Einhvern tíman las ég bók eftir einhvern Thomas Gold fæddur í Austurríki, bókin sennilega frá Ástralíu, og hann sagði að olían, kæmi frá kolefni, sem kom í efninu sem varð að plánetunni Jörð, og endurnýist stanslaust.
The Big Oil Lie
Birt 11. nóv. 2014
The Big Oil Lie: Are You Being Robbed? The global energy crisis has put immense pressure on our oil supply. Prices have skyrocketed to reflect demand, and oil barons; coffers have swelled. They use the Peak Oil Theory to justify their high prices - but could they really be sitting on endless reserves of oil? Could this all be a big rip-off? Don't forget to Subscribe for more Conspiracies! - http://bit.ly/1dmVsvF A massive thank you to our super fans who have supported us on our Patreon page. Feel free to take a look at the rewards we have on offer for our supporters here: https://www.patreon.com/alltimeconspi... ----------------- Video Endboard Links: - Suppression Of Free Energy: http://bit.ly/1ujAt55 ----------------- Watch more Alltime Conspiracies: - Are Electric Cars Being Suppressed?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdzxU... - The Suppression of Free Energy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6Omw... - The Iraq War Conspiracy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQCD3...
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Egilsstaðir, 16.09.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson