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The Public Bank of Iceland.
Public Banks: Bank of North Dakota
Over the last 21 years, BND has generated almost $1 billion in profit.
Nearly $400 million of that, or about $3,300 per household, has been transferred into the state’s general fund, providing support for education and other public services, while reducing the tax burden on residents and businesses.
The Success of Public Banking: Bank of North Dakota ...
- Similar0000https://publicbanking.wordpress.com/.../a-texas-central-bank-proposal/000https://www.pbebank.com/000www.governing.com/.../public.../col-case-state-owned-bank-north-dakot...000Activists hope to recreate the Bank of North Dakota's model for lending.000
- http://www.governing.com/blogs/view/occupy-wall-streets-favorite-banker-eric-hardmeyer-north-dakota.html
- Meet Occupy Wall Street's Favorite Banker
- Apr 12, 2012 - The Public Banking Institute reports that 17 states have introduced bills ... the Nation's Second State-Owned Bank · Texas Seeks to Move Gold ...
- The Case for a State-Owned Bank - Governing
- Public Bank, a complete one-stop financial portal, offering a range of accounts, credit cards, loans, deposits and other financial aids for our personal and ...
- Public Bank Berhad - Personal Banking
- Sep 23, 2010 - The Proposed New Texas Central Bank Gaylon Ross • August 17, 2010 Why not duplicate North Dakota's success in Texas? It only takes a ...
- A Texas Central Bank Proposal | Public Banking
- Nov 20, 2014 - While 49 state treasuries were submerged in red ink after the 2008 financial crash, one state's bank outperformed all others and actually ...
The Case for a State-Owned Bank
One professor argues it's a way to bring revenue gushing into state coffers.
by Penelope Lemov | April 12, 2012
Penelope Lemov
Penelope Lemov is a GOVERNING correspondent. She was GOVERNING's health columnist and was senior editor for several award-winning features.
Connect with Penelope
206 http://www.governing.com/columns/public-finance/col-case-state-owned-bank-north-dakota.html
A growing number of policymakers have been looking to North Dakota and its state bank. Why, you ask? Founded in 1919 with $2 million in capital, the Bank of North Dakota (BND) now operates with more than $270 million. More to the point, it has handed over some $300 million to North Dakota's treasury over the past decade.
Egilsstaðir, 28.01.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson