Líkt og í Kaliforníu, er mjög ákveðið mynstur skógarelda sem kvikna samhliða fyrirhuguðu háhraða lestarkerfi (sjá kort hér að neðan). Þessa litlu klíku þarf að skoða og þá koma væntanlega vísbendingar um skipulagða fólks flutninga að baki þessa augljósa samsæiris, að kveikja í Ástralíu. Þegar byggðum er eytt er það kallað þjóðarmorð.
Sagt að gler geti ekki bráðnað í svona eldum, þetta sé orkugeisla her tækni sem brenni húsin og bílana., það sé verið að búa til svæði fyeir háhraða járnbraut.
Directed Energy Weapons Being Used
in Operation Torch Australia
OPERATION TORCH AUSTRALIA: A Special Report on the Geoengineered Firestorms and DEW-triggered Arson Fires
Bushfires burning throughout Australia during December 2019
An Apocalyptic Geoengineering
Project of Epic Proportions
Global Warming hoax
There are several reasons why the New World Order globalist cabal ordered the geoengineers and arsonists to torch that resource-rich country. See: Nearly 200 People Arrested Across Australia For Deliberately Starting Bushfires.
Also, just like California, there’s a very definite pattern of wildfires breaking out around the continental island which parallels the planned high speed rail system (see map below). This little factoid alone needs to be looked at much more closely as it will surely provide the clues to their ultra-secret resident relocation scheme behind the transparent conspiracy to torch Australia. Of course, when depopulation occurs, that’s called genocide.
Líkt og í Kaliforníu, er mjög ákveðið mynstur skógarelda sem kvikna samhliða fyrirhuguðu háhraða lestarkerfi (sjá kort hér að neðan). Þessa litlu klíku þarf að skoða og þá koma væntanlega vísbendingar um skipulagða fólks flutninga að baki þessa augljósa samsæiris, að kveikja í Ástralíu. Þegar byggðum er eytt er það kallað þjóðarmorð.
Why Australia?
Australia has long been one of the most easily controlled nations for the New World Order cabal.
The globalists totally locked down the whole place right after they staged the false flag mass casualty event widely known as the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.
When The Powers That Be saw how easy it was to take away the guns from the Aussies, they decided to put their NWO agenda on steroids there, sort of as an experiment to see how much they could get away with.
For reasons that are well beyond the scope of this article, it is still significant to point out that the Aussies in general are a very tough and tenacious people. They represent the epitome of “grin and bear it”, but also are always quick “to go along to get along” … to the great detriment of the body politic. As follows:
An Australian explains in excruciating detail Operation Torch Australia (Videos)
Directed Energy Weapons Being Used
in Operation Torch Australia
Next we come to clear evidence of the covert use of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) again in New South Wales, Australia.
Both screenshots depict melted vehicle components, while trees in the same area remain unaffected,
which could only have melted via temperatures that are impossibly attained in this type of bushfire.
Just like many of the burned out vehicles that were photographed during Operation Torch California,
these Australian bushfires are seeing the same DEW use.
Here’s the video that produced the all the screenshots shown above:
Photo Evidence of Directed Energy Weapons in Australian Bushfires (Video)
How did these vehicles burn up in the Cali. fires when trees nearby remain untouched?
Hvernig brunnu þessi farartæki í Cali en nálæg tré eru ósnert?
The Millennium Report
Sagt að gler geti ekki bráðnað í svona eldum, þetta sé orkugeisla her tækni sem brenni húsin og bílana., það sé verið að búa til svæði fyeir háhraða járnbraut.
Egilsstaðir, 19.01.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson