Er búið að gera okkur, alla Evrópubúa að konum???
Við sem áttum að vera karlmenn, verðum að fara að hugsa.
13 Sjá, hermenn þínir eru orðnir að konum - landshliðum þínum hefir verið lokið upp fyrir óvinum þínum, eldur eyðir slagbröndum þínum.
Egilsstaðir, 02.02.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Finnish TV has the solution to 'rape-fugee' crisis?
.... Funny? Sad? Alarming? Finland's public broadcasting channel's video on how to defend against rape shows a disconnect from reality. ....
.... The video shows three ways to protect oneself from attack:
tell the attacker to stop, push him away and swing your bag at him. ....
.... The so called "rape-fugee" crisis has sparked extreme emotion and frustration in Europe, as well as a belated realization by many
that politically induced mindsets of "correctness"
has de-masculinized society. ....
... Danish journalist Iben Thranholm said that
the core problem is that "many men are behaving like women"
and there is
"no masculine power to fight back"
against the aggressive immigrants.
European politicians are very weak and feminized,
she said, and therefore cannot cope with the infiltrators or with terrorism. ....
.... A 16-year-old German girl also posted a video in which she asked Germany's men to "protect their women and children."
She was reportedly blocked from Facebook for alleged "hate speech." ....
(She was not allowed to ask her fellow countrymen for help jg)
(She was not allowed to awaken the germans jg)
(Who do you think are a big owners of facebook, jg)
Russian-Jewish writer Alexander Maistrovoy argued in an Arutz Sheva op-ed that "the culture of postmodernism has managed to do what couldn’t be achieved even by the Communist propaganda machine.
It has degraded the instinct of self-preservation, natural reactions embedded in humans on a genetic level,
the ability to feel compassion and protect a victim – a woman, a girl, a child.
An abstract ideology has suppressed the mind and senses.
"I left USSR as a hater of Soviet totalitarianism," he wrote.
"Now I realize that the cultural totalitarianism of political correctness has turned out to be much more poisonous."