Robert Hugh Benson
Terrifying Prophecy Written in 1908 About Barack Obama and Pope Francis
Birt 12. jan. 2016
Robert Hugh Benson penned a novel called "prophetic" by Pope Benedict XVI and recommended by Pope Francis I on three occasions. Lord of the World is seeing literal fulfillment in 2015-2016. Literal events such as a Paris convention, U.S. Senator Julian Felsenburgh's final year tour across the world, Europe in crisis, and Father Francis who assists Felsenburgh in setting up the new religion for the golden age of humanity. Humanity soon learns it's no golden age at all.
Robert Hugh Benson AFSC KC*SG KGCHS (18 November 1871 – 19 October 1914) was an English Anglican priest who in 1903 was received into the Roman Catholic Church in which he was ordained priest in 1904.
He was lauded in his own day as one of the leading figures in English literature, having written the notable novel Lord of the World (1907).
Egilsstaðir, 14.04.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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