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BBC interviews British Admiral Lord West who says it's clear Assad didn't use chemical weapons because that would be an idiot move for him & no proof. BBC host then tells West to stop exposing the lies because it will help Russian disinformation!



BBC presenter declares ‘info war against Russia’ after ex-navy chief questions Syria ‘evidence’

Published time: 18 Apr, 2018 15:15 Edited time: 19 Apr, 2018 09:37


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Britain's Admiral Lord West. © Neil Hall / Reuters

During a live interview, a BBC news presenter declared “we’re in an information war with Russia” after a former Royal Navy chief questioned the “extraordinary” claims surrounding an alleged chemical attack in Syria.

Former Navy Admiral Lord West’s questioning of the mainstream narrative surrounding the alleged chemical weapons attack in the town of Douma led the BBC’s Annita McVeigh to suggest that truthfully stating his position and posing questions risked “muddying the waters” in an ongoing “information war with Russia.”



HAAAAA!! BBC interviews British Admiral Lord West who says it's clear Assad didn't use chemical weapons because that would be an idiot move for him & no proof.

BBC host then tells West to stop exposing the lies because it will help Russian disinformation!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foj29LIXpy4 …

Lord West had described how in his view the claim that Bashar Assad ordered the attack “doesn’t ring true,” asking “what benefit is there for his military?

He went on to say “we know that in the past some of the Islamic groups have used chemicals, and of course there would be huge benefit in them labelling an attack as coming from Assad.”


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How to become 'an Assad apologist'? Just question MSM rhetoric & welcome to the club

West went on to question the ‘evidence’ provided by groups like the White Helmets and the World Health Organization, both of which he described as “not neutral.”

The former First Sea Lord then described how in the past he had been put under pressure to support politically motivated narratives: “I had huge pressure put on me politically to try and say that our bombing campaign in Bosnia was achieving all sorts of things which it wasn’t. I was put under huge pressure, so I know the things that can happen.

At that point the BBC’s McVeigh appeared to question whether he should actually be expressing his opinion truthfully, asking: “Given that we’re in an information war with Russia on so many fronts, do you think perhaps it’s inadvisable to be stating this so publicly given your position and profile, isn’t there a danger that you’re muddying the waters?

West replied: “I think the answer is, if there’s a real concern, let’s face it, if [Assad] hasn’t done it then that is extremely bad news. If Assad hasn’t carried out the attack, I think it’s just worth making that clear. I think our government’s policy towards Assad has not been clever since 2013.

In a response to RT, the corporation said: "It is the job of BBC presenters and reporters to ensure all angles within a debate are explored and challenged. That is exactly what happened in this interview."

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(min 0,36) president assad is in the process of winning this civil war and he was about to take over and occupy do him all that area he d had a long long hard slog slowly capturing that whole area of the city and there just before he goes in and takes it all over apparently he decides to have a chemical attack it just does not ring true it seems extraordinary because clearly he would know that there is likely be a response from the allies what what benefit is there for his military most of the rebel fighters this disparate group of Islamists withdrawn there are a few women and children left around what what benefit was there militarily in doing what he did I find that extraordinary (min 1:22) -whereas we know that in past the past some of the Islamic groups have used chemicals and of course there would be huge benefit in them labeling an attack as coming from Assad because they would guess quite rightly that there would be a response from the US as was last time and possibly from the UK and France is it fair to say though that you are looking at this from the point of from the point of view of strategy and tactics rather than any evidence absolutely although we do know that the reports that have came from there were from the white helmets who let us face it or not not neutrals you know they are very much on the side of the disparate groups are fighting Assad and also the World Health Organization doctors who are there and again those doctors are embedded in amongst the groups doing fantastic work I know but they are not they are not neutral and and I am just a little bit concerned because as we now move to the next phase in this war or if I were advising some of the Islamist groups many of whom are worse than – I would say look we gotta wait until there is another attack by Assad s forces I have was particularly they have a helicopter overhead or something like that and they are dropping barrel bombs and we must set off some chlorine because we will get the next attack from the Allies and there is no doubt that if we believe he has done a chemical attack we should do that and those attacks will get bigger and it is the only way they have got actually of stopping the inevitable victory of Assad are you saying that there may by something faulty with the intelligence the proof that President mackerel has said he has with thee to quote the defense secretary here Gavin Williamson the significant body of intelligence which suggests the Assad regime is responsible for what happened in Douma are you suggesting there may be faulty intelligence behind all of this I think of it saying it suggests it did it I am not sure that is strong enough if they have got and I am not privy to this if they got really good intelligence let us say for example GCHQ or NSA intercepts og Syrian officers discussing an attack and saying yes let us use chlorine then okay fine and I have no difficulty with what was done none at all I think if if he has used chemical weapons it is absolutely right to do a rap across his knuckles to show him that the international community are not willing to put up with this and it is right to do (3:41mínúta) it but I just wonder you know we have had some bad experiences on intelligence when I was chief of Defense Intelligence I had a huge pressure put me politically to try and say that –stop (mínúta 3:54)

Egilsstaðir, 20.04.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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