hydroxychloroquine  HCQ.

The real scandal here is that leading politicians, government officials, corporate CEOs and UN administrators all know about the efficacy of HCQ, and yet they have collaborated to deprive the American people of its use.  All the while they, themselves, are secretly taking HCQ prophylactically.

Hneykslið hér er að leiðandi stjórnmálamenn, embættismenn ríkisins, forstjórar fyrirtækja CEOs

og stjórnendur Sameinuðu þjóðana,

allir vita um virkni HCQ, en þeir halda því leyndu fyrir Bandaríkjamönnum, (Íslendingum?).  Á meðan eru þeir sjálfir að taka HCQ til að veikjast ekki.

When so many countries around the globe have used Hydroxychloroquine with great success, why is the U.S. fiercely resisting it?

Nú nota mörg ríki í heiminum Hydroxychloroquine, með miklum árangri. Hvers vegna fá Bandaríkjamenn, (Íslendingar) ekki að nota Hydroxychloroquine  HCQ.

Because the world’s most zealous vaccine salesman — Bill Gates — is determined to bring a COVID-19 vaccine to market.  Word on the street (K Street) is that Gates is also taking HCQ as a preventive.  In fact, he has taken HCQ as a precautionary measure for many years during his travels to the Third World nations that were subjected to his endless vaccine pitches and vaccination programs.

Hér eru ásakanir á Bill Gates, (vaccine), ég ætla að sleppa að endursegja það.

If Americans knew that India was successfully using HCQ nationwide, how would they react?  New Delhi has even made the decision to make HCQ available as a prophylactic, so inexpensive is it.

Ef Ameríkumenn vissu að Indverjar nota Hydroxychloroquine HCQ fyrir alla þjóðina, hvernig mundu þeir bregðast við. Nýja-Delhi ákvað einnig að hafa Hydroxychloroquine, HCQ tiltækt fyrir alla þjóðina, til að fólkið smitaðist ekki, lyfið er svo ódýrt.

“India is estimated to produce 70% of the world’s hydroxychloroquine, with Ipca Labs and Zydus Cadila the two largest producers of the drug in the country.[1]

Talið er að Indland framleiði 70% af hydroxychloroquine, HCQ í veröldinni, með fyrirtækjunum Ipca Labs og Zydus Cadila sem eru stærstu framleiðendur af lyfinu í landinu.

Well then, why did India send 85 million doses of hydroxychloroquine to 108 Covid-infected countries if it doesn’t work?!

Jæja þá, af hverju sendi Indland 85.000.000 skammta af hydroxychloroquine til 108 Covid-sýktra landa ef það virkar ekki?!

So, what the scandal?

Key government officials, medical authorities and elected representatives throughout the USA are aware of every single fact stated in this exposé.  Nevertheless, they are pushing untested remedies and dangerous protocols that have actually killed many COVID-19 patients in all 50 states.

Helstu embættismenn, læknayfirvöld og kjörnir fulltrúar um allt USA eru meðvitaðir um hverja einustu staðreynd sem fram kemur í þessari grein.  Engu að síður, koma þeir með  óprófuð úrræði og hættulegar reglur sem hafa í raun drepið marga COVID-19 sjúklinga í öllum 50 ríkjum.

This situation is completely unacceptable.  Especially when the leaders of the national coronavirus response are taking HCQ and other effective prophylactics to keep the coronavirus at bay.  The same goes for many in the mainstream media; they will never tell anyone either that they’re taking HCQ.  Nor will the Sultans of Silicon Valley or Wall Street banksters or Corporate America moguls ever let on to this “ultra-secret conspiracy”.  Which is why the Hamptons Concert With Goldman CEO, Chainsmokers Faces N.Y. Probe.  Goldman Sachs Chairman of the Board David Solomon obviously felt immune to catching Covid even at a concert where he was the star of the show.

Þetta ástand er algjörlega óásættanlegt.  Sérstaklega þegar leiðtogarnir í National coronavirus viðbrögðunum eru að taka HCQ og önnur árangursrík fyrirbyggjandi lyf til að halda coronaveirunni í skefjum.  Hið sama gildir um marga í almennum fjölmiðlum; Þeir munu aldrei segja neinum heldur að þeir séu að taka HCQ. Höfðingjarnir í Silicon Valley eða Wall Street banksters eða Corporate America moguls segja ekki frá samsærinu.  Hamptons tónleikar með Goldman FORSTJÓRA, Chainreykir Faces N.Y. Probe.  Goldman Sachs formaður stjórnarinnar David Solomon virtust óhræddir við að smitast af Covid á tónleikum þar sem hann var stjarna tónleikanna.

But what’s the real scandal here?

The HCQ-Azithromycin-Zinc protocol is being deliberately withheld from the American people so that a mandatory COVID-19 vaccine can be foisted on the country.

HCQ-azithromycin-Zinc-bókuninni er vísvitandi haldið frá bandarísku þjóðinni svo að hægt sé að selja fólkinu COVID-19 bóluefni. hættur

And, the proof of such a criminal conspiratorial plot: there will be never-ending seasonal Covid spikes with each wave being bigger and more intense than the previous one.  When those start to ebb, coronavirus cluster explosions will be detonated in the major metro areas, particularly the sanctuary cities.

Then, when the blue states have had enough, the Democrat governors will collude with their Democrat legislatures to mandate an annual Covid vaccination (just like California recently passed draconian legislation requiring yearly compliance with childhood vaccination schedules).  The unrelenting launches of the COVID-19 bioweapon in conservative territory will eventually compel the Republican governors to do the same in the red states.

— An Anonymous D.C. Insider

SOTN Editor’s Note: The end result of this phase of OPERATION COVID-19 is the undeclared state of medical martial law.  Next will begin the initial stages of the Orwellian takeover scheme COVID-1984, which has been greatly advanced via the staged race riots and growing buzz about an impending race war.  However, only if the American people allow them to will these treasonous plans gain any meaningful traction.

Egilsstaðir, 06.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Af hverju höfum við ráfað um eins og blindir og heyrnarlausir og án markmiðs og eru nú komnir út í ófæruna. Allir eiga að safnast saman í kirkjunni, til að hugunin opni fyrir innsæið, leiðbeininguna frá kjarnanum, frá Heilögum Anda, frá Jesú, frá Guði


Skáldsaga, auðvitað sönn. Hér eru margir viðskiptamenn, gerðir að einum.

Ef ég heyri í huganum, finn að einhver misskilur persónulýsingu, breyti ég persónunni. 

Hvar vorum við allir kennararnir, varðmennirnir þínir Drottinn?

Ég á seðlabankana, mundu það, og mundu að ég ræð kennsluefninu.

Árið 2008, bjó ég til kreppu með því að segja þér að nú væri enginn peningur til, bankarnir tómir.

Það gerði ég með því að hætta að lána út, peninga, bókhald.

En, þú greiddir áfram til bankans af öllum lánum, lán er, aðeins bókhald.

Ég hækkaði vextina til að bókhaldið væri fljótara að koma inn í bankann, til að búa til skort á peningum í þjóðfélaginu.

Þá stöðvaðist allt í þjóðfélaginu, reyndar í  öllum löndunum.

Eftir því sem minna varð um peninga Bókhald úti í þjóðfélaginu, varð meiri stöðnun, verslun minnkaði og fyrirtæki fóru á hausinn, og fólkið missti vinnuna.

Fólkið og fyrirtækin gátu ekki greitt af lánum sínum, og menn reyndu að selja fasteignirnar, en bankinn sagði nei þið getið ekki fengið fyrirgreiðslu, það er ekkert BÓKHALD til.

Einhverjir sem áttu smá upphæð, gátu keypt íbúðir, einbýlishús, og fyrirtæki á mjög lágu verði.

Fólkið fór í bankana grátandi og sagðist ekki geta meira. Þetta er erfitt, sagði BLESSAÐUR  bankastjórinn, hann skildi ekkert í þessu frekar en viðskiptavinurinn.

Ja, ég veit ekki, bankinn getur ef til vill tekið eignirnar, en þú veist að það er engin markaður fyrir eignir í dag.

Þú áttir hálft húsið, 50% í húsinu, og svo fyrirtækið sem þú misstir, og það sem þú áttir í bankabókinni er farið, og nú engar tekjur.

Tárin renna úr augunum á viðskiptavininum og hann snökktir, í „Guðana bænum“ bjargaðu mér, hann fer að hágráta.

Ég skal reyna að gera þetta fyrir þig, þetta eru erfiðir tímar.

Greinilegt er að þessir tímar, taka mjög á Bankastjórann, hann virðist setja sig í stellingar, sem hæfa starfinu.  

Við tökum þá eignina, fellum niður skuldirnar þínar.

Viðskiptavinurinn snökktir, Guð blessi þig, og alla þína,

Vertu marg blessaður og þakka þér fyrir að losa mig úr þessu mikla vanda.

Þetta var svona þverskurður af þjóðfélaginu.


Nú í dag er ég heimskur, ætla að græða fúlgur fjár en skemma mun meira verðmæti fyrir fólkinu, það missir jafnvel lífið.

Ég hefði getað grætt mikklu meira, með því að auka framleiðsluna, eins og til dæmis að sjá til þess að aukið koefni í loftinu, yki plöntuvöxtinn, laga allt og bæta.


Nú í dag, hef ég þetta einsstaka tækifæri til að búa til  bóluefni, galdrablöndu, gróðablöndu, segi ég heimskinginn.

Þá verð ég fyrst að telja þeim trú um að ekkert geti hjálpað þeim nema galdrablandan, gróðablandan mín.

Ég verð að útiloka að þeir noti eitthvað annað til að eyða vandræðunum. Ég  geri grín að kennurunum og gömlu þekkingunni sem þeir Einstein, Nikola Tesla og Jesú kenndu.

Þeir Einstein, Nikola Tesla og Jesú sögðu, að til að hafa möguleika til að taka á móti nýrri þekkingu, þarftu kyrrð og ró, setjast á þúfu og íhuga, koman sam í kirkjunni í messunni, helgistundinni, mín orðun.

Íhugun er það stundum kallað, og þá kemur lausnin upp í hugann, án þess að við vitum hvernig og hversvegna, Einstein.

Af hverju höfum við ráfað um eins og blindir og heyrnarlausir og án markmiðs og eru nú komnir út í ófæruna.

Allir eiga að safnast saman í kirkjunni, til að hugunin opni fyrir innsæið, leiðbeininguna frá kjarnanum, frá Heilögum Anda, frá Jesú, frá Guði.

Þá magnar samverustundin, bænirnar.

Það eru ekki orðin, heldur hugunin, einingin, leitunin, viljinn, óskin, viðleitnin.

Raunhugsunin virðist leiða okkur í átt að því að við lifum í sýndarveröld, og að veröldin verði til við hugunina, leitunina, óskina og hún magnist við eininguna.

Við allir erum heimskir, ef við ástundum ekki kennsluna um innsæið, sem nær sambandi með huguninni, kennslunni þeirra Einstein, Nikola Tesla og Jesú.

Þeir voru allir raunvísindamenn.

Enn í dag er Trump að berjast fyrir því að fólkið fái að nota bestu lyfin. Bönnuð á Íslandi, svarið til mín. Geta yfirvöld neitað fólkinu um bestu lyfin? Kosningar í USA 03.11.2020 eiga ekki að ráða lyfjagjöf á Íslandi. Er betra að fólkið deyi?


Fréttir frá því í gær.

Enn í dag er Trump að berjast fyrir því að fólkið fái að nota bestu lyfin. Hér á Íslandi fáum við ekki að nota bestu lyfin. 

Hvernig ætla yfirvöld að verja það að neita fólkinu um bestu lyfin?

Er einhver hópur, sem er ánægður með að fólkið deyi, er ekki hægt að hjálpa þessu fólki? 


The U S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA

Endursögn af leikmanni. Lagaði orðið kransæðavírus í coronavirus annars Google þýðing. 

Trump tilkynnir neyðarheimild vegna „bylting“ meðferðar á coronavirus

Trump announces emergency authorization of ‘breakthrough’ coronavirus treatment



Endursögn af leikmanni.

Trump sakar FDA (djúpríkið?) um að hindra meðferð á coronavirus, þar til eftir kosningar.

Trump accuses 'deep state' FDA of thwarting efforts for coronavirus treatments until after election

'Must focus on speed, and saving lives!' the president tweeted



Published 1 day ago

To day 23.08. 2020

President Trump on Saturday accused the “deep state” at the Food and Drug Administration of making it hard for drug companies to test coronavirus treatments -- and suggested the agency is trying to delay them until after Election Day.

“The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics,” he tweeted. “Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!” 

President Trump defends his administration's response to COVID pandemic 

Egilsstaðir, 23.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Lyfjafyrirtækin líta á coronavirus faraldurinn eins og viðskiptatækifæri, sem þú færð aðeins einusinni í lífinu. Alls ekki má nota trausta allmenna þekkingu, eða þraut reynd lyf sem kosta lítið, og virka vel. Hvað ræður stjórnvaldsaðgerðum í dag.



Hver ræður stjórnvaldinu. Lyfjaiðnaðurinn eyddi 2019, 295 millj. dollara, kr. í eftirlit með stjórnvöldum og lagasetningu. Tvöfalt meira en aðrir. Alls ekki má nota trausta allmenna þekkingu, eða þraut reynd lyf sem kosta lítið, og virka.

20.8.2020 | 23:04

40 milljarðar íslenskra króna, sem lyfjaiðnaðurinn

eyddi á árinu 2019 í að halda utanum, snúast í kringum


Lyfjafyrirtækin líta á coronavirus faraldurinn

eins og viðskiptatækifæri,

sem þú færð aðeins einusinni í lífinu.

Pharmaceutical companies view the coronavirus pandemic

as a once-in-a-lifetime busienss opportunity.


Hvað ræður gerðum stjórnvalda. Lyfjaiðnaðurinn eyddi árið 2019, 295 milljónum dollara,  eða 40.214.400.000 kr. í að hafa eftirlit með stjórnvöldum og lagasetningu.

Það er tvöfalt meira en aðrir.

Alls ekki má nota trausta allmenna þekkingu, eða þraut reynd lyf sem kosta lítið, og virka vel.


Big Pharma Prepares to Profit From the Coronavirus

Pharmaceutical companies view the coronavirus pandemic

as a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity.

Sharon Lerner

March 13 2020, 6:46 p.m.



Hér er ég að velta því fyrir mér, hvað ráði stjórnvaldsaðgerðum í dag.

Lyfja iðnaðurinn eyddi árið 2019, 295 milljónum dollara,  eða 40.214.400.000 kr. í að hafa eftirlit með gerðum stjórnmálamanna og embættismanna og allra þeirra sem hafa áhrif stjórnsýsluna og Þá lagasetninguna.

Það er um tvöfalt meira en þeir sem koma næstir,  Alls ekki má nota trausta allmenna þekkingu, eða þraut reynd lyf sem kosta lítið, og virka vel.

Egilsstaðir, 27.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Suður Kínahafs svæðið, sem Kína tók, vill taka, af nágrana þjóðunum. Nú eru þjóðirnar að reyna að ná þessu svæði til baka. Hér er verið að sýna líkt svæði við Mexikoflóa, til samanburðar.


Suður Kínahafs svæðið, sem Kína tók, vill taka, af nágrana þjóðunum.

Nú eru þjóðirnar að reyna að ná þessu svæði til baka.

Hér er verið að sýna líkt svæði við Mexikoflóa, til samanburðar.

China Fired Laser at a US Aircraft, Why?


Ég skoðaði aðeins kort á netinu frá 1900 og 1920, og mér sýndist að Kína hefði haft áhrif á hvað er sýnt á netinu,  eins og öll stórveldi gera.



31.1.2019 | 08:56

Þarna virðist Kína hafa tekið með valdi 2,5 milljón ferkílómetra í Tíbet, og 3,5 milljón ferkílómetra í Suður-Kína hafi frá Tíbet, Víetnam, Indónesíu, Malaysiu, Bruney, og Filipseyjum. Höfn á Bakkafirði? Hvað er þar á ferðinni? 


Kína samtals, bætt við sig, 6 milljón ferkílómetrum, land Tíbet og hafsvæði. Nær 800 km suður og langt inn í 200 mílna landhelgi Víetnam, Indónesíu, Malasíu, Bruney, og Filipseyja. Nasistar réðu mest 3,9 milljónum ferkílómetra í Síðari heimsstyrjöldinni.



Í greininni er talað um að svæðið nái 1000 mílur frá Kína

klikka mynd stærri



Samsvarandi svæði teiknað inn á kort af Mexikófló og meðfram Mið –Ameríku ríkjunum og að Venesúela, í Suður – Ameríku. 

klikka mynd stærri



Kína samtals, bætt við sig, 6 milljón ferkílómetrum, land Tíbet og hafsvæði. Nær 800 km suður og langt inn í 200 mílna landhelgi Víetnam, Indónesíu, Malasíu, Bruney, og Filipseyja. Nasistar réðu mest 3,9 milljónum ferkílómetra í Síðari heimsstyrjöldinni.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 5. febrúar 2019

Skoða slóðir neðar. Evrópa er 10 milljón ferkílómetrar. Nasistar réðu mest 3,9 milljónum ferkílómetra í Síðari heimsstyrjöldinni. 000 Kína samtals, bætt við sig, 6 milljón ferkílómetrum, land (Tíbet) og hafsvæði. Kína, hefur nú þegar náð Tíbet, 2,5


Ef kínverski herinn er nógu öflugur þá voga bandarísk herskip sér ekki að fara inn á kínversk mið til að sýna krafta sína, skrifaði dagblaðið. Sterkur kínverskur her er tryggingin fyrir friði og stöðugleika í Suður-Kínahafi og jafnvel öllum heiminum.“

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 24. maí 2019

Og jafnvel í öllum heiminum, er Finnafjörður þar með talinn? Skoða myndina í þessari slóð Höfnin, á Íslandi, Finnafirði er í umræðunni á heimsvísu, þegar rætt er að Kínverska flotann vanti hafnir, birgðastöðvar vítt og breitt um veröldina. Veraldarkortið

Höfnin, á Íslandi, Finnafirði er í umræðunni á heimsvísu, þegar rætt er að Kínverska flotann vanti hafnir, birgðastöðvar vítt og breitt um veröldina. Veraldarkortið hér neðar, er frá Economist Intelligence Unit og þar er Ísland merkt sem áætluð höfn.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 2. maí 2019

Einhver nefndi Finnafjörð, þar er betra að hafa varann á. Höfnin, á Íslandi og þá Finnafirði er í umræðunni á heimsvísu, þegar rætt er um að Kínverska flotann vanti hafnir, birgðastöðvar vítt og breitt um veröldina. Veraldarkortið hér neðar, er frá

Fyrirtækin eru að sækjast eftir vatnsréttindum um alla jörðina. Íslendingar geta farið í þjóðgarðinn, þegar ég þarf að nota mínar jarðir. Fyrir laxa notum við laxa beitu, fyrir menn notum við lax í beitu. Það veiðist vel á laxinn.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 14. febrúar 2019

Fyrirtækin eru að sækjast eftir vatnsréttindum um alla jörðina. Íslendingar geta farið í þjóðgarðinn, þegar ég þarf að nota mínar jarðir. Fyrir laxa notum við laxa beitu, fyrir menn notum við lax í beitu. Það veiðist vel á laxinn. 000 Sett að hluta á

Kína samtals, bætt við sig, 6 milljón ferkílómetrum, land Tíbet og hafsvæði. Nær 800 km suður og langt inn í 200 mílna landhelgi Víetnam, Indónesíu, Malasíu, Bruney, og Filipseyja. Nasistar réðu mest 3,9 milljónum ferkílómetra í Síðari heimsstyrjöldinni.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 5. febrúar 2019

Skoða slóðir neðar. Evrópa er 10 milljón ferkílómetrar. Nasistar réðu mest 3,9 milljónum ferkílómetra í Síðari heimsstyrjöldinni. 000 Kína samtals, bætt við sig, 6 milljón ferkílómetrum, land (Tíbet) og hafsvæði. Kína, hefur nú þegar náð Tíbet, 2,5

Egilsstaðir, 28.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Athuga, lífeyrissjóður er aðeins skrifuð tala, þú getur hent lífeyrissjóðnum, og svo eftir viku getur þú skrifað nýja tölu. Það sem þú treystir á er starfandi þjóðfélag, sem getur framleitt vörur og þjónustu sem þú þarfnast.


Sett að hluta á blog:  Halldór Jónsson

Þorir einhver?

Athuga, lífeyrissjóður er aðeins skrifuð tala, þú getur hent lífeyrissjóðnum, og svo eftir viku getur þú skrifað nýja tölu.

Það sem þú treystir á er starfandi þjóðfélag, sem getur framleitt vörur og þjónustu sem þú þarfnast.

Margar þjóðir hafa gegnumstreymis lífeyrissjóð, og hann greiðir, skrifar tölur, að verðgildi þess sem framleiðsla og þjónusta býður upp á.

Vörurnar og þjónustan, vilja láta nota sig!

Neytendur vilja kaupa, fá vörurnar og þjónustuna.

Lífeyrissjóður, skrifuð tala, hefur ekkert gildi ef hvorki eru til vörur eða þjónusta.

Allt smellur saman.

Verð að hlaupa.

Sjóður, til að huga að atvinnulífi, fyrirtækjum, og rekstri fréttamiðla, kemur vel til greina.

Það er bráðnauðsynlegt að losna við ástandið í dag, nú ræður einn aðili yfir öllum gömlu fjölmiðlunum.

Til að laga allt.

Hjálpum okkur gömlu vanþroskuðu einstaklingunum, okkur nústaðreynda trúar mönnunum, að opna fyrir skilninginn.

Jesú sagði, ég er kominn til að bjarga syndurunum, það er þeim sem kunna ekki, geta ekki fært sig yfir í skilninginn.

Ef við eigum ekki góðleika, þá er eina ráðið, að segja, Jesú, vilt þú hjálpa mér, vilt þú gefa mér gæsku.

Orðin skipta ekki máli, heldur að þú viljir leyfa og þiggja hjálpina.

Muna að gullverði er stýrt.


Sesar fékk hylli fólksins, fyrir að fara í framkvæmdir, sem sköpuðu atvinnu fyrir fólkið, sem það fékk greitt fyrir, og þá keypt það sem heimilið þurfti. Sesar varð að finna greiðslu möguleika, að búa til bókhald fyrir lausa hönd, sem vildi gera gagn,

17.4.2020 | 22:56


Egilsstaðir, 29.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Trump forseti lofaði ávinning af HCQ, hugsanleg meðferð á COVID-19. - 19. mars tilkynnti hann að FDA myndi flýta samþykki nokkurra meðferða, þar á meðal HCQ. Hann sagði að lyfið "hafi verið notað lengi og væri því vel þekkt og ætti ekki að drepa neinn.


Meiri íslenska neðar

… Allt breyttist í maí þegar Lancet, gaf út rannsókn sem sagði að HCQ meðferð við COVID-19 væri árangurslaus. Vinstri öflin, demokratar? réðust strax á Trump fyrir að hafa hælt HCQ lyfinu.

En, aðeins nokkrum vikum síðar, voru höfundar rannsóknarinnar neyddir til að biðja Lancet vísindaritið? um að draga rannsóknina til baka, vegna þess að rannsóknarfyrirtækið, sem hafði látið þá fá gögnin sem þeir höfðu treyst á, gat ekki eða vildi ekki staðfesta gögnin. 

Allt í einu voru þeir sem voru á móti því að nota  HCQ lyfið, Anti-HCQ uppvísir að nota falskar upplýsingar. …

Meiri íslenska neðar


How the hydroxychloroquine debate proves politics can get in the way of science

Baráttan um HCQ sannar að stjórnmáli geta lokað á vísindin, sannleikann





Smá kafli endursagður á íslensku hér fyrir neðan.


Trofim Lysenko, Stalin’s director of biology, is best remembered for blocking the science of Mendelian genetics because the science was stubbornly resistant to Marxist ideology. Consequently, the entire field of genetics was banned in the USSR. Politics-driven science — what could possibly go wrong?

Unlike citizens of the former Soviet Union, Westerners are much less familiar with seeing science fully subordinate to political agendas.


But with the hydroxychloroquine debate of 2020, we are getting a taste of it. 


Endursagður smá kafli hér fyrir neðan.

Hydroxychloroquine hefur verið í notkun um allan heim í meira en 65 ár.

Það hefur verið gefið, ávísað milljarða sinnum.

Núna hefur pólitíkin og hatur á Trump, komið af stað baráttu til að koma í veg fyrir að COVID-19 sjúklingar fái hydroxychloroquine.

Byggt á bestu sönnunargögnum sem í boði eru í dag, hefur hýdroxýklórókín -HCQ, reynst árangursríkt í meðferð snemma í COVID-19, veikindunum.


(Ef HCQ lyfið er gefið strax drepur það vírusinn, og þá veikist ekki líkaminn, og þá komast sýklarnir ekki í líffærin, en þá þarf að drepa með sýkla lyfjum. Jg)


Vegna stjórnmálana eru þessi sönnunargögn hunsuð.

Eftir allt, ef það er áhrifarík meðferð fyrir COVID-19, þá eru kannski útgöngubönn og fjarnám fyrir börnin okkar og grímu fyrirmæli og félagsleg fjarlægð ekki nauðsynlegar, frá læknisfræðilegu sjónarmiði.

Og ef þetta er ekki nauðsynlegt frá læknisfræðilegu sjónarmiði, þá gæti afsökun sem við notum til að halda skólunum lokuðum fyrir námi, og til að halda fyrirtækjum lokuðum, og til að halda restinni af samfélaginu undir þvingunum ríkisstjórnarinnar(öll lokun óþörf jg).


(þarna vill Trump nota lyfin, en gamla stjórnkerfið vill ekki leyfa lækninguna, til að geta kennt Trump um vandræðin. Er þessu fólki alveg sama þótt hundruð þúsunda deyi, trúir það ekki á góðan Guð? Hvað ætlar þetta fólk að segja, þegar fólkið skilur þetta? Heldur fólkið virkilega að RUV og allir fjölmiðlarnir geti haldið okkur frá sannleikanum? jg)


Það var í mars þegar Trump forseti fór að lofa ávinning af HCQ sem hugsanleg meðferð í meðferð COVID-19. - 19. mars tilkynnti hann að FDA myndi flýta samþykki nokkurra meðferða, þar á meðal HCQ. Hann sagði að lyfið "hafi verið notað lengi og væri því vel þekkt og ætti ekki að drepa neinn.

Þremur dögum síðar skrifaði Wall Street Journal um góða kosti HCQ notað með azithromycin, sem er almennt þekkt sem zithromax (Z-pakþ

(alltaf verður að gefa HCQ strax, þá drepur það vírusana, og þá veiklast líkaminn ekki, og engir, eða fáir sýklar ná að komast í líffærin, þá þarf að nota sýkla lyf. jg) …

… Allt breyttist í maí þegar Lancet, gaf út rannsókn sem sagði að HCQ meðferð við COVID-19 væri árangurslaus. Vinstri öflin, demokratar? réðust strax á Trump fyrir að hafa hælt HCQ lyfinu.

En, aðeins nokkrum vikum síðar, voru höfundar rannsóknarinnar neyddir til að biðja Lancet vísindaritið?  að draga rannsóknina til baka, vegna þess að rannsóknarfyrirtækið, sem hafði látið þá fá gögnin sem þeir höfðu treyst á, gat ekki eða vildi ekki staðfesta gögnin. 

Allt í einu voru þeir sem voru á móti því að nota  HCQ lyfið, Anti-HCQ uppvísir að nota falskar upplýsingar. …

FDA gaf út yfirlýsingu um afturköllun á neyðarheimildinni frá í mars - afturköllunarheimild, sem leifir læknum aftur að ávísa HCQ "Off label" fyrir COVID-19 sjúklinga.

Og 02.07.2020 kom ný rannsókn, sem birt var af Henry Ford Health System, lýsti því að meðferð með HCQ fækkaði dauðsföllum um helming hjá sjúkum sjúklingum á sjúkrahúsi með COVID-19-og, critically, sérstaklega, án hjartatengdra aukaverkana sem sumar rannsóknir höfðu sýnt.

Ekki meiri endursögn.


Hydroxychloroquine has been in use worldwide for more than 65 years. It’s been prescribed safely billions of times.

And yet, for political reasons — and, more specifically, for anti-Trump reasons — there is a lobbying campaign to block hydroxychloroquine from patients with COVID-19.

 Based on the best evidence available today, hydroxychloroquine — HCQ, for short — has been shown to be effective in early-stage treatment of COVID-19, the illness brought on by the novel coronavirus.

Because of hyper-politization, however, this evidence is being ignored.

After all, if there’s an effective treatment for COVID-19, then maybe the shutdowns and distance learning for our children and mask mandates and social distancing requirements aren’t necessary, from a medical standpoint.         

And if they’re not necessary from a medical standpoint, then what excuse could we use to keep the schools closed for in-person learning, and to keep the businesses shuttered, and to keep the rest of society under the government’s thumb?

It was way back in March when President Trump first touted the benefits of HCQ as a potential therapy in treating COVID-19. On March 19, he announced that the FDA would fast-track approval of several treatments, including HCQ. He said the drug “has been around for a long time so we know if things don’t go as planned it’s not going to kill anybody.”

Three days later, The Wall Street Journal published a piece extolling the virtues of HCQ in combination with azithromycin, more commonly known as Zithromax (Z-Pak).




The authors — Dr. Jeff Colyer, chairman of the National Advisory Commission on Rural Health, and Dr. Daniel Hinthorn, director of the Division of Infectious Disease at the University of Kansas Medical Center — argued that, based on their experiences treating patients, the HCQ-Z Pack treatment can be quite effective in early applications.


The tide turned in May with The Lancet, which published a study saying HCQ treatment for COVID-19 was ineffective. The left pounced, using the study to trash Mr. Trump for having promoted use of the drug.

But then, just a few weeks later, the authors of the study were forced to ask The Lancet to retract the study, because the research firm on whose data the authors had relied could not or would not confirm their data. All of a sudden, it was the anti-HCQ crowd that was left with mud on its face. 

Then, the FDA issued a statement revoking the emergency use authorization it had granted in March — a revocation which, paradoxically, allowed doctors once again to prescribe HCQ “off label” for COVID-19 patients.

Then, on July 2, a new study published by the Henry Ford Health System declared that treatment with HCQ cut the death rate in half in sick patients hospitalized with COVID-19 — and, critically, without the heart-related side effects that some studies had shown. 

This was the background to the press conference held on July 27 by America’s Frontline Doctors, an ad hoc group of physicians who have been dealing with COVID-19 patients for months. At that press conference, several of them spoke of the virtues of using HCQ as a treatment for early-stage COVID patients. Video clips of the event went viral, logging more than 20 million views; President Trump and his son, Don Jr., tweeted and retweeted the clips. And then Facebook, Twitter and YouTube removed the video clips for spreading what the tech giants called “misinformation” about COVID-19.

Asked at a White House press briefing the following day what he thought about the use of HCQ to treat COVID-19, the president acknowledged the politicization of the process when he responded, “[P]olitically, it doesn’t seem to be too popular. You know why? Because I recommend it. When I recommend something, they like to say, ‘Don’t use it.’”

Ironically, even as the tech giants were patting themselves on the back for having “saved” their public audiences from having received “misinformation,” two days after they removed the clips, FDA chief Stephen Hahn acknowledged that the choice to use HCQ as a treatment for COVID-19 was not properly a question for government regulation, but a choice to be made by a doctor and patient.

Science is at its best when its aims are scientific advancement and truth, and its method is rigorous scientific research. Political agendas and biases toward certain outcomes are unseemly in the field of science, and do nothing to advance medicine or patients’ interests.

The Lysenko approach to science is best left to totalitarian regimes. Americans deserve better.

  • Jenny Beth Martin is honorary chairman of Tea Party Patriots Action. James Todaro, MD, leads investigative research in COVID-19 on a global scale. His publications include the first widely disseminated paper on hydroxychloroquine in treatment of COVID-19 and the first detailed expose on Surgisphere that resulted in The Lancet’s retraction of its study on hydroxychloroquine.

Egilsstaðir, 31.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Kallar RUV og bakstjórnin lyfið hreinsiefnið? Stjórnvöld landa og Sameinuðuþjóðanna, sögð taka lyfið. Elítan virðist óhrædd um að smitast. Er það satt að hún taki meðalið, 7 krónu pilluna? Er þetta besta viðskifta tækifærið hjá LYFJAIÐNAÐINUM??



Lyfið verður að gefa strax og vart verður við veikina. Lyfið eyðir vírusnum og þá komast hinir sýklarnnir ekki í líffærin. Best er að gefa lyfið áður en fólk veikist. Þá virkar lyfið sem bólusetning. Tekst okkur að skilja þetta mikla vandamál?

Hydroxychloroquine, drepur vírusinn, ef það er gefið strax, en ef vírusinn fær í friði að skaða líffæri, þá virkar þetta frábæra lyf síður. Bakteríudrepandi lyf virka þá hugsanlega betur. Bakteríulyf í dýrafóðri, gera virkni þeirra minni í mannfólkinu.

4.9.2020 | 23:06

Getur það verið að það sé bannað að leysa vandamálið?

Getur það verið að ekki megi gefa lyfið strax, þá drepur það vírusinn, sem getur þá ekki eyðilagt mótstöðuafl líkamans, og þá geta sýklarnir ekki ráðist á líffærin.

Vandamálið, ekki má lækna veikina, og alls ekki fyrir 3. Nóvember, en þá er kosinn forseti í Bandaríkjunum.

Það er svo mikil reynsla komin á lyfið, 80 ár, og lyfið er svo gott, að það er sett í allskonar hreinsiefni, það virkar.

Og af því að lyfið er svona gott,  þá er framleitt mikið af því, og er lyfið þá mjög ódýrt, 7 krónur pillan.

Þá getur engin haft ofsa gróða af lyfinu. cry

Allir eru á fullu, við að finna lausn á þessum miklu vandræðum. 

Hvar er strákurinn í sögunni hjá H C Andersen, sem sagði, Keisarinn er ekki í neinum fötum.

Allir fari að leita,  já björgunarsveitirnar þær eru alltaf sendar út ef einhver tínist, við verðum að finna strákinn.

Hugsa, hugsa, hugsa, var það ekki bangsinn í 100 metra skógi sem hélt um höfuðið og sagði hugsa, hugsa, hugsa. 

Öll þjóðin leggi hendur á höfuð, og segi hugsa, hugsa, hugsa. 

Tekst okkur að skilja þetta mikla vandamál?


Indland hefur þegar selt 85 milljón skammta af lyfinu, það virkar svo vel.


Egilsstaðir. 15.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Watergate var smámál, en blásið upp af elítunni, til að losna við Nixon, sem minnkaði stríðsbröltið og vildi norræn sjúkrasamlög, Aðgerðum Trump var líkt við Nixon og Watergate

12.5.2017 | 01:09

Það virðist sem Drug Enforcement Agency (Lyfjastofnun, Google translate) and U.S. Marshals Service séu hátækni njósnastofnanir sem fá fyrirmæli frá DOJ, Department of Justice. Er Lyfjastofnunin með háþróaðasta búnaðinn til að stjórna fólkinu.



Illustration: Soohee Cho/The InterceptIllustration: Soohee Cho/The Intercept

How Cops Can Secretly Track Your Phone


A guide to stingray surveillance technology, which may have been deployed at recent protests.

Illustration: Soohee Cho/The InterceptIllustration: Soohee Cho/The Intercept

Since May, as protesters around the country have marched against police brutality and in support of the Black Lives Matter movement,

activists have spotted a recurring presence in the skies:

mysterious planes and helicopters hovering overhead, apparently conducting surveillance on protesters.

A press release from the Justice Department at the end of May revealed


the Drug Enforcement Agency (Lyfjastofnun, Google translate) and U.S. Marshals Service

were asked by the Justice Department (Dómsmálaráðuneytið, Google translate)

to provide unspecified support to law enforcement during protests. A few days later, a memo obtained by BuzzFeed News offered a little more insight on the matter; it revealed that shortly after protests began in various cities, the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) had sought special authority from the Justice Department to covertly spy on Black Lives Matter protesters on behalf of law enforcement.

Although the press release and memo didn’t say what form the support and surveillance would take, it’s likely that the two agencies were being asked to assist police for a particular reason.

Both the DEA and the Marshals possess airplanes outfitted with so-called stingrays or dirtboxes: powerful technologies capable of tracking mobile phones or, depending on how they’re configured, collecting data and communications from mobile phones in bulk.

Lyfið verður að gefa strax og vart verður við veikina. Lyfið eyðir vírusnum og þá komast hinir sýklarnnir ekki í líffærin. Best er að gefa lyfið áður en fólk veikist. Þá virkar lyfið sem bólusetning. Tekst okkur að skilja þetta mikla vandamál?


Getur það verið að það sé bannað að leysa vandamálið?

Getur það verið að ekki megi gefa lyfið strax, þá drepur það vírusinn, sem getur þá ekki eyðilagt mótstöðuafl líkamans, og þá geta sýklarnir ekki ráðist á líffærin.


Vandamálið, ekki má lækna veikina, og alls ekki fyrir 3. Nóvember, en þá er kosinn forseti í Bandaríkjunum.

Það er svo mikil reynsla komin á lyfið, 80 ár, og lyfið er svo gott, að það er sett í allskonar hreinsiefni, það virkar.

Og af því að lyfið er svona gott,  þá er framleitt mikið af því, og er lyfið þá mjög ódýrt, 7 krónur pillan.

Þá getur engin haft ofsa gróða af lyfinu.

Allir eru á fullu, við að finna lausn á þessum miklu vandræðum. 

Hvar er strákurinn í sögunni hjá H C Andersen, sem sagði, Keisarinn er ekki í neinum fötum.

Allir fari að leita,  já björgunarsveitirnar þær eru alltaf sendar út ef einhver tínist, við verðum að finna strákinn.

Hugsa, hugsa, hugsa, var það ekki bangsinn í 100 metra skógi sem hélt um höfuðið og sagði hugsa, hugsa, hugsa. 

Öll þjóðin leggi hendur á höfuð, og segi hugsa, hugsa, hugsa. 

Tekst okkur að skilja þetta mikla vandamál?


Indland hefur þegar selt 85 milljón skammta af lyfinu, það virkar svo vei.


Egilsstaðir. 15.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Watergate var smámál, en blásið upp af elítunni, til að losna við Nixon, sem minnkaði stríðsbröltið og vildi norræn sjúkrasamlög, Aðgerðum Trump var líkt við Nixon og Watergate

12.5.2017 | 01:09

Hydroxychloroquine, drepur vírusinn, ef það er gefið strax, en ef vírusinn fær í friði að skaða líffæri, þá virkar þetta frábæra lyf síður. Bakteríudrepandi lyf virka þá hugsanlega betur. Bakteríulyf í dýrafóðri, gera virkni þeirra minni í mannfólkinu.


„Skilaboð mín til vísindamannanna eru:„ Ég skil að það er mikill þrýstingur þarna úti, kannski frá stórum lyfjafyrirtækjum eða tímaritum um að komast að ákveðinni niðurstöðu. Ég bið vísindamenn að standa með sannleikanum. Ef bandarískir vísindamenn standast ekki í lappirnar og segja ekki satt undanbragða laust, þá gerir það enginn - vissulega ekki fjölmiðlar, örugglega ekki stjórnmálamenn. ***

“My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians. ***

Þessvegna eru skilaboðin mín til vísindamanna og ritstjóra, vinsamlega hlustaðu ekki á fjölmiðla og hlustaðu ekki á stjórnmálamenn, en einbeittu þér að vísindunum.

Mannkynið á allt undir því, að þú verjir vísindin.*

(Öll mennskan, er í þínum höndum, stattu stöðugur í sannleikanum, vísindunum. jg) 

 “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

Smá endursagt af leikmanni.

Dr. Gold segir:

"Ég ákvað að tala út vegna þessa tilviks. 

Ég fékk sjúkling, sem var með smit af covid og ég ávísað hydroxychloroquine og sink, sem ég hafði lesið um. 

Ég fékk kvassa áminning fyrir það.  

Ég hafði líka fengið bréf frá ríkissaksóknara, sem hótaði læknunum – ég var bara einn í hópnum, hugsanlegri rannsókn fyrir ófaglega hegðun ef ég væri að ávísa hydroxychloroquine.

"Þetta var svo átakanlegt fyrir mig," segir Dr. Gold, sem er einnig lögfræðingur. "Það hafði aldrei gerst, að ríkisstjórnin segði lækni hvort þeir hefðu rétt eða ekki rétt til að ávísa FDA- samþykktri lyfja meðferð. Ég meina, það var bara (rugl) og einstæður atburður fyrir mig. (Sui kerfi [Unique]). 

Og ég hugsaði með mér: "Ef læknar láta þetta yfir sig ganga, þá töpum við allir." **


Aðeins settur litur á valda texte. jg



Posted on June 20, 2020 by State of the Nation




Emergency Physician, Dr. Simone Gold and Cardiologist, Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter are two brave doctors who join Austen Fletcher of the Fleccas Talks YouTube channel with very important information, countering the breathtaking skullduggery coordinated worldwide across governments and health agencies against the drug, hydroxychloroquine. Furthermore, they say the lockdowns were and are completely unnecessary.

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “I’ve decided to speak out, because I think that we’re dealing with a tragic situation, where the scientific process has been violated. Studies have been published that had not been adequately vetted and should not have been published and those studies were used to terminate further evaluations of hydroxychloroquine.”

He says, “I have decided to speak out because the political interference in the physician decision-making process is objectionable and should not be allowed to continue. There are lessons to be learned from this pandemic on many levels. We’ve spoken about the dangers and the irrationality of the lockdown process. We’ve spoken about the violation of the scientific purity of investigation. We’ve spoken about media presentations and misrepresentations of data. This is injurious to the health of our population now and I don’t want to see this replicated in the future.

“I think as physicians, we have a moral responsibility to protect our patients, to protect the science behind our medical decisions and to prevent intrusions into the purity of the scientific process by outside forces that may have bad intent and it’s important to speak out. It’s a moral imperative for us to speak out and to protect our patients and protect our profession.”


Dr. Gold says, “I decided to speak out for one very specific reason. I was actually presented with a definite COVID-positive patient and I prescribed hydroxychloroquine and zinc, because I was very up on the literature on this – and I got severely reprimanded for it. I also had received a letter from the State Board, threatening all doctors – I was just one – with potential investigation into me for unprofessional conduct if I was to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

“This was so shocking to me,” says Gold, who is also an attorney. “It had never happened, where the government told a physician if they had a right or not a right to prescribe an FDA-approved medication. I mean, that was just a sui generis [unique] event, that took me by surprise. And I thought to myself, ‘If doctors don’t speak up we’ve really all lost.”

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “The cost of the shutdown, in terms of the physical, emotional and psychological health of people is enormous. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg; of people who have been shut-in, who’ve lost their businesses, who are facing depression, who are facing issues of mental health because of the consequences.

“This should never happen again. If we ever face this kind of situation again, we need to learn the lessons from the mistakes in policy that were implemented…

“I think that the focus should have been on protecting the high-risk population. And we knew from the data that had come out from China and from Italy and from France, that the people at risk were the elderly and frail; people who are immunocompromised.

“As Dr. Gold said, young people had very little risk from this infection; they rarely got ill from it. So, it was not a good decision to shut down schools, to shut down all businesses and it certainly was not a good decision to send actively-infected coronavirus patients to nursing homes.

“The strategy was inverted. We should have protected the people in the nursing homes and given those homes more resources to protect the people at risk…”

Thousands of infected patients were sent to nursing homes, leading to massive death when there were plenty of new beds set up at great expense, between the Javits Center and the USNS Comfort. This was unconscionably negligent.

Dr. Gold says, “The question of why Governor Cuomo did this is very unpleasant to speculate but one thing that…was absolutely known when he made the decision to let the patients go back to the nursing homes – it was 100% known…that it was risky to send the nursing home patients back…

“The Health Commissioner of Pennsylvania really had an egregious situation, where she took her own mother out of an assisted living facility – but she told the rest of the state that it was perfectly safe to leave your grandparent in an assisted living facility. That’s just egregious. There’s no question that [the danger] was known, at the time…

Dr. Wohlgelernter  says, “It’s estimated that as many as 40%, even 50% of the deaths in New York were nursing home patients. This was preventable.”

Austen asks  Dr. Wohlgelernter about reports that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous. He replies, “I’ve prescribed it. I’ve also recommended it to people and I’ve had conversations with physicians literally around the globe; in Israel and Italy and England and the East Coast of the United States and and I’ve read the literature extensively.

“Hydroxychloroquine definitely has a role. That role is specific. It’s an antiviral agent that is effective in early stages of infection. When used in that context, it is effective and it is safe.

Unfortunately, there have been studies that have looked at hydroxychloroquine but have looked at it in the wrong context; looked at it and severely critically ill people in the hospital setting. At that point, the antiviral isn’t effective, because you’ve gone beyond viral infection to an immune-mediated widespread inflammatory reaction, so that was the wrong population to look at hydroxychloroquine in.

“And that kind of study sabotages the whole story about hydroxychloroquine…I’m not quite certain why they were designed that way, but it was obvious that hydroxychloroquine would fail in that context.

“Hydroxychloroquine has been reported to have heart toxicity – and as a cardiologist, I’m intimately aware of this literature and I’m familiar with hydroxychloroquine and the study that was most specific in looking at the cardiac issues; specifically, with rhythm abnormalities.

“There  was a study done in the East Coast, in the New York area, where they looked at 200 patients and carefully monitored their EKGs and looked for arrhythmias and they found no serious arrhythmias in any of those patients.

“Some of the reports about danger to the heart and dangerous effects of hydroxychloroquine are based on misinterpretation of data or on faulty data.”

Austen asks, “We did see the World Health Organization ordered countries to stop using hydroxychloroquine recently and they’ve also stopped trial testing on it, as well. Was this decision based on those studies from Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA?”

Dr. Gold responds, “The World Health Organization stopped the hydroxychloroquine trials based specifically on the faulty studies that were printed in The Lancet and printed in the New England Journal of Medicine. Also, the European Union stopped it and it was headlines all across the world that we should stop using it.

“I do want to clarify for the audience that they did restart the trials once The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine retracted those faulty studies. However, it’s not so easy to…restart a trial. You have all these patients, they were in the trial that had to stop and start and gather new patients and the damage has certainly been done.

“And in addition to those studies, there’s been so much negative press about hydroxychloroquine, that it’s actually difficult to even enroll patients in hydroxychloroquine studies. That’s been well-documented. There’s a professor at Columbia who said it’s hard for me to even get patients in this study, because they hear about hydroxychloroquine, they think it’s so negative.

“I always want to remind people, this is an FDA-approved drug for 65 years. It’s generic. It’s cheap. It’s widely available. We give it to pregnant women. We give it to breastfeeding women. We give it to elderly patients. We give it to patients who are immune-compromised.

“Most of those patients are on it for decades! There was never controversy about hydroxychloroquine, right up until March 20th, 2020. So, I would look at the studies before then. The early studies, before Trump said he kind of liked the drug were uncontroversial, from China and from France. It looked promising.

“I don’t know what the final data will show, however, I do find that the data after Trump thought it was possibly helpful is suspect…

“To be published in The Lancet and to be published in the New England Journal Medicine is no easy feat…to have them do a retraction was a major story, which is why you heard about it in the headlines. The reason their study was retracted is the data that went into those studies could not be independently verified…

“We asked the company that provided the data, a company called Surgisphere, which has been quite secretive to reveal their data and they have absolutely refused. Because they refused to reveal their data, those studies HAD to be retracted by the journals…

“In addition, a story that hasn’t been discussed really in the media is a third world premier class Medical Journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association, known as JAMA…

“The first major flaw in the JAMA study is what I would call “pseudo randomization”. To do an effective medical study, you have to randomize the patients into different groups; groups that have this character and that character – and the point being that the group should be generally similar, so that you know if the drug actually made the difference…

“When you look at the study itself, as it’s printed right now in JAMA, your listeners – I encourage you and viewers to go and look this up, yourself – on Page 7 of the study. You can look and see that the groups are not equal. The higher-dose group is seven years older, they have almost 80% heart disease. Those are just two of the differences. The other group is seven years younger and has 0% heart disease and there’s a number of these flaws that are different in the two groups.

“By itself, that’s cherry-picking of patients that would make any data that comes from such a study suspect. So I want to be clear that the JAMA study used not exactly hydroxychloroquine, they used a drug called chloroquine which is really a precursor to hydroxychloroquine. Sometimes, we use those drugs, those names interchangeably but in America, we only use hydroxychloroquine.

“The JAMA study was in Brazil. They used chloroquine. The lethal dose of chloroquine has been well-established for more than 30 years in 1988 a New England Journal Medicine. Again, one of the world premier journals established and everyone accepts that the lethal dose of chloroquine is 5 grams. Well, the Jama study had two groups. In the high-dose chloroquine group, they gave them 1.2 grams a day which means by the fourth day, they had almost 5 grams…

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine sit in your body for very long time, at least a month, perhaps 2 months; somewhere between 30 and 60 days is its half-life. So, to give someone 4.8 grams in four days is a very large dose; people would often possibly call that a lethal dose.

“The study went on for 10 days, which meant that the people in that group got 12 grams. Again, New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 established 5 grams as a lethal dose…Mind you, these are elderly, critically-ill patients that are intubated or in severe respiratory distress…

“It’s not just my speculation or the science data that says it’s a very high, toxic dose. So many patients died in the high-dose group that they halted that study early. They quit the high dose group because so many patients died. That’s extremely dramatic for a scientific study.

“It’s very unusual for a study to have given such a large dose of a medication, because all the scientific studies that involve human subjects have to be overseen by an ethics board. The scientists that did this study and presented the paper to JAMA are saying that they went through an ethics board – however, that’s in doubt.

“The Brazilian Ministry of Justice is actually investigating. There’s no proof that there actually was an ethics board…

“They normally have a certain committee number that’s stamped on the paperwork and they don’t have that. We have written to them and tried to get it and there has been no response on that. So, the Ministry of Justice is actually investigating the deaths of all those patients who died in the high-dose chloroquine group.”

Austen asks Dr. Wohlgelernter why hydroxychloroquine has become so politicized and he responds, “I think one of the serious casualties of the COVID pandemic has been scientific truth. We rely on the scientific process to be pure and untainted by political influence.

“The fact that, as Dr. Gould said two of the world’s most prestigious journals, Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine published studies hastily, without adequate peer review and studies that were based on data where there was no transparency, that creates widespread skepticism about the reliability of medical journals to give information that can be trusted and we’re going to need to look into that whole process and to and to reform the process of publication so that we never see that kind of violation of scientific truth.

“Now, why did this become politicized? The fact is that President Trump first mentioned hydroxychloroquine and advocated for its use, as a non-physician in mid-March but we had data from China and from France well before that in February, showing a significant beneficial impact of hydroxychloroquine.

“Yet you saw physicians, politicians, journalists saying that hydroxychloroquine is ‘all hype’, it’s ‘all due to the president pushing it’ – and that’s revisionist history.

“The fact is there was a great deal of excitement in the medical community internationally, a month before President Trump ever mentioned it, because of the data reported from China and from Dr. Raoult in France and it’s sad that people used whatever political animosity they had towards the President to attack the medication that, in fact had helped many people with coronavirus and could have helped many more, had its reputation not been so sullied by political accusations and by poorly-designed studies and by medical journals allowing publications that were negative, as far as their conclusions – publications that never should have reached print, because they hadn’t been adequately vetted.”

“I got asked a lot of questions about the VA study of hydroxychloroquine and my immediate instinct is to wonder why hydroxychloroquine keeps getting studied at the later stages of the disease.

“I can’t emphasize enough that the mechanism of action of a drug and the pathophysiology of a disease is the number one factor when you’re structuring a scientific study. The disease early in the course is all about viral replication; how much virus can be produced and how quickly. That’s the problem in the early setting. In the late setting, the problem is your body’s over-response to trying to cure itself and that’s called a ‘cytokine storm’ and in that setting, that affects all of your organs, including your lungs failing.

“In the first group, which is the early group, you would like a drug that is very good at preventing the viral replication. That’s what hydroxychloroquine with zinc is very, very good at. So, I was always a bit confused why we kept doing study after study after study but hydroxychloroquine – we studied it in the late-stage disease population. And kind of like it doesn’t snow in August, it wasn’t working very well.

“So, to me, the VA study, The Lancet study, JAMA – all of those studies – I’m not that surprised, because I already know it doesn’t snow in August. I’m waiting to see the data but hydroxychloroquine and zinc, how well it works early on. Mechanism of action, when indicated would work well and before hydroxychloroquine got politicized, the preliminary data that we have from China and from France, it was very promising.”

“As Dr. Gold mentioned, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine had been around since the 1950s. Azithromycin, which is an adjuvant agent used with hydroxychloroquine has been around for 30 years. These agents have been shown to be safe and to be effective. And again, you needed to understand which context it worked in. It wasn’t going to work in the critically-ill, hospitalized patients on ventilators with multi-organ system failure. That was not what it should have been used for. It works in early-stage, where the antiviral effect can terminate the infection and prevent people from getting critically ill.

“And it’s sad that many people to this day have been deprived of the potentially beneficial use of an agent that in fact is safe and that is inexpensive and that’s widely available.”

Dr. Gold says, “My message to the media is, ‘I understand that you have a point of view and God bless you and you can say it. Free speech is very important. But don’t have an opinion on the science of a medication. Think of your own family and your own loved ones and relegate to the scientists the purity of the scientific result, because one day, you could suffer the harm of having polluted that process.’

*** “My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians.

“I’m very distressed on two levels about the JAMA study. The first level is that the scientists who read that actual study it, doesn’t seem as though it was done in the correct scientific manner. The other part I’m upset about is the journal, itself, which I don’t think vetted it in the manner that a world-class medical journal supposed to vet it.

* “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

___ https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/doctors-break-down-covid-response-and-the-demonization-of-hcq/

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Hydroxychloroquine, drepur vírusinn, ef það er gefið strax, en ef vírusinn fær í friði að skaða líffæri, þá virkar þetta frábæra lyf síður. Bakteríudrepandi lyf virka þá hugsanlega betur. Bakteríulyf í dýrafóðri, gera virkni þeirra minni í mannfólkinu.


„Skilaboð mín til vísindamannanna eru:„ Ég skil að það er mikill þrýstingur þarna úti, kannski frá stórum lyfjafyrirtækjum eða tímaritum um að komast að ákveðinni niðurstöðu. Ég bið vísindamenn að standa með sannleikanum. Ef bandarískir vísindamenn standast ekki í lappirnar og segja ekki satt undanbragða laust, þá gerir það enginn - vissulega ekki fjölmiðlar, örugglega ekki stjórnmálamenn. ***

“My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians. ***

Þessvegna eru skilaboðin mín til vísindamanna og ritstjóra, vinsamlega hlustaðu ekki á fjölmiðla og hlustaðu ekki á stjórnmálamenn, en einbeittu þér að vísindunum.

Mannkynið á allt undir því, að þú verjir vísindin.*

(Öll mennskan, er í þínum höndum, stattu stöðugur í sannleikanum, vísindunum. jg) 

 “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

Smá endursagt af leikmanni.

Dr. Gold segir:

"Ég ákvað að tala út vegna þessa tilviks. 

Ég fékk sjúkling, sem var með smit af covid og ég ávísað hydroxychloroquine og sink, sem ég hafði lesið um. 

Ég fékk kvassa áminning fyrir það.  

Ég hafði líka fengið bréf frá ríkissaksóknara, sem hótaði læknunum – ég var bara einn í hópnum, hugsanlegri rannsókn fyrir ófaglega hegðun ef ég væri að ávísa hydroxychloroquine.

"Þetta var svo átakanlegt fyrir mig," segir Dr. Gold, sem er einnig lögfræðingur. "Það hafði aldrei gerst, að ríkisstjórnin segði lækni hvort þeir hefðu rétt eða ekki rétt til að ávísa FDA- samþykktri lyfja meðferð. Ég meina, það var bara (rugl) og einstæður atburður fyrir mig. (Sui kerfi [Unique]). 

Og ég hugsaði með mér: "Ef læknar láta þetta yfir sig ganga, þá töpum við allir." **


Aðeins settur litur á valda texte. jg



Posted on June 20, 2020 by State of the Nation




Emergency Physician, Dr. Simone Gold and Cardiologist, Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter are two brave doctors who join Austen Fletcher of the Fleccas Talks YouTube channel with very important information, countering the breathtaking skullduggery coordinated worldwide across governments and health agencies against the drug, hydroxychloroquine. Furthermore, they say the lockdowns were and are completely unnecessary.

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “I’ve decided to speak out, because I think that we’re dealing with a tragic situation, where the scientific process has been violated. Studies have been published that had not been adequately vetted and should not have been published and those studies were used to terminate further evaluations of hydroxychloroquine.”

He says, “I have decided to speak out because the political interference in the physician decision-making process is objectionable and should not be allowed to continue. There are lessons to be learned from this pandemic on many levels. We’ve spoken about the dangers and the irrationality of the lockdown process. We’ve spoken about the violation of the scientific purity of investigation. We’ve spoken about media presentations and misrepresentations of data. This is injurious to the health of our population now and I don’t want to see this replicated in the future.

“I think as physicians, we have a moral responsibility to protect our patients, to protect the science behind our medical decisions and to prevent intrusions into the purity of the scientific process by outside forces that may have bad intent and it’s important to speak out. It’s a moral imperative for us to speak out and to protect our patients and protect our profession.”


Dr. Gold says, “I decided to speak out for one very specific reason. I was actually presented with a definite COVID-positive patient and I prescribed hydroxychloroquine and zinc, because I was very up on the literature on this – and I got severely reprimanded for it. I also had received a letter from the State Board, threatening all doctors – I was just one – with potential investigation into me for unprofessional conduct if I was to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

“This was so shocking to me,” says Gold, who is also an attorney. “It had never happened, where the government told a physician if they had a right or not a right to prescribe an FDA-approved medication. I mean, that was just a sui generis [unique] event, that took me by surprise. And I thought to myself, ‘If doctors don’t speak up we’ve really all lost.”

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “The cost of the shutdown, in terms of the physical, emotional and psychological health of people is enormous. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg; of people who have been shut-in, who’ve lost their businesses, who are facing depression, who are facing issues of mental health because of the consequences.

“This should never happen again. If we ever face this kind of situation again, we need to learn the lessons from the mistakes in policy that were implemented…

“I think that the focus should have been on protecting the high-risk population. And we knew from the data that had come out from China and from Italy and from France, that the people at risk were the elderly and frail; people who are immunocompromised.

“As Dr. Gold said, young people had very little risk from this infection; they rarely got ill from it. So, it was not a good decision to shut down schools, to shut down all businesses and it certainly was not a good decision to send actively-infected coronavirus patients to nursing homes.

“The strategy was inverted. We should have protected the people in the nursing homes and given those homes more resources to protect the people at risk…”

Thousands of infected patients were sent to nursing homes, leading to massive death when there were plenty of new beds set up at great expense, between the Javits Center and the USNS Comfort. This was unconscionably negligent.

Dr. Gold says, “The question of why Governor Cuomo did this is very unpleasant to speculate but one thing that…was absolutely known when he made the decision to let the patients go back to the nursing homes – it was 100% known…that it was risky to send the nursing home patients back…

“The Health Commissioner of Pennsylvania really had an egregious situation, where she took her own mother out of an assisted living facility – but she told the rest of the state that it was perfectly safe to leave your grandparent in an assisted living facility. That’s just egregious. There’s no question that [the danger] was known, at the time…

Dr. Wohlgelernter  says, “It’s estimated that as many as 40%, even 50% of the deaths in New York were nursing home patients. This was preventable.”

Austen asks  Dr. Wohlgelernter about reports that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous. He replies, “I’ve prescribed it. I’ve also recommended it to people and I’ve had conversations with physicians literally around the globe; in Israel and Italy and England and the East Coast of the United States and and I’ve read the literature extensively.

“Hydroxychloroquine definitely has a role. That role is specific. It’s an antiviral agent that is effective in early stages of infection. When used in that context, it is effective and it is safe.

Unfortunately, there have been studies that have looked at hydroxychloroquine but have looked at it in the wrong context; looked at it and severely critically ill people in the hospital setting. At that point, the antiviral isn’t effective, because you’ve gone beyond viral infection to an immune-mediated widespread inflammatory reaction, so that was the wrong population to look at hydroxychloroquine in.

“And that kind of study sabotages the whole story about hydroxychloroquine…I’m not quite certain why they were designed that way, but it was obvious that hydroxychloroquine would fail in that context.

“Hydroxychloroquine has been reported to have heart toxicity – and as a cardiologist, I’m intimately aware of this literature and I’m familiar with hydroxychloroquine and the study that was most specific in looking at the cardiac issues; specifically, with rhythm abnormalities.

“There  was a study done in the East Coast, in the New York area, where they looked at 200 patients and carefully monitored their EKGs and looked for arrhythmias and they found no serious arrhythmias in any of those patients.

“Some of the reports about danger to the heart and dangerous effects of hydroxychloroquine are based on misinterpretation of data or on faulty data.”

Austen asks, “We did see the World Health Organization ordered countries to stop using hydroxychloroquine recently and they’ve also stopped trial testing on it, as well. Was this decision based on those studies from Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA?”

Dr. Gold responds, “The World Health Organization stopped the hydroxychloroquine trials based specifically on the faulty studies that were printed in The Lancet and printed in the New England Journal of Medicine. Also, the European Union stopped it and it was headlines all across the world that we should stop using it.

“I do want to clarify for the audience that they did restart the trials once The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine retracted those faulty studies. However, it’s not so easy to…restart a trial. You have all these patients, they were in the trial that had to stop and start and gather new patients and the damage has certainly been done.

“And in addition to those studies, there’s been so much negative press about hydroxychloroquine, that it’s actually difficult to even enroll patients in hydroxychloroquine studies. That’s been well-documented. There’s a professor at Columbia who said it’s hard for me to even get patients in this study, because they hear about hydroxychloroquine, they think it’s so negative.

“I always want to remind people, this is an FDA-approved drug for 65 years. It’s generic. It’s cheap. It’s widely available. We give it to pregnant women. We give it to breastfeeding women. We give it to elderly patients. We give it to patients who are immune-compromised.

“Most of those patients are on it for decades! There was never controversy about hydroxychloroquine, right up until March 20th, 2020. So, I would look at the studies before then. The early studies, before Trump said he kind of liked the drug were uncontroversial, from China and from France. It looked promising.

“I don’t know what the final data will show, however, I do find that the data after Trump thought it was possibly helpful is suspect…

“To be published in The Lancet and to be published in the New England Journal Medicine is no easy feat…to have them do a retraction was a major story, which is why you heard about it in the headlines. The reason their study was retracted is the data that went into those studies could not be independently verified…

“We asked the company that provided the data, a company called Surgisphere, which has been quite secretive to reveal their data and they have absolutely refused. Because they refused to reveal their data, those studies HAD to be retracted by the journals…

“In addition, a story that hasn’t been discussed really in the media is a third world premier class Medical Journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association, known as JAMA…

“The first major flaw in the JAMA study is what I would call “pseudo randomization”. To do an effective medical study, you have to randomize the patients into different groups; groups that have this character and that character – and the point being that the group should be generally similar, so that you know if the drug actually made the difference…

“When you look at the study itself, as it’s printed right now in JAMA, your listeners – I encourage you and viewers to go and look this up, yourself – on Page 7 of the study. You can look and see that the groups are not equal. The higher-dose group is seven years older, they have almost 80% heart disease. Those are just two of the differences. The other group is seven years younger and has 0% heart disease and there’s a number of these flaws that are different in the two groups.

“By itself, that’s cherry-picking of patients that would make any data that comes from such a study suspect. So I want to be clear that the JAMA study used not exactly hydroxychloroquine, they used a drug called chloroquine which is really a precursor to hydroxychloroquine. Sometimes, we use those drugs, those names interchangeably but in America, we only use hydroxychloroquine.

“The JAMA study was in Brazil. They used chloroquine. The lethal dose of chloroquine has been well-established for more than 30 years in 1988 a New England Journal Medicine.

Again, one of the world premier journals established and everyone accepts that the lethal dose of chloroquine is 5 grams.

Well, the Jama study had two groups. In the high-dose chloroquine group, they gave them 1.2 grams a day which means by the fourth day, they had almost 5 grams…

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine sit in your body for very long time, at least a month, perhaps 2 months; somewhere between 30 and 60 days is its half-life.

So, to give someone 4.8 grams in four days is a very large dose; people would often possibly call that a lethal dose.

“The study went on for 10 days, which meant that the people in that group got 12 grams. Again, New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 established 5 grams as a lethal dose…Mind you, these are elderly, critically-ill patients that are intubated or in severe respiratory distress…

“It’s not just my speculation or the science data that says it’s a very high, toxic dose.

So many patients died in the high-dose group that they halted that study early. They quit the high dose group because so many patients died. That’s extremely dramatic for a scientific study.

“It’s very unusual for a study to have given such a large dose of a medication, because all the scientific studies that involve human subjects have to be overseen by an ethics board. The scientists that did this study and presented the paper to JAMA are saying that they went through an ethics board – however, that’s in doubt.

“The Brazilian Ministry of Justice is actually investigating. There’s no proof that there actually was an ethics board…

“They normally have a certain committee number that’s stamped on the paperwork and they don’t have that. We have written to them and tried to get it and there has been no response on that. So, the Ministry of Justice is actually investigating the deaths of all those patients who died in the high-dose chloroquine group.”

Austen asks Dr. Wohlgelernter why hydroxychloroquine has become so politicized and he responds, “I think one of the serious casualties of the COVID pandemic has been scientific truth. We rely on the scientific process to be pure and untainted by political influence.

“The fact that, as Dr. Gould said two of the world’s most prestigious journals, Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine published studies hastily, without adequate peer review and studies that were based on data where there was no transparency, that creates widespread skepticism about the reliability of medical journals to give information that can be trusted and we’re going to need to look into that whole process and to and to reform the process of publication so that we never see that kind of violation of scientific truth.

“Now, why did this become politicized? The fact is that President Trump first mentioned hydroxychloroquine and advocated for its use, as a non-physician in mid-March but we had data from China and from France well before that in February, showing a significant beneficial impact of hydroxychloroquine.

“Yet you saw physicians, politicians, journalists saying that hydroxychloroquine is ‘all hype’, it’s ‘all due to the president pushing it’ – and that’s revisionist history.

“The fact is there was a great deal of excitement in the medical community internationally, a month before President Trump ever mentioned it, because of the data reported from China and from Dr. Raoult in France and it’s sad that people used whatever political animosity they had towards the President to attack the medication that, in fact had helped many people with coronavirus and could have helped many more, had its reputation not been so sullied by political accusations and by poorly-designed studies and by medical journals allowing publications that were negative, as far as their conclusions – publications that never should have reached print, because they hadn’t been adequately vetted.”

“I got asked a lot of questions about the VA study of hydroxychloroquine and my immediate instinct is to wonder why hydroxychloroquine keeps getting studied at the later stages of the disease.

“I can’t emphasize enough that the mechanism of action of a drug and the pathophysiology of a disease is the number one factor when you’re structuring a scientific study. The disease early in the course is all about viral replication; how much virus can be produced and how quickly. That’s the problem in the early setting. In the late setting, the problem is your body’s over-response to trying to cure itself and that’s called a ‘cytokine storm’ and in that setting, that affects all of your organs, including your lungs failing.

“In the first group, which is the early group, you would like a drug that is very good at preventing the viral replication. That’s what hydroxychloroquine with zinc is very, very good at. So, I was always a bit confused why we kept doing study after study after study but hydroxychloroquine – we studied it in the late-stage disease population. And kind of like it doesn’t snow in August, it wasn’t working very well.

“So, to me, the VA study, The Lancet study, JAMA – all of those studies – I’m not that surprised, because I already know it doesn’t snow in August. I’m waiting to see the data but hydroxychloroquine and zinc, how well it works early on. Mechanism of action, when indicated would work well and before hydroxychloroquine got politicized, the preliminary data that we have from China and from France, it was very promising.”

“As Dr. Gold mentioned, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine had been around since the 1950s. Azithromycin, which is an adjuvant agent used with hydroxychloroquine has been around for 30 years. These agents have been shown to be safe and to be effective. And again, you needed to understand which context it worked in. It wasn’t going to work in the critically-ill, hospitalized patients on ventilators with multi-organ system failure. That was not what it should have been used for. It works in early-stage, where the antiviral effect can terminate the infection and prevent people from getting critically ill.

“And it’s sad that many people to this day have been deprived of the potentially beneficial use of an agent that in fact is safe and that is inexpensive and that’s widely available.”

Dr. Gold says, “My message to the media is, ‘I understand that you have a point of view and God bless you and you can say it. Free speech is very important. But don’t have an opinion on the science of a medication. Think of your own family and your own loved ones and relegate to the scientists the purity of the scientific result, because one day, you could suffer the harm of having polluted that process.’

*** “My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians.

“I’m very distressed on two levels about the JAMA study. The first level is that the scientists who read that actual study it, doesn’t seem as though it was done in the correct scientific manner. The other part I’m upset about is the journal, itself, which I don’t think vetted it in the manner that a world-class medical journal supposed to vet it.

* “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

___ https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/doctors-break-down-covid-response-and-the-demonization-of-hcq/

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← Is The ‘Second Wave’ Another Coronavirus Hoax?

$100 Trillion Stolen from Main Street by Wall Street (Video) →  


Hydroxychloroquine, drepur vírusinn, ef það er gefið strax, en ef vírusinn fær í friði að skaða líffæri, þá virkar þetta frábæra lyf síður. Bakteríudrepandi lyf virka þá hugsanlega betur. Bakteríulyf í dýrafóðri, gera virkni þeirra minni í mannfólkinu.





„Skilaboð mín til vísindamannanna eru:„ Ég skil að það er mikill þrýstingur þarna úti, kannski frá stórum lyfjafyrirtækjum eða tímaritum um að komast að ákveðinni niðurstöðu. Ég bið vísindamenn að standa með sannleikanum. Ef bandarískir vísindamenn standa ekki í lappirnar og segja ekki satt undanbragða laust, þá gerir það enginn - vissulega ekki fjölmiðlar, örugglega ekki stjórnmálamenn. ***

“My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians. ***

Þessvegna eru skilaboðin mín til vísindamanna og ritstjóra, vinsamlega hlustaðu ekki á fjölmiðla og hlustaðu ekki á stjórnmálamenn, en einbeittu þér að vísindunum.

Mannkynið á allt undir því, að þú verjir vísindin.*

(Öll mennskan, er í þínum höndum, stattu stöðugur í sannleikanum, vísindunum. jg) 

 “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

Smá endursagt af leikmanni.

Dr. Gold segir:

"Ég ákvað að tala út vegna þessa tilviks. 

Ég fékk sjúkling, sem var með smit af covid og ég ávísað hydroxychloroquine og sink, sem ég hafði lesið um. 

Ég fékk kvassa áminning fyrir það.  

Ég hafði líka fengið bréf frá ríkissaksóknara, sem hótaði læknunum – ég var bara einn í hópnum, hugsanlegri rannsókn fyrir ófaglega hegðun ef ég væri að ávísa hydroxychloroquine.

"Þetta var svo átakanlegt fyrir mig," segir Dr. Gold, sem er einnig lögfræðingur. "Það hafði aldrei gerst, að ríkisstjórnin segði lækni hvort þeir hefðu rétt eða ekki rétt til að ávísa FDA- samþykktri lyfja meðferð. Ég meina, það var bara (rugl) og einstæður atburður fyrir mig. (Sui kerfi [Unique]). 

Og ég hugsaði með mér: "Ef læknar láta þetta yfir sig ganga, þá töpum við allir." **


Aðeins settur litur á valda texte. jg



Posted on June 20, 2020 by State of the Nation




Emergency Physician, Dr. Simone Gold and Cardiologist, Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter are two brave doctors who join Austen Fletcher of the Fleccas Talks YouTube channel with very important information, countering the breathtaking skullduggery coordinated worldwide across governments and health agencies against the drug, hydroxychloroquine. Furthermore, they say the lockdowns were and are completely unnecessary.

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “I’ve decided to speak out, because I think that we’re dealing with a tragic situation, where the scientific process has been violated. Studies have been published that had not been adequately vetted and should not have been published and those studies were used to terminate further evaluations of hydroxychloroquine.”

He says, “I have decided to speak out because the political interference in the physician decision-making process is objectionable and should not be allowed to continue. There are lessons to be learned from this pandemic on many levels. We’ve spoken about the dangers and the irrationality of the lockdown process. We’ve spoken about the violation of the scientific purity of investigation. We’ve spoken about media presentations and misrepresentations of data. This is injurious to the health of our population now and I don’t want to see this replicated in the future.

“I think as physicians, we have a moral responsibility to protect our patients, to protect the science behind our medical decisions and to prevent intrusions into the purity of the scientific process by outside forces that may have bad intent and it’s important to speak out. It’s a moral imperative for us to speak out and to protect our patients and protect our profession.”


Dr. Gold says, “I decided to speak out for one very specific reason. I was actually presented with a definite COVID-positive patient and I prescribed hydroxychloroquine and zinc, because I was very up on the literature on this – and I got severely reprimanded for it. I also had received a letter from the State Board, threatening all doctors – I was just one – with potential investigation into me for unprofessional conduct if I was to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

“This was so shocking to me,” says Gold, who is also an attorney. “It had never happened, where the government told a physician if they had a right or not a right to prescribe an FDA-approved medication. I mean, that was just a sui generis [unique] event, that took me by surprise. And I thought to myself, ‘If doctors don’t speak up we’ve really all lost.”

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “The cost of the shutdown, in terms of the physical, emotional and psychological health of people is enormous. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg; of people who have been shut-in, who’ve lost their businesses, who are facing depression, who are facing issues of mental health because of the consequences.

“This should never happen again. If we ever face this kind of situation again, we need to learn the lessons from the mistakes in policy that were implemented…

“I think that the focus should have been on protecting the high-risk population. And we knew from the data that had come out from China and from Italy and from France, that the people at risk were the elderly and frail; people who are immunocompromised.

“As Dr. Gold said, young people had very little risk from this infection; they rarely got ill from it. So, it was not a good decision to shut down schools, to shut down all businesses and it certainly was not a good decision to send actively-infected coronavirus patients to nursing homes.

“The strategy was inverted. We should have protected the people in the nursing homes and given those homes more resources to protect the people at risk…”

Thousands of infected patients were sent to nursing homes, leading to massive death when there were plenty of new beds set up at great expense, between the Javits Center and the USNS Comfort. This was unconscionably negligent.

Dr. Gold says, “The question of why Governor Cuomo did this is very unpleasant to speculate but one thing that…was absolutely known when he made the decision to let the patients go back to the nursing homes – it was 100% known…that it was risky to send the nursing home patients back…

“The Health Commissioner of Pennsylvania really had an egregious situation, where she took her own mother out of an assisted living facility – but she told the rest of the state that it was perfectly safe to leave your grandparent in an assisted living facility. That’s just egregious. There’s no question that [the danger] was known, at the time…

Dr. Wohlgelernter  says, “It’s estimated that as many as 40%, even 50% of the deaths in New York were nursing home patients. This was preventable.”

Austen asks  Dr. Wohlgelernter about reports that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous. He replies, “I’ve prescribed it. I’ve also recommended it to people and I’ve had conversations with physicians literally around the globe; in Israel and Italy and England and the East Coast of the United States and and I’ve read the literature extensively.

“Hydroxychloroquine definitely has a role. That role is specific. It’s an antiviral agent that is effective in early stages of infection. When used in that context, it is effective and it is safe.

Unfortunately, there have been studies that have looked at hydroxychloroquine but have looked at it in the wrong context; looked at it and severely critically ill people in the hospital setting. At that point, the antiviral isn’t effective, because you’ve gone beyond viral infection to an immune-mediated widespread inflammatory reaction, so that was the wrong population to look at hydroxychloroquine in.

“And that kind of study sabotages the whole story about hydroxychloroquine…I’m not quite certain why they were designed that way, but it was obvious that hydroxychloroquine would fail in that context.

“Hydroxychloroquine has been reported to have heart toxicity – and as a cardiologist, I’m intimately aware of this literature and I’m familiar with hydroxychloroquine and the study that was most specific in looking at the cardiac issues; specifically, with rhythm abnormalities.

“There  was a study done in the East Coast, in the New York area, where they looked at 200 patients and carefully monitored their EKGs and looked for arrhythmias and they found no serious arrhythmias in any of those patients.

“Some of the reports about danger to the heart and dangerous effects of hydroxychloroquine are based on misinterpretation of data or on faulty data.”

Austen asks, “We did see the World Health Organization ordered countries to stop using hydroxychloroquine recently and they’ve also stopped trial testing on it, as well. Was this decision based on those studies from Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA?”

Dr. Gold responds, “The World Health Organization stopped the hydroxychloroquine trials based specifically on the faulty studies that were printed in The Lancet and printed in the New England Journal of Medicine. Also, the European Union stopped it and it was headlines all across the world that we should stop using it.

“I do want to clarify for the audience that they did restart the trials once The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine retracted those faulty studies. However, it’s not so easy to…restart a trial. You have all these patients, they were in the trial that had to stop and start and gather new patients and the damage has certainly been done.

“And in addition to those studies, there’s been so much negative press about hydroxychloroquine, that it’s actually difficult to even enroll patients in hydroxychloroquine studies. That’s been well-documented. There’s a professor at Columbia who said it’s hard for me to even get patients in this study, because they hear about hydroxychloroquine, they think it’s so negative.

“I always want to remind people, this is an FDA-approved drug for 65 years. It’s generic. It’s cheap. It’s widely available. We give it to pregnant women. We give it to breastfeeding women. We give it to elderly patients. We give it to patients who are immune-compromised.

“Most of those patients are on it for decades! There was never controversy about hydroxychloroquine, right up until March 20th, 2020. So, I would look at the studies before then. The early studies, before Trump said he kind of liked the drug were uncontroversial, from China and from France. It looked promising.

“I don’t know what the final data will show, however, I do find that the data after Trump thought it was possibly helpful is suspect…

“To be published in The Lancet and to be published in the New England Journal Medicine is no easy feat…to have them do a retraction was a major story, which is why you heard about it in the headlines. The reason their study was retracted is the data that went into those studies could not be independently verified…

“We asked the company that provided the data, a company called Surgisphere, which has been quite secretive to reveal their data and they have absolutely refused. Because they refused to reveal their data, those studies HAD to be retracted by the journals…

“In addition, a story that hasn’t been discussed really in the media is a third world premier class Medical Journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association, known as JAMA…

“The first major flaw in the JAMA study is what I would call “pseudo randomization”. To do an effective medical study, you have to randomize the patients into different groups; groups that have this character and that character – and the point being that the group should be generally similar, so that you know if the drug actually made the difference…

“When you look at the study itself, as it’s printed right now in JAMA, your listeners – I encourage you and viewers to go and look this up, yourself – on Page 7 of the study. You can look and see that the groups are not equal. The higher-dose group is seven years older, they have almost 80% heart disease. Those are just two of the differences. The other group is seven years younger and has 0% heart disease and there’s a number of these flaws that are different in the two groups.

“By itself, that’s cherry-picking of patients that would make any data that comes from such a study suspect. So I want to be clear that the JAMA study used not exactly hydroxychloroquine, they used a drug called chloroquine which is really a precursor to hydroxychloroquine. Sometimes, we use those drugs, those names interchangeably but in America, we only use hydroxychloroquine.

“The JAMA study was in Brazil. They used chloroquine.

The lethal dose of chloroquine has been well-established for more than 30 years in 1988 a New England Journal Medicine.

Again, one of the world premier journals established and everyone accepts that the lethal dose of chloroquine is 5 grams.

Well, the Jama study had two groups.

In the high-dose chloroquine group, they gave them 1.2 grams a day which means by the fourth day, they had almost 5 grams…

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine sit in your body for very long time, at least a month, perhaps 2 months; somewhere between 30 and 60 days is its half-life.

So, to give someone 4.8 grams in four days is a very large dose; people would often possibly call that a lethal dose.

“The study went on for 10 days, which meant that the people in that group got 12 grams. Again, New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 established 5 grams as a lethal dose…Mind you, these are elderly, critically-ill patients that are intubated or in severe respiratory distress…

“It’s not just my speculation or the science data that says it’s a very high, toxic dose. So many patients died in the high-dose group that they halted that study early. They quit the high dose group because so many patients died. That’s extremely dramatic for a scientific study.

“It’s very unusual for a study to have given such a large dose of a medication, because all the scientific studies that involve human subjects have to be overseen by an ethics board. The scientists that did this study and presented the paper to JAMA are saying that they went through an ethics board – however, that’s in doubt.

“The Brazilian Ministry of Justice is actually investigating. There’s no proof that there actually was an ethics board…

“They normally have a certain committee number that’s stamped on the paperwork and they don’t have that. We have written to them and tried to get it and there has been no response on that. So, the Ministry of Justice is actually investigating the deaths of all those patients who died in the high-dose chloroquine group.”

Austen asks Dr. Wohlgelernter why hydroxychloroquine has become so politicized and he responds, “I think one of the serious casualties of the COVID pandemic has been scientific truth. We rely on the scientific process to be pure and untainted by political influence.

“The fact that, as Dr. Gould said two of the world’s most prestigious journals, Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine published studies hastily, without adequate peer review and studies that were based on data where there was no transparency, that creates widespread skepticism about the reliability of medical journals to give information that can be trusted and we’re going to need to look into that whole process and to and to reform the process of publication so that we never see that kind of violation of scientific truth.

“Now, why did this become politicized? The fact is that President Trump first mentioned hydroxychloroquine and advocated for its use, as a non-physician in mid-March but we had data from China and from France well before that in February, showing a significant beneficial impact of hydroxychloroquine.

“Yet you saw physicians, politicians, journalists saying that hydroxychloroquine is ‘all hype’, it’s ‘all due to the president pushing it’ – and that’s revisionist history.

“The fact is there was a great deal of excitement in the medical community internationally, a month before President Trump ever mentioned it, because of the data reported from China and from Dr. Raoult in France and it’s sad that people used whatever political animosity they had towards the President to attack the medication that, in fact had helped many people with coronavirus and could have helped many more, had its reputation not been so sullied by political accusations and by poorly-designed studies and by medical journals allowing publications that were negative, as far as their conclusions – publications that never should have reached print, because they hadn’t been adequately vetted.”

“I got asked a lot of questions about the VA study of hydroxychloroquine and my immediate instinct is to wonder why hydroxychloroquine keeps getting studied at the later stages of the disease.

“I can’t emphasize enough that the mechanism of action of a drug and the pathophysiology of a disease is the number one factor when you’re structuring a scientific study. The disease early in the course is all about viral replication; how much virus can be produced and how quickly. That’s the problem in the early setting. In the late setting, the problem is your body’s over-response to trying to cure itself and that’s called a ‘cytokine storm’ and in that setting, that affects all of your organs, including your lungs failing.

“In the first group, which is the early group, you would like a drug that is very good at preventing the viral replication. That’s what hydroxychloroquine with zinc is very, very good at. So, I was always a bit confused why we kept doing study after study after study but hydroxychloroquine – we studied it in the late-stage disease population. And kind of like it doesn’t snow in August, it wasn’t working very well.

“So, to me, the VA study, The Lancet study, JAMA – all of those studies – I’m not that surprised, because I already know it doesn’t snow in August. I’m waiting to see the data but hydroxychloroquine and zinc, how well it works early on. Mechanism of action, when indicated would work well and before hydroxychloroquine got politicized, the preliminary data that we have from China and from France, it was very promising.”

“As Dr. Gold mentioned, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine had been around since the 1950s. Azithromycin, which is an adjuvant agent used with hydroxychloroquine has been around for 30 years. These agents have been shown to be safe and to be effective. And again, you needed to understand which context it worked in. It wasn’t going to work in the critically-ill, hospitalized patients on ventilators with multi-organ system failure. That was not what it should have been used for. It works in early-stage, where the antiviral effect can terminate the infection and prevent people from getting critically ill.

“And it’s sad that many people to this day have been deprived of the potentially beneficial use of an agent that in fact is safe and that is inexpensive and that’s widely available.”

Dr. Gold says, “My message to the media is, ‘I understand that you have a point of view and God bless you and you can say it. Free speech is very important. But don’t have an opinion on the science of a medication. Think of your own family and your own loved ones and relegate to the scientists the purity of the scientific result, because one day, you could suffer the harm of having polluted that process.’

*** “My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians.

“I’m very distressed on two levels about the JAMA study. The first level is that the scientists who read that actual study it, doesn’t seem as though it was done in the correct scientific manner. The other part I’m upset about is the journal, itself, which I don’t think vetted it in the manner that a world-class medical journal supposed to vet it.

* “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

___ https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/doctors-break-down-covid-response-and-the-demonization-of-hcq/

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← Is The ‘Second Wave’ Another Coronavirus Hoax?

$100 Trillion Stolen from Main Street by Wall Street (Video) →  

Egilsstaðir, 04.09.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hydroxychloroquine, drepur vírusinn, ef það er gefið strax, en ef vírusinn fær í friði að skaða líffæri, þá virkar þetta frábæra lyf síður. Bakteríudrepandi lyf virka þá hugsanlega betur. Bakteríulyf í dýrafóðri, gera virkni þeirra minni í mannfólkinu.


„Skilaboð mín til vísindamannanna eru:„ Ég skil að það er mikill þrýstingur þarna úti, kannski frá stórum lyfjafyrirtækjum eða tímaritum um að komast að ákveðinni niðurstöðu. Ég bið vísindamenn að standa með sannleikanum. Ef bandarískir vísindamenn standa ekki í lappirnar og segja ekki satt undanbragða laust, þá gerir það enginn - vissulega ekki fjölmiðlar, örugglega ekki stjórnmálamenn. ***

“My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians. ***

Þessvegna eru skilaboðin mín til vísindamanna og ritstjóra, vinsamlega hlustaðu ekki á fjölmiðla og hlustaðu ekki á stjórnmálamenn, en einbeittu þér að vísindunum.

Mannkynið á allt undir því, að þú verjir vísindin.*

(Öll mennskan, er í þínum höndum, stattu stöðugur í sannleikanum, vísindunum. jg) 

 “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

Smá endursagt af leikmanni.

Dr. Gold segir:

"Ég ákvað að tala út vegna þessa tilviks. 

Ég fékk sjúkling, sem var með smit af covid og ég ávísað hydroxychloroquine og sink, sem ég hafði lesið um. 

Ég fékk kvassa áminning fyrir það.  

Ég hafði líka fengið bréf frá ríkissaksóknara, sem hótaði læknunum – ég var bara einn í hópnum, hugsanlegri rannsókn fyrir ófaglega hegðun ef ég væri að ávísa hydroxychloroquine.

"Þetta var svo átakanlegt fyrir mig," segir Dr. Gold, sem er einnig lögfræðingur. "Það hafði aldrei gerst, að ríkisstjórnin segði lækni hvort þeir hefðu rétt eða ekki rétt til að ávísa FDA- samþykktri lyfja meðferð. Ég meina, það var bara (rugl) og einstæður atburður fyrir mig. (Sui kerfi [Unique]). 

Og ég hugsaði með mér: "Ef læknar láta þetta yfir sig ganga, þá töpum við allir." **


Aðeins settur litur á valda texte. jg



Posted on June 20, 2020 by State of the Nation




Emergency Physician, Dr. Simone Gold and Cardiologist, Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter are two brave doctors who join Austen Fletcher of the Fleccas Talks YouTube channel with very important information, countering the breathtaking skullduggery coordinated worldwide across governments and health agencies against the drug, hydroxychloroquine. Furthermore, they say the lockdowns were and are completely unnecessary.

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “I’ve decided to speak out, because I think that we’re dealing with a tragic situation, where the scientific process has been violated. Studies have been published that had not been adequately vetted and should not have been published and those studies were used to terminate further evaluations of hydroxychloroquine.”

He says, “I have decided to speak out because the political interference in the physician decision-making process is objectionable and should not be allowed to continue. There are lessons to be learned from this pandemic on many levels. We’ve spoken about the dangers and the irrationality of the lockdown process. We’ve spoken about the violation of the scientific purity of investigation. We’ve spoken about media presentations and misrepresentations of data. This is injurious to the health of our population now and I don’t want to see this replicated in the future.

“I think as physicians, we have a moral responsibility to protect our patients, to protect the science behind our medical decisions and to prevent intrusions into the purity of the scientific process by outside forces that may have bad intent and it’s important to speak out. It’s a moral imperative for us to speak out and to protect our patients and protect our profession.”


Dr. Gold says, “I decided to speak out for one very specific reason. I was actually presented with a definite COVID-positive patient and I prescribed hydroxychloroquine and zinc, because I was very up on the literature on this – and I got severely reprimanded for it. I also had received a letter from the State Board, threatening all doctors – I was just one – with potential investigation into me for unprofessional conduct if I was to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

“This was so shocking to me,” says Gold, who is also an attorney. “It had never happened, where the government told a physician if they had a right or not a right to prescribe an FDA-approved medication. I mean, that was just a sui generis [unique] event, that took me by surprise. And I thought to myself, ‘If doctors don’t speak up we’ve really all lost.”

Dr. Wohlgelernter says, “The cost of the shutdown, in terms of the physical, emotional and psychological health of people is enormous. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg; of people who have been shut-in, who’ve lost their businesses, who are facing depression, who are facing issues of mental health because of the consequences.

“This should never happen again. If we ever face this kind of situation again, we need to learn the lessons from the mistakes in policy that were implemented…

“I think that the focus should have been on protecting the high-risk population. And we knew from the data that had come out from China and from Italy and from France, that the people at risk were the elderly and frail; people who are immunocompromised.

“As Dr. Gold said, young people had very little risk from this infection; they rarely got ill from it. So, it was not a good decision to shut down schools, to shut down all businesses and it certainly was not a good decision to send actively-infected coronavirus patients to nursing homes.

“The strategy was inverted. We should have protected the people in the nursing homes and given those homes more resources to protect the people at risk…”

Thousands of infected patients were sent to nursing homes, leading to massive death when there were plenty of new beds set up at great expense, between the Javits Center and the USNS Comfort. This was unconscionably negligent.

Dr. Gold says, “The question of why Governor Cuomo did this is very unpleasant to speculate but one thing that…was absolutely known when he made the decision to let the patients go back to the nursing homes – it was 100% known…that it was risky to send the nursing home patients back…

“The Health Commissioner of Pennsylvania really had an egregious situation, where she took her own mother out of an assisted living facility – but she told the rest of the state that it was perfectly safe to leave your grandparent in an assisted living facility. That’s just egregious. There’s no question that [the danger] was known, at the time…

Dr. Wohlgelernter  says, “It’s estimated that as many as 40%, even 50% of the deaths in New York were nursing home patients. This was preventable.”

Austen asks  Dr. Wohlgelernter about reports that hydroxychloroquine is dangerous. He replies, “I’ve prescribed it. I’ve also recommended it to people and I’ve had conversations with physicians literally around the globe; in Israel and Italy and England and the East Coast of the United States and and I’ve read the literature extensively.

“Hydroxychloroquine definitely has a role. That role is specific. It’s an antiviral agent that is effective in early stages of infection. When used in that context, it is effective and it is safe.

Unfortunately, there have been studies that have looked at hydroxychloroquine but have looked at it in the wrong context; looked at it and severely critically ill people in the hospital setting. At that point, the antiviral isn’t effective, because you’ve gone beyond viral infection to an immune-mediated widespread inflammatory reaction, so that was the wrong population to look at hydroxychloroquine in.

“And that kind of study sabotages the whole story about hydroxychloroquine…I’m not quite certain why they were designed that way, but it was obvious that hydroxychloroquine would fail in that context.

“Hydroxychloroquine has been reported to have heart toxicity – and as a cardiologist, I’m intimately aware of this literature and I’m familiar with hydroxychloroquine and the study that was most specific in looking at the cardiac issues; specifically, with rhythm abnormalities.

“There  was a study done in the East Coast, in the New York area, where they looked at 200 patients and carefully monitored their EKGs and looked for arrhythmias and they found no serious arrhythmias in any of those patients.

“Some of the reports about danger to the heart and dangerous effects of hydroxychloroquine are based on misinterpretation of data or on faulty data.”

Austen asks, “We did see the World Health Organization ordered countries to stop using hydroxychloroquine recently and they’ve also stopped trial testing on it, as well. Was this decision based on those studies from Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine and JAMA?”

Dr. Gold responds, “The World Health Organization stopped the hydroxychloroquine trials based specifically on the faulty studies that were printed in The Lancet and printed in the New England Journal of Medicine. Also, the European Union stopped it and it was headlines all across the world that we should stop using it.

“I do want to clarify for the audience that they did restart the trials once The Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine retracted those faulty studies. However, it’s not so easy to…restart a trial. You have all these patients, they were in the trial that had to stop and start and gather new patients and the damage has certainly been done.

“And in addition to those studies, there’s been so much negative press about hydroxychloroquine, that it’s actually difficult to even enroll patients in hydroxychloroquine studies. That’s been well-documented. There’s a professor at Columbia who said it’s hard for me to even get patients in this study, because they hear about hydroxychloroquine, they think it’s so negative.

“I always want to remind people, this is an FDA-approved drug for 65 years. It’s generic. It’s cheap. It’s widely available. We give it to pregnant women. We give it to breastfeeding women. We give it to elderly patients. We give it to patients who are immune-compromised.

“Most of those patients are on it for decades! There was never controversy about hydroxychloroquine, right up until March 20th, 2020. So, I would look at the studies before then. The early studies, before Trump said he kind of liked the drug were uncontroversial, from China and from France. It looked promising.

“I don’t know what the final data will show, however, I do find that the data after Trump thought it was possibly helpful is suspect…

“To be published in The Lancet and to be published in the New England Journal Medicine is no easy feat…to have them do a retraction was a major story, which is why you heard about it in the headlines. The reason their study was retracted is the data that went into those studies could not be independently verified…

“We asked the company that provided the data, a company called Surgisphere, which has been quite secretive to reveal their data and they have absolutely refused. Because they refused to reveal their data, those studies HAD to be retracted by the journals…

“In addition, a story that hasn’t been discussed really in the media is a third world premier class Medical Journal, the Journal of the American Medical Association, known as JAMA…

“The first major flaw in the JAMA study is what I would call “pseudo randomization”. To do an effective medical study, you have to randomize the patients into different groups; groups that have this character and that character – and the point being that the group should be generally similar, so that you know if the drug actually made the difference…

“When you look at the study itself, as it’s printed right now in JAMA, your listeners – I encourage you and viewers to go and look this up, yourself – on Page 7 of the study. You can look and see that the groups are not equal. The higher-dose group is seven years older, they have almost 80% heart disease. Those are just two of the differences. The other group is seven years younger and has 0% heart disease and there’s a number of these flaws that are different in the two groups.

“By itself, that’s cherry-picking of patients that would make any data that comes from such a study suspect. So I want to be clear that the JAMA study used not exactly hydroxychloroquine, they used a drug called chloroquine which is really a precursor to hydroxychloroquine. Sometimes, we use those drugs, those names interchangeably but in America, we only use hydroxychloroquine.

“The JAMA study was in Brazil. They used chloroquine.

The lethal dose of chloroquine has been well-established for more than 30 years in 1988 a New England Journal Medicine.

Again, one of the world premier journals established and everyone accepts that the lethal dose of chloroquine is 5 grams.

Well, the Jama study had two groups.

In the high-dose chloroquine group, they gave them 1.2 grams a day which means by the fourth day, they had almost 5 grams…

“Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine sit in your body for very long time, at least a month, perhaps 2 months; somewhere between 30 and 60 days is its half-life.

So, to give someone 4.8 grams in four days is a very large dose; people would often possibly call that a lethal dose.

“The study went on for 10 days, which meant that the people in that group got 12 grams. Again, New England Journal of Medicine in 1988 established 5 grams as a lethal dose…Mind you, these are elderly, critically-ill patients that are intubated or in severe respiratory distress…

“It’s not just my speculation or the science data that says it’s a very high, toxic dose. So many patients died in the high-dose group that they halted that study early. They quit the high dose group because so many patients died. That’s extremely dramatic for a scientific study.

“It’s very unusual for a study to have given such a large dose of a medication, because all the scientific studies that involve human subjects have to be overseen by an ethics board. The scientists that did this study and presented the paper to JAMA are saying that they went through an ethics board – however, that’s in doubt.

“The Brazilian Ministry of Justice is actually investigating. There’s no proof that there actually was an ethics board…

“They normally have a certain committee number that’s stamped on the paperwork and they don’t have that. We have written to them and tried to get it and there has been no response on that. So, the Ministry of Justice is actually investigating the deaths of all those patients who died in the high-dose chloroquine group.”

Austen asks Dr. Wohlgelernter why hydroxychloroquine has become so politicized and he responds, “I think one of the serious casualties of the COVID pandemic has been scientific truth. We rely on the scientific process to be pure and untainted by political influence.

“The fact that, as Dr. Gould said two of the world’s most prestigious journals, Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine published studies hastily, without adequate peer review and studies that were based on data where there was no transparency, that creates widespread skepticism about the reliability of medical journals to give information that can be trusted and we’re going to need to look into that whole process and to and to reform the process of publication so that we never see that kind of violation of scientific truth.

“Now, why did this become politicized? The fact is that President Trump first mentioned hydroxychloroquine and advocated for its use, as a non-physician in mid-March but we had data from China and from France well before that in February, showing a significant beneficial impact of hydroxychloroquine.

“Yet you saw physicians, politicians, journalists saying that hydroxychloroquine is ‘all hype’, it’s ‘all due to the president pushing it’ – and that’s revisionist history.

“The fact is there was a great deal of excitement in the medical community internationally, a month before President Trump ever mentioned it, because of the data reported from China and from Dr. Raoult in France and it’s sad that people used whatever political animosity they had towards the President to attack the medication that, in fact had helped many people with coronavirus and could have helped many more, had its reputation not been so sullied by political accusations and by poorly-designed studies and by medical journals allowing publications that were negative, as far as their conclusions – publications that never should have reached print, because they hadn’t been adequately vetted.”

“I got asked a lot of questions about the VA study of hydroxychloroquine and my immediate instinct is to wonder why hydroxychloroquine keeps getting studied at the later stages of the disease.

“I can’t emphasize enough that the mechanism of action of a drug and the pathophysiology of a disease is the number one factor when you’re structuring a scientific study. The disease early in the course is all about viral replication; how much virus can be produced and how quickly. That’s the problem in the early setting. In the late setting, the problem is your body’s over-response to trying to cure itself and that’s called a ‘cytokine storm’ and in that setting, that affects all of your organs, including your lungs failing.

“In the first group, which is the early group, you would like a drug that is very good at preventing the viral replication. That’s what hydroxychloroquine with zinc is very, very good at. So, I was always a bit confused why we kept doing study after study after study but hydroxychloroquine – we studied it in the late-stage disease population. And kind of like it doesn’t snow in August, it wasn’t working very well.

“So, to me, the VA study, The Lancet study, JAMA – all of those studies – I’m not that surprised, because I already know it doesn’t snow in August. I’m waiting to see the data but hydroxychloroquine and zinc, how well it works early on. Mechanism of action, when indicated would work well and before hydroxychloroquine got politicized, the preliminary data that we have from China and from France, it was very promising.”

“As Dr. Gold mentioned, hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine had been around since the 1950s. Azithromycin, which is an adjuvant agent used with hydroxychloroquine has been around for 30 years. These agents have been shown to be safe and to be effective. And again, you needed to understand which context it worked in. It wasn’t going to work in the critically-ill, hospitalized patients on ventilators with multi-organ system failure. That was not what it should have been used for. It works in early-stage, where the antiviral effect can terminate the infection and prevent people from getting critically ill.

“And it’s sad that many people to this day have been deprived of the potentially beneficial use of an agent that in fact is safe and that is inexpensive and that’s widely available.”

Dr. Gold says, “My message to the media is, ‘I understand that you have a point of view and God bless you and you can say it. Free speech is very important. But don’t have an opinion on the science of a medication. Think of your own family and your own loved ones and relegate to the scientists the purity of the scientific result, because one day, you could suffer the harm of having polluted that process.’

*** “My message to the scientists is, ‘I understand that there’s a lot of pressure out there, maybe from big pharmaceutical companies or journal editors to come to a specific result. I implore scientists to stand the line. If US scientists don’t stand the line and hold for truth and accuracy, nobody will  – certainly, not the media, certainly not politicians.

“I’m very distressed on two levels about the JAMA study. The first level is that the scientists who read that actual study it, doesn’t seem as though it was done in the correct scientific manner. The other part I’m upset about is the journal, itself, which I don’t think vetted it in the manner that a world-class medical journal supposed to vet it.

* “So my message to the scientists and the editors is, ‘Please ignore the media and please ignore the politicians. Please focus on the science. All of humanity depends on you doing that.’”

___ https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/doctors-break-down-covid-response-and-the-demonization-of-hcq/

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