Channel: Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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SEND THIS VIRAL: JOURNALIST SPEAKS THE TRUTH ABOUT PARIS ATTACK, & MUCH MORE - Lengd: 10:46. eftir KafkaWinstonWorld579.147 áhorf 


Ég er ekki að segja þér að hlusta á þetta allt, þetta er sýnishorn af umræðunni.


10:46 Paris Attacks Hoax: Crisis Actors Horrible Lines Anti Gun Agenda Exposed (Redsilverj) - Lengd: 2:55. eftir TeamWakeEmUP32.967 áhorf

2:55 WikiLeaks Reveals who Funded Paris Attack - Lengd: 10:32. eftir The Alex Jones Channel325.696 áhorf

10:32 Paris Attacks Hoax: Jolly Crisis Actor Was Shot in the Butt Exposed (Redsilverj) - Lengd: 8:02. eftir TeamWakeEmUP62.905 áhorf

8:02 Anonymous - Truth About Paris Attacks - Lengd: 3:41. eftir truG79249.149 áhorf

3:41 Paris Attack Witness Describes Gunmen As White, Muscular, Clean Cut Mercenaries! FALSE FLAG ALERT! - Lengd: 5:08. eftir PressResetEarth162.727 áhorf

5:08 A global act of false flag terror - on tour: Ole Dammegård - Lengd: 2:27:38. eftir Morph31426.845 áhorf

2:27:38 Top 10 Proofs The Paris Attacks are Likely a False Flag Event - Lengd: 20:45. eftir Godrules17.943 áhorf

20:45 50. The 3 Coming False Flag Attacks - Lengd: 16:46. eftir TruthNeverTold973.173 áhorf

16:46 Paris France "Terrorist Attack" Hoax Explained - Learn From History OR You Are DOOMED TO REPEAT IT! - Lengd: 16:19. eftir Russianvids131.651 áhorf

16:19 Paris Attacks: History of false flags, the media war & build-up to WWIII - Lengd: 50:13. eftir HashemStudioscom107.771 áhorf

50:13 Paris Attack Hoax: Crisis Actor Sister "And That's a Good Thing for Us" Exposed (Redsilverj) - Lengd: 5:26. eftir TeamWakeEmUP45.243 áhorf

5:26 Paris Attacks Hoax: Crisis Actor Brother of Suspect Salah Abdeslam Exposed (Redsilverj) - Lengd: 3:04. eftir TeamWakeEmUP17.163 áhorf

3:04 PARIS ATTACKS FALSE FLAG HOAX - Lengd: 3:24. eftir ConspiracyFiles YouTube33.633 áhorf

3:24 France 24 anchor says Paris' last night attacks were staged. - Lengd: 1:02. eftir StillSpeakingOut112.387 áhorf

1:02 Why They Staged The Paris Attacks! Don't Be Fooled! ISIS IS IN ON IT TOO! (Redsilverj) - Lengd: 5:46. eftir TeamWakeEmUP81.240 áhorf

5:46 Paris PsyOp Wonder Woman...Whatever Has Happened To Critical Thinking??? - Lengd: 12:29. eftir Peekay2210.153 áhorf

12:29 No prayers for Paris # Fake Paris attack - Lengd: 7:51. eftir Queen Ra18.386 áhorf

7:51 Paris Terror Attack False Flag Proof REVEALED - What You're NOT Being Told! - Lengd: 6:14. eftir PressResetEarth192.952 áhorf

6:14 The Truth About The Paris Terrorist Attack - Lengd: 27:24. eftir Stefan Molyneux562.294 áhorf

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