Þarna virðist Washington hafa sagt að USA mundi ekki skipta sér af svæðisbundnum deilum, og þá er strax farið í landvinninga.
Vonandi er leyfilegt að kynna þetta svona, ef ekki þá laga ég þetta strax. jg
Beijing refuses to move on sea disputes as US meet ends
“….. China's stance on the case is "in line with international law", Yang said, insisting that Beijing's position "has not and will not change".
The case, he said, should be settled directly between the parties involved and called on Washington to "honour its promise of not taking a position in territorial disputes". ……”
…… "The South China Sea had been China's territory since ancient times and China had every right to uphold its territorial sovereignty and lawful and legitimate maritime entitlements, Yang said".……
Það er önnur grein á bls. 22 í Time, 07.06.2016.
Þar eru góðar myndir.
“Chinese waters?
Six governments lay claim to sometimes overlapping parts of the South China Sea
--- but Beijing wants to control nearly all of it.”
Egilsstaðir, 14.06.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson